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ThreadSpotting: It’s snowing. Let’s have an abortion!

This leap of logic would have taken Evel Knievel completely across the Snake River Canyon.

HalifaxTalk: REALLY??? (ALL CAPS + lots of punctuation marks!?!?!? + non-descriptive thread title = Loads-O-Fun)

It’s a typical HT trainwreck. A head explodes on Page 2, shots are taken at middle school sports, even a Well Played shot at Jeremy Jeffress (bonus points for that)… all of the fun. However, all of that is reduced to amateur status when medievalmaniac drops this Leap-O-Logic into the thread…

In all seriousness (and wishing I weren’t, but that’s reality for you) I wonder how many teen pregnancies and/or abortions in our area in the upcoming months might be the direct result of so many days out of school and in several cases apparently unchaperoned (because ‘high schoolers are old enough to look after themselves’, as someone who’s left her teen home the past few days pointed out). Also, it would be interesting to drug-test all employees and high school students on their return from this “safety-inspired” hiatus…

People, this is why this “going green” movement is totally wrong. By reducing global warming, you’re directly adding to the teen pregnancy rate, the abortion rate and the drug usage rate. But enough about all of the schools in the area. I just think of all the fun we missed out on during snow days when we just went outside and played in the snow, then sat around, played games & watched The Price Is Right.

Whoops! Thank goodness I refreshed the thread before publishing this article. I had no idea that Nick Elmes had been the recipient one of the Conner Close Call Clip awards. This thread just moved to a new level of trainwreckishness. Stay tuned for updates!

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