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Happy Retirement, Ruby Archie!

Although I predicted this would happen in this SC article, I asked Ruby Archie to make SouthsideCentral a liar by running for re-election. Of course, I was kidding… but I hope Ruby Archie has a terrific retirement.

Ruby Archie was one of the best teachers in the Danville Public School system, teaching English at George Washington High School. She always had a kind word for her students and finished her career as the head of the English Department. After that career, she deserved a nice retirement but Archie decided to give back to her city and run for Danville City Council. She won her election, won three re-election bids and even became Mayor of Danville from 1998 to 2000. Ruby Archie became a true ambassador of Danville, always having a smile on her face.

Tonight, Ruby Archie announced that she would not run for a fifth term on Council. Danville will have a great void to fill on Council and Archie’s voice will be sorely missed.

I salute Ruby Archie for her exemplary service to both the students of Danville and the city of Danville itself. I hope that she enjoys her well-deserved retirement.

8 comments to Happy Retirement, Ruby Archie!

  • Watchman

    Yes, this is the fine person who charged the Danville Public Schools $1,500 to speak to teachers at the start of the year conference. A standing city councilperson charging another city department the “privilage” to hear her words. Discraceful….

  • Barry Tuck

    huh? You are saying she charge $1,500 for just speaking? How many were at the conference, where was it, was there food? Special guest?

    Maybe there was a reason for the cost. She seems, from the article read, to be a great woman.

    I’d love to meet her.

  • Watchman

    It was the start of the year meeting for all teachers seceral years ago. She was paid $1,500 for a 20 minute talk to about 800 employees. I know for a fact she was paid. It was a serious misuse of school funds.

  • SouthsideCentral

    I have confirmed Watchman‘s statement with Dr. Sue Davis, the superintendent of Danville’s school system.

    This speaking fee “incident” happened under a previous Superintendent. I intend to find more about this “consulting fee” and how/why it was arranged. Based on what I’ve learned so far, I am concerned with the consultant fee issue.

    That being said, I’m still deciding if this deserves a separate SouthsideCentral article, as this article’s place is to salute Ruby Archie for her career. I’m still thinking about that.

  • Watchman

    Don’t be fooled. This incident was orchestrated and designed by Sue Davis. Contrary to what she says it took place under her watch. Don’t shift the blame now. Follow the facts.

  • Lexie

    Don’t let the door hit her on the A on the way out. Just joking.
    She was a fine teacher at GW.

  • Barry Tuck

    Lexie, assuming that was in a joking tone amde me laugh. LOL

  • Lexie

    Yea I was just kidding.
    My hubby says he knows a Barry Tuck. Did you ever work at Goodyear???

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