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Mike McPadden visits Danville on Friday night

Mike McPadden, one of the candidates for the Republican 5th District nomination, will be in Danville on Friday night. SouthsideCentral hopes to be there LIVE!

Make your way to Mary’s Diner (1203 Piney Forest Road, Danville VA) and meet McPadden. He’s hosting a dutch treat dinner and will be talking about his candidacy. You can learn more about McPadden at his website.

If everything works out, we’ll be there LIVE! and have some photos of the event.

7 comments to Mike McPadden visits Danville on Friday night

  • Reality

    Why? He, according to you, is a “clown car” candidate?

    Why bother?

    You have said that Hurt is the only one “with a chance”, so why not focus all your journalistic excellence his way?

  • kelley in virginia

    thanks for covering this Southside (if you are able to make it).

    Though I am a Hurt supporter–a strong Hurt supporter–we want the other candidates to receive warm (but not overwhelming!) welcomes everywhere they visit in Southside Virginia. we are hospitable people.

  • Will White

    Everyone should come out and listen to Mike McPadden he is a true conservative. In other words come out and make up your mind for yourself.

  • Dave Cline

    I am not ready to jump on the Hurt wagon. I have to say that I like McPadden too. He seems to have his head on straight and is certainly a conservative. I am undecided in this primary but will say that at this moment it is ‘between’ McPadden and Boyd. I like what I see in both of them. I truly think that either can defeat Perriello. I am not impressed with Morton and Verga, though.

  • kelley in virginia

    i am interested to see how much money each campaign has raised. Hurt says he’s raised close to $300,000 from 450 donors. Verga says he’s raised about $250,000 from a smaller # of donors (he has admitted to lending his campaign a big chunk of that).

    even if we had barry goldwater out here, but he couldn’t raise any money, then he couldn’t compete against Perriello.

  • Dave CLine

    Mcpadden has personal wealth to infuse into primary campaign and from what I understand is raising some money…and IMO, whoever wins the primary he will NOT have trouble raising money in the general…..beating Perriello is is the goal that will unify donors and workers behind whomever it is….all the major players are pretty conservative and will be (ultimately) acceptable to most of conservative minds in the district.

    I will speak to the other candidates that I consider to be ‘major’ players in the primary (Verga, McPadden, Morton, Boyd, and Hurt.).

    McPadden is genuine, real, conservative and articulate. He is a proven leader and supports an revision of the tax code. His big passion is liberty, and that is likewise a passion of mine. He understands the issues.

    I have seen Verga speak twice, and am not convinced that he is articulate enough to beat Perriello…I can’t put my finger on it, and do not want to publicly speculate, but it is something about his presentation that I really do not like.

    Morton seems to have some popular appeal, but with all due respect, she comes across a republican first, and a conservative second….she touts her “intense support and work for republican candidates” as a reason to vote for her….IMO that might be a reason not to. She sounds like another establishment candidate….and I, personally am somewhat averse to that.

    Boyd, initially…before I heard McPadden….he was ‘my’ candidate. He has worked hard for (and won) conservative credibility in elected positions within the Charlottesville area far from conservative. This demonstrates that perhaps he can and will get things done in the cesspool that is DC, for conservatism. Since he hails from the same general area as Perriello, that is a plus too. However, my leaning is moving away from him toward McPadden…reason being that Boyd is not doing much to get his name out in the southside, and I feel is resting on the northern end to carry him past Hurt. I think it is a mistake to concede the Southside to Hurt….and it seems that may be what he is doing.

  • Steve McD

    Why support a candidate who voted for tax increases (Hurt). He will be the status quo of what Washington is currently. Check out McPadden and see what his opinion is.

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