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Thumbs! (1/11 edition)

Let’s get some “Thumbs” moving in this edition!

We’ll get it going with…

  • Thumbs UP! to Luna Technologies. After they lost a lawsuit and had a giant judgment placed against them, they went into bankruptcy and we thought that their days were numbered. They were able to settle the verdict down and are about to emerge from bankruptcy and make a go of it. Not many people know that Luna has an office in Danville (in the warehouse district).
  • Thumbs UP! to Toby Marvici. We’ve already had a feature article on four-year-old Toby, but we just gotta give the kid some more recognition. Take a look at those photos and you’ll smile no matter how bad your day has been. Congrats to the junior wrestler and his spirit!
  • Thumbs UP! to Jughead, Danville police officer Mike Smith and the woman who phoned in her sighting of Jughead. Jughead was the poor dog who got a plastic container stuck on his head and then went on the run. A citizen saw Jughead, called in and Officer Smith was able to catch the dog and get the container off his head. Jughead’s doing fine and will be up for adoption soon.

Unfortunately, the thumbs don’t go up all the time…

  • Thumbs DOWN! to the Register & Bee editorial staff. I’m not sure who pooped in the cornflakes this week, but first they took a nasty shot at outgoing Danville sheriff Jim Dooley, and a few days ago, took aim at the Danville Police Department for enforcing the three-day moratorium on identifying the officer who shot and killed a criminal. Considering that the police department wasn’t legally obligated to respond to a FOIA request for five days, it just sounded like butthurt and sour grapes in their editorial.

But we’re determined to go out on a happy note in this edition…

  • Thumbs UP! to Gracie Gunnell. If you don’t know Gracie, you should meet her. She’s the host of her own talk show on Chatmoss Cable and she’s one of the best friends of law enforcement that you’ll ever find. Gracie worked her butt off and helped make the “Shop With A Cop” charity program a giant success. And finally, Gracie got out of bed in 15 degree temperatures on Saturday morning to go cover “Joe The Plumber”‘s appearance at Mary’s Diner and even was gracious enough to let us use some of her photos. We love Gracie!

Where will the Thumbs go next time? Got any Thumbs! of your own? You know the drill!

1 comment to Thumbs! (1/11 edition)

  • Gracie

    Thanks for the thumb.I appreciate it. Will keep you posted on more. We will soon be working on the next ball game with the police and sheriff offices. Also in June the Special Olympic torch run will come thru the county and city. Another one of my favorite events.

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