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Dumbass of the Day! (1/26)

Pants across yo’ face, pants across yo’ face, gonna go to jail for slappin’ pants across yo’ face.

From our friends at the Eden (NC) Police Department…

On Friday, January 22, 2010, Justin Michael Sanders of 817 Klyce Street, Eden, N.C., was arrested on a warrant service that charged him with Assault and Communication Threats. According to the warrants, Sanders unlawfully and willfully did assault and strike Bobby Sanders by flipping over the chair he was sitting in, slapping him with a pair of pants and hitting him about the face with his fist. The second warrant alleges, he unlawfully and willfully did threaten to physically injure the person of Bobby Sanders by verbally stating that he would be coming back in a couple of days to finish the job and the threat was made in a manner and under circumstances which would cause a reasonable person to believe that the threat was likely to be carried out and the person threatened believed that the threat would be carried out. Sanders was released on a $1,500 unsecured bond and he is scheduled to appear in Wentworth District Court on February 5, 2010.

Yep, assault by slapping a guy with a pair of pants. Dumbass.

9 comments to Dumbass of the Day! (1/26)

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by virginiaBNN, Southside Central. Southside Central said: How about a Dumbass of the Day? – SC article at […]


    I think this is really inconsiderate of your police department and it is just a shame that you people have nothing better to do with your time than to blast someones personal life on the internet… people just have no remorse anymore for the deceased.. let me tell you people something Justin Sanders was the best person you could ever meet and he has the biggest heart ever something you people seem to be missing. maybe ill just make a website bashing your so called police department please feel free to contact me about this issue and i will see to it that this BULLSHIT is taken down YOU PEOPLE ARE THE DUMB ASSES OF EVERY DAY ……. HAVE A HEART

  • Tori

    Dumb ass of the day huh?
    thats not even right?!
    you have no respect for anyone
    who are any of you to put the buisness of someone not with us anymore on the internet for anyone to find?!your the dumbasses of the day. this proves how smart you guys really are. justin is deceased now and theres no reason why ANYONE should be posting this for his grieving faimily to see?! how INCONSIDERATE you would think being police officers you would know that he is no longer with us. i nor any one else finds this a laughing matter. Justin was a great person with a big heart and good intentions and he effected the lives of of those he encountered each and every day. He DOES NOT deserve for his name to be bashed for people all over the enternet to find. Your police department is a DISGRACE! each and everyone of you should be ashamed of yourselves. i will see to it that the EDEN POLICE DEPARTMENT’S name be bashed for the stupidity of the officers and/or people who created this post. you have truly proved just how crooked you cops really are. instead of doing your job your sitting around eating donuts created a BULLSHIT webpage bashing some one who is gone. when in reality your lives arnt perfect either. CONGRATS EDEN POLICE DEPARTMENT for making your selves look like the JACKASSES you truly are. we will see to it that this page is taken down OR your local news station WILL be contacted.

  • SouthsideCentral

    The Eden police department has nothing to do with the content here. The arrest report of Justin Sanders is public record.

    Any other comments come from the authors of the articles and in this case, that is me.

    I’m sorry to hear of Mr. Sanders’ death. However, the stupid crime report remains quite stupid and humorous. Stupid and humorous crime stories make people laugh. I’m not the only person who found this crime report laughable, and I’m not the only person to write about it.

    The Eden police department can’t influence what is published here. If you’d like to contact the local news media about it, I’d welcome the additional publicity.

    This article will remain up.

    Bruce Hedrick

  • R. J.

    You know, it’s rather sad that the state of affairs of people and their writing skills. Anyway, they apparently didn’t read carefully enough to see that this is an independent blog of the Eden Police Department or any other for that matter. If they had, all of these threats and insults would be null and void. They obviously didn’t see the fact that they were dealing with a “media” source and not the Eden Police Department.

    Mr. SC, because I know you personally, I know that not only are your condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Sanders are genuine, but your sincerity of how laughable these kinds of crimes that are committed are reported. Unfortunately, people don’t understand your snarky sense of humor for inane things such as being charged with assault by a pair of pants. How were you to know this gentleman had passed away? Go Figure. In the words of Randy Jackson, I say, “Do you!” And to you ladies who think they are going to have this or any other site taken down for the simple fact that you don’t agree/like what is posted on here, may I suggest reading the First Amendment of the United States Constitution?

  • Just me

    Deceased or not, if he did it & it is true, then so be it. Just be thankful idiots weren’t there to protest at this mans funeral! May he RIP.

  • tori

    it doesnt matter if it was pulic or not when you find out someone is gone then you should have enough decency to remove it. surely you have enough that deleting one isnt going to hurt.
    and this doesnt have anything to do with my or anyone elses writing skills. and i dont belive that you had anything to do with my comment. lauphable or not its still rude to bash someone unable to defend themselves

  • SouthsideCentral

    See above.

  • tori

    still look just as stupid. see my comments above 🙂 thanks

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