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Three strikes. You’re out!

The anti-uranium mining foes people picked up yet another strike in their attempts at another preemptive ban.

Another try to ban uranium mining at mega park fails

Let’s see… you just throw together a resolution that “permanently” bans uranium mining from a large parcel of land and hope a governing board just swallows it. Fat chance. It fails yet again because nobody else will even second the motion. I have to ask if Hank Davis is insane for making the motion in the first place. Something like this should at least be properly placed on the agenda before it’s voted down in flames. 🙂

Now let’s talk about some of the Classic Quotes from the anti-uranium folks…

Deborah Dix, the author of this resolution, said after the vote…

“To me, it’s sort of obvious they do plan on mining and milling uranium there”

Um, no. They’re not all out to get you. They’re just saying that a preemptive ban is very premature at this time frame.

Next, let’s see what Karen Maute, the author of the two failed preemptive bans, has to say…

Maute, who was at the meeting Monday, said the RIFA board killed the motion partly to intimidate citizens who had attended the meeting.

“The lack of discussion was deafening,” Maute said. “Why not discuss the merits of this resolution?”

Oh yeah, they’re out to get you too, Karen. They’re trying to intimidate you. 🙄 No, Karen, just like the two other times you’ve seen your proposals for preemptive bans die, they’re not interested in what you’re trying to push down everybody else’s throats. Who’s the one that’s been using intimidating tactics?

I look forward to Danville City Council’s discussion on this “resolution”. I will be there and I will give them my opinion.

4 comments to Three strikes. You’re out!

  • Ace

    Yeah, SC going to the meeting!

    Actually it is only strike 1 with RIFA; we will be back with the same resolution.

    What part of the resolution that you did not like?

    Do you like that RIFA takes Taxpayer’s money and we do have a voice on the meeting?

    Mr. Davis presented the resolution because citizens do not have a voice during the meeting; do you think this is right?

    Do you support taxation with representation?


    Whereas, Pittsylvania County and the City of Danville have invested millions of dollars for the purchase and development of the “Mega Park” in the Berry Hill Community in the Southwestern area of Pittsylvania County through their partnership in the Danville Pittsylvania Regional Industrial Facility Authority incorporating the acquiring of real estate and consultant designs for environmental impacts, utilities and infrastructure, and

    Whereas, it is the intent of Pittsylvania County and the City of Danville and the Pittsylvania Regional Industrial Facility Authority to continue investment in and development of this park to provide new jobs and enhance the economic stability of the region by locating new industrial prospects, and

    Whereas, it is imperative for the industrial prospects to have confidence that their investment in our region will not be compromised by uranium mining if Virginia lifts the current moratorium,

    Whereas, it is the responsibility of Pittsylvania County and the City of Danville and the Pittsylvania Regional Industrial Facility Authority to protect the health, safety welfare and prosperity of the citizens of Pittsylvania County and the City of Danville; then

    Be it hereby resolved, that the Danville Pittsylvania Regional Industrial Facility Authority, will not sell, lease or otherwise make use of mineral rights it owns on at the Berry Hill Mega Park for the mining of uranium or construction of a uranium milling operation.





  • SouthsideCentral

    Darn, I thought I made myself clear. Let me say it one more time.

    ANY preemptive ban on ANY uranium mining is not acceptable. Let’s wait for the scientific study. The. End.

  • Bucky Goldstein

    “The anti-uranium mining foes…”

    Wouldn’t an anti-uranium mining foe be pro-uranium? 😉

    Reply: Ha! The old double negative. You’re quite right and I’ll make the change.

  • Ace

    The study has nothing to do with the resolution because the land is pay for by taxpayers money.

    We do not want mining or milling of uranium on taxpayer’s money, if VUI want a mill on the Dan River, stay out of the park!

    Again, no to uranium mining or milling on taxpayer’s money, don’t give a hoot about the study.


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