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The TEA parties do their own 5th District Food Chain.

Everybody’s getting in the Food Chain game!

The TEA Party Perspective: “The Lump Report”

The leaders of the Danville, Lynchburg and Charlottesville TEA parties had a conference call (I would have loved to be in that call) and came up with their own ranking of the candidates. You can read their criteria along with their commentary.

I’ve compiled their rankings and made their own version of the Food Chain. Since they gave McKelvey a zero rating, we’re giving him a zero rating in our compilation. Let’s take a look at it.

Verga > McPadden > Morton > Hurt > Boyd > Ferrin > McKelvey

  1. Laurence Verga
  2. Mike McPadden
  3. Feda Morton
  4. Robert Hurt
  5. Ken Boyd
  6. Ron Ferrin
  7. Jim McKelvey

Analysis: One line from their entry on Ken Boyd pretty much summarizes their attitude for the whole group…

If he is not interested in us, then we will certainly not be interested in him.

I’m not much for “We’ll take our ball and go home!” attitudes, so that gives me a lot of skepticism about their Food Chain rankings. We know that the teapartiers are upset with Hurt because he’s pulled out of their series of debates. We also know that Bill Hay has already declared his support for Verga and attacks Hurt every chance he gets. That’s more reason to add to the skepticism meter.

Take this for what it’s worth, people.

12 comments to The TEA parties do their own 5th District Food Chain.

  • Why do you say that Hurt has pulled out of the series of Tea Party debates? He’s agreed to come later on. Do you know something that the rest of us don’t?

  • SouthsideCentral

    I didn’t know of that agreement.

    I’ll stand behind my observation that he would have very little to gain by appearing in front of an audience that is quite hostile to him.

  • Dave

    SOuthside Central posted;

    “I’ll stand behind my observation that he would have very little to gain by appearing in front of an audience that is quite hostile to him.”

    I say, yes he does…..because of this (from the tea party food chain;

    “[Hurt]has grassroots support among TEA Partiers on the southside, but nearly none detected anywhere else. He is the GOP establishment candidate in the eyes of most TEA Partiers of the district. This is a burden to him among members who are not from his hometown.”

    Hurt must get some passionate support outside of southside…if not…he will have a tough time winning, IMO.

  • kelley in virginia

    is there debate later this month in Lynchburg? is that a tea party sponsored debate? isn’t Sen Hurt scheduled to attend there assuming no General Assembly business takes priority?

    i look forward to your continued analysis.

  • Manchen

    It is not true that Ken Boyd is uninterested in the Tea Party. This a fiction from Bill Hay, who is on team Vega 24/7. Ken has attend the debates and spent more time with Tea Party people, hearing from them and answering their questions then Robert Hurt has. These are the rankings of just 3 men and no one else. The other poll that came out today showed quite clearly that Verga after spending big money can’t get more than 2%.

    Let’s remember Verga alleged that Boyd ran a bogus poll in December. Today that poll was shown to have been legit with the issuing of the first independent poll. Will Verga/Hay apologize or retract their previous attacks? I guessing no.

  • Dion Richardson

    To Kelley: The next Tea Party debate is 2/27/10 at 7 p.m. at Brookville High School. Hurt, and all other Repub. candidates are scheduled to participate. It is my understanding the “Lump Report” is merely for informational purposes and to generate interest/feedback regarding the November election. Further, it is my understanding the Tea Party is focused on electing representatives who subscribe to the Tea Parties principals that include small governement, fiscal responsibility and adherence to the constitution. (McElvey wasn’t rated because he had just started his campaign thus the zero rating)

  • kelley in virginia

    thanks dion. i would like to attend, but lynchburg is about 90 miles from kenbridge & it would be a late night.

  • Dion Richardson

    Kelly: It is my understanding the debates are posted on the web. So even if you can’t attend you can still get the benefit of being able to hear what the candidates had to say. I’ll try and find out where the post is and let you know.

  • kelley in virginia

    thanks dion.

  • Dion F. Richardson

    Kelly: Did some asking around and i think there are videos of the last debate on utube.

  • kelley in virginia

    thanks. some of the field of candidates are not as impressive as others. i would like to see more.

    you would think the campaigns would post the debate if they think their candidate did so well.

  • YodraN

    I know Rick Sincere had the videos up from the Lane Auditorium debate. There was a second debate hosted by the college republicans that was less well exposed. No idea if there’s video of that.

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