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There they go again…

Since Karen Maute’s proposed 25-mile uranium mining ban was defeated, you’d hope that the topic was dead and buried, eh? Wrong. Tuesday night, Marshall Ecker will try and get the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors to pass a 20-mile ban. Second verse, same as the first.

Here’s a look at the proposed resolution…

Now, my turn…

Whereas, since the 25 mile ban was a stupid-ass idea, this 20-mile ban is a stupid-ass idea.

Whereas, since the Dillon Rule would make this unconstitutional in about 3.71 seconds, this 20-mile ban is a stupid-ass idea.

Whereas, since the anti-uranium doom-and-gloomers want to preemptively ban something that may turn out to be good, this 20-mile ban is a stupid-ass idea.

Whereas, since Karen Maute lost before and should lose again, this 20-mile ban is a stupid-ass idea.

Whereas, since Southside Concerened Citizens tries to intimidate through resolutions like this, this 20-mile ban is a stupid-ass idea.

Be it hereby resolved, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors will soundly reject this stupid-ass idea and finally take a stand like Fred Ingram, who says that let’s see what an independent study says.

Be it further resolved, that the anti-uranium mining people of the Southside Concerned Citizens quit using using Chicken-Little hyperbole to scare weak-minded people into believing that uranium mining will definitely destroy Southside Virginia for 82,174 years.

Given under my hand today this 18th of January, 2010.

Bruce Hedrick

3 comments to There they go again…

  • Ace


    We do not want our supervisors to use taxpayer’s money to allow a uranium mine ad milling in the Mega Park!

    Again, this has nothing to do with the Halifax’s Southside Concerned Citizens, they have no part of Pittsylvania County independent anti-uranium people, and we are individuals fighting uranium mining and milling!

    Please allow the posting below and you should add the meeting to your blog to a fair and balance blog!

    Come to the meeting in Richmond:

    Mar 11: Uranium Mining in Virginia Symposium

    Thursday, March 11, 2010
    Location TBD (near the State Capitol) Richmond, VA
    6pm reception

    Save the Date: Uranium Mining in Virginia Symposium
    Join Friends of the Earth for a Uranium Mining in Virginia Symposium in Richmond, VA. The goals of the symposium are to examine the health and socio-economic impacts of proposed uranium mining in Virginia. The conference will provide participants with information about experiences with uranium mining all over the world. Specific attention will be given to the water quality and quantity impacts of uranium mining, alternatives to uranium mining, health consequences of uranium mining to local populations, and new versus old techniques of uranium mining. (Note: The conference will not focus on the pros and cons of nuclear reactors and power plants). For more information, please contact Brent Blackwelder, President emeritus, Friends of the Earth at 202-966-3451.

    Who Should Attend?
    State And Local Officials, The Media, Concerned Citizens, Planners, Those Living In Potentially Impacted Areas

    Doug Brugge, Professor of Public Health & Community Medicine at Tufts University
    Gordon Edwards Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility
    Manuel Pino Director of American Indian Studies, Scottsdale Community College
    Paul Robinson Research Director, SW Research & Information Center (N.M.)

    Sponsoring Organizations:
    Friends Of The Earth
    Piedmont Environmental Council
    Sierra Club, Virginia Chapter
    Southern Environmental Law Center
    Virginia Conservation Network,266,2799,-1,html

  • SouthsideCentral

    But SouthsideCentral isn’t “fair and balanced”! We’re always right. 😀

    Seriously, I’ve got no problem giving this meeting some publicity. I’m sure that both sides of the uranium mining issue will be represented in a “fair and balanced” manner. (yeah right)

  • Ace

    Have you been to meetings on both sides of uranium mining?

    Fair and Balance means you study both sides of a situation.

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