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Bronx Boy Bagels cited for failing to submit meal taxes

It really pains me to write this article and I’m really hoping for a happy ending to this.

Danville business charged with owing $7,000 in meals taxes

As you probably know, SouthsideCentral is a big fan of Bronx Boy Bagels. That makes this story tough to report. Normally when you’re in business, it’s smart to use “other people’s money” to keep your business going. When the “other people’s money” is coming from the 6% meals tax that you’re collecting from your customers for business purposes, it’s wrong. While it’s admirable that Bronx Boy Bagels has kept all of their employees during the economic downturn, sometimes businesses are forced to make tough decisions. Taking the money that’s being paid to the city is simply wrong. As a customer, I choose to eat out and I have to pay the 6% meals tax when I make that choice. I expect that money to go to where it’s supposed to go.

This R&B article is only focusing on the ABC violations of not meeting “financial responsibility” requirements (as in not remitting the taxes that have been collected). The bigger part of this issue is that both owners of Bronx Boy Bagels are now facing Class 1 misdemeanor charges of not remitting the collected tax money. This doesn’t change my view on Bronx Boy Bagels or Judy & Steve Salamon. It’s a great place to eat and they work their butts off to offer the quality of their products. In fact, I feel that one way for them to get out of this trouble is for more people to go there and patronize their business often. These people deserve one second chance at getting things straight and I’ll be one of the people that will do what I can.

4 comments to Bronx Boy Bagels cited for failing to submit meal taxes

  • Brian Carrozza

    Failing to pass along meals taxes to the government is a trap that many failing businesses fall into. I am sorry to see Bronx Boy Bagels getting into this kind of hot water and, honestly, I don’t see them recovering. I believe they will be closing their doors within six months.

    Can this business be saved? Maybe. A lot depends on how much they owe their suppliers. If they have been paying their food vendors on time (they can still get credit), Bronx Boy may be able to work their way out of this. If they haven’t been paying their suppliers on time (cash and carry), they are doomed.

    If they do still have credit with their suppliers they will have to make some really hard choices in order to keep their doors open. They will have to immediately let go roughly half of the staff that works there (shambles around there) on any given day, take a good, long, and honest look at the menu choices they offer with an eye towards simplification, and they need to come up with a way to streamline and simplify their food ordering/food delivering system. The only other thing that I can think of to cut down costs would be for them to shutter the second floor dining area, at least for now.

    I wish Bronx Boy Bagels all the luck in the world and hope they can pull out of this tailspin before it is too late.

  • observer

    What I don’t get is they had the nerve to get people to feel sorry for them about the event at the crossing that the Texas Steak House ended up with that they did not get. Could this have been their way to raise the money needed to pay the back taxes???? Look at at all the free advertising they were gettin during the downtown car shows on Star News when Charles and Jessica would go go down town and talk to folks in front of their business. You can’t get better FREE ADVERTISING than that. Seems they want it all handed to them right now. Just observing but I could be wrong!!!

  • angry

    Agreed observer… To southside author; why feel bad for a business owner whose issues are self-inflicted?? In the current houseing crisis, NEVER are the homeowners (to be) blamed for getting loans they knew they could not pay. We need to return personal responsibility to our daily lives. I hope the state throws the book at these owners, they are thieves, plain and simple

    Reply: I feel bad on a totally personal basis. They’ve got some of the best food in the area and I’d hate to see them close down.

  • jaydeebee

    Unfortunately, a prolonged downturn in the economy can sink even the best run business. Doing business anywhere is a challenge, doing business in Cheapskateville VA is more of a Herculean feat. Good luck to Bronx Boys, you serve great food and it would be a shame to see you go.

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