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Danville YMCA plans Fat Tuesday tomorrow (2/16)

Sorry for the short notice, but we just found out about this YMCA fundraiser event a few minutes ago.

From our friends at

Atlanta-based musician Hugh Vaughan will be performing at the Danville YWCA tomorrow night, Tuesday Feb. 16, to celebrate Mardi Gras. The event is a fundraiser for the YWCA, and the cover charge includes Jambalaya, beads, and a chance to be crowned Queen or King of the Mardi Gras. Mention that you’re a Dan Fan or VIP Listener (1045 The Dan and 95-3HLF), and get a $3 discount on the cover charge! The party is from 7-10 pm, at 750 Main Street in Danville. For more information, contact Donelle Corelle, Ms. D Productions, at 434-517-1551, or Carol Ann Lawson at the YWCA, 434-792-1522.

As a part of his hometown fundraising tour, Hugh also performed this past Saturday night at a fundraiser for Convergence Art Guild in Halifax. He grew up in South Boston, VA, and got his start as a teenager in the 60’s playing with Robyn and the Hoods in Danville and South Boston.

Take a look at this article at this link.

The Danville YMCA is located at 750 Main Street. This will be a great event for a great cause.

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