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You’ve just saved $51,900,000! (not)

That’s right, folks. Taxpayers have just saved just shy of $52 Million Dollars*. (That sounds better if you do it in a Dr. Evil voice, by the way) Oh, you noticed that asterisk behind “52 Million Dollars”, did you? Very observant. Let’s see why it’s there…

Dewberry gives estimate on Berry Hill cost

Three years ago, Dan Sleeper said that the mega-park would cost $222 million dollars to complete. He arrived at that number by using the accounting method that is properly known as “making up big numbers to make it sound real good”.

Now, the Danville-Pittsylvania County Regional Industrial Facility Authority has hired the Dewberry firm to handle the master plan for the park. The project manager has came up with a new revised cost of building the park to completion. Shawn Harden says that it’s going to cost $163.9 million dollars. Instead of using the “making up big numbers to make it sound good” method, the Dewberry project manager appears to have used the “pulling big numbers out of your ass” method.

This industrial park is a good eleventy-four years away from any semblance of completion. This industrial park is a good Stone Age from even being started, considering that nobody’s got $83 to break ground (much less the $82.6 bajillion needed to complete it). Hey, making up big fake money amounts is fun! Try it! You can even pretend you’re a high-priced consulting firm while you make up giant random numbers that have absolutely no meaning!

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