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UPDATED: ThreadSpotting: “I want to ride my bicycle…”

How could we pass up a trainwreck of a thread that features Jesus giving somebody the finger and Hitler? And that’s just the first page!

HalifaxTalk: A Web Page For Bicyclicists

Hoo boy. Random Shots-O-Snark Time!

  • Does “Animal” (Who builds their persona on a character from a TV show that was cancelled 28 years ago?) have the arm strength to nail Mr. handyman with a bottle while riding by on the highway? If he can pull off that feat, will we have laws banning drive-by bottle tossings soon? What will the charge be? “Assault with intent to cause absolutely no bodily harm by using a ridiculous weapon?”  If he threw a bottle of beer, maybe some would go into Mr. handyman‘s bread and make it taste even better!
  • It’s a shame that Mr. Conner took down the photo of Jesus giving the finger while riding a bike. That was Snarky Goodness all by itself. (more about that later…)
  • Ms. ras (of Clan Talbott) wins a Bucket-O-Irony award for this quote… “two questionable judgment calls don’t equal one really good one”. Perhaps she’s reviewed Clan Talbott’s moderation skills when making that observation?
  • Hitler! We all ♥ photos of Hitler! It’s even hosted on the News & Record’s website! I guess it comes in handy during meetings of their editorial board.
  • tangerine gets Gasps-O-Horror from the Holy Roller Social Club for using the “D” word. Only (oh the humanity!) she actually SAID the D-word!
  • Ms. Boxers gets the word “fart” into the thread and her mission is accomplished. YAY!
  • Sigh… just after the ladies of the Holy Roller Social Club have gotten back in the chair and are now fanning themselves, Ms. Boxers says “insert derogatory term for female anatomy that begins with ‘C’ and rhymes with ‘hunt'”  and the Holy Rollers have another case of The Vapors!
  • The moderator wants to know why nobody has done the moderation for her. Boing.
  • Duck flies in and flaps her feathers around for being told “You got a problem, say something directly instead of running and telling the teacher.” Bonus points for Ms. ras (of Clan Talbott) for saying that.
  • So it seems that Mr. handyman (and maybe Duck) are now staying away from HalifaxTalk. At this rate, that messageboard is going to be as empty as a Planning Commission meeting about Riverdale.

We’ll wrap up this ThreadSpotting with a Nominee for Post-O-The-Year by Mr. handyman

As for some ass tagging you with two and a half tons of SUV… we both know it is just a matter of time if you continue to operate a slow speed conveyance on a high speed roadway. Your insistence on continuing with a high risk activity almost guarantees it.

Zing! Thanks for the submissions on this thread, readers!

UPDATE #1: Darrin (of Clan Talbott) pops in to drop this into the conversation…

And I just wasted 30 seconds of my life to check it and see that Bruce is still whining about how things are over here.

I’m glad that he doesn’t want to come back.

Darrin: What you call “whining” is just a humorous recap of the trainwreck thread. And how your stories change… first it was something like “time heals all wounds” when your voice said something completely different. Feh. And by the way, I never said don’t want to come back. In fact, you’re lying. I do want to come back, but I know it’s not going to happen. But hey, your lies make you look good, eh?

UPDATE #2: Darrin (of Clan Talbott) just doesn’t get it. I’m not sure, but I think he’s saying that the SC TipLine is a lie by saying that I’ve said that I will never reveal my sources? He brings up my outing of the userfriendly sockpuppet as an example, but that makes no sense. I protected the identity of who gave me the clues that I needed, so I have no idea what he’s talking about.

My complaining will not get me “allowed” back on his site! Well, damn, he told me, eh? 😀

UPDATE #3: I ♥ #1 Stalker Fan Bobbi Moore!

UPDATE #4: Yep, I still think that Tom McLaughlin is/was userfriendly.

3 comments to UPDATED: ThreadSpotting: “I want to ride my bicycle…”

  • HomeStyle

    Wow- I saw the “hobby” icon yellow and thought they were talking about Pants on the Ground so I skipped it. Didn’t know I was missing all of this…
    So sad. No one can really say much of anything now without being jumped on. Not just this thread but over and over and over… Just sad.
    I hate to see it so very different from what it was just a year or so ago.

  • Tangerine

    Excellent recap! Two thumbs up! 🙂

  • Halifax007

    “This is gold, Jerry. Pure gold!” – Kenny Bania

    Seriously, great digs. Great recap. Hysterical.

    /still doesn’t want to be banned from halifaxtalk
    //promptly shows self out

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