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UPDATED: There’s Panic In the Streets!

The sheriff’s wife has had her purse stolen out of her car while it was parked at South Boston’s First Baptist Church. The South Boston Police Department & the Halifax County Sheriff’s Department are out in full force! We’ve got Breaking News & a ThreadSpotting all combined in one! Oh, this is going to be good…

HalifaxTalk: Lots of cops at First Baptist Church this morning..

So far, these four things I know are true.

  1. It’s great to see that the entire law enforcement community comes together to help on a stolen purse case for any of our regular citizens.
  2. We haven’t seen this much of a police presence since some forgettable rap “artist” performed in town.
  3. Alterations&McWhacky hasn’t been this scared since she called the cops about the peaceful Woodson Hughes protest.
  4. The Usual Suspects haven’t came in and started blaming this on Obama or Bush (yet).

I’m sure we’ll be adding to this Breaking News (or ThreadSpotting) very soon as this heinous crime will be investigated by the South Boston Police, the Halifax County Sheriff’s Office, the Virginia State Police, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, The Department of Homeland Security and Ben Matlock.

Update #1: Oh hell, go read it for yourself. It’s getting hilarious as we all count the number of police officers that were or were not there.

Update #2: Could it get any McWhackier? You better believe it. According to OfferingAlterations, I am a Predator and a Conspirator trying to gain information to case blatant harm. I guess she didn’t want it known that she was the one who called the cops about the peaceful Woodson Hughes rally. By the way, I wasn’t the one to come up with the McWhacky name.

Update #3: This article got 13 hits from HalifaxTalk Not-So-Private Messages on Tuesday. Thanks for whispering about SouthsideCentral! Special Thanks go out to Not-So-Private Message #79778… and you said you’d never read SouthsideCentral. Looks otherwise, eh? 😀

7 comments to UPDATED: There’s Panic In the Streets!

  • Mary Mitchell

    I have just this evening read that entire thread on HT and , as I posted there, it made my HAIR hurt. Whew. That is all I have to say about the subject!

  • guess who?


    I love the updates!

  • Not-->dtalbott

    Stop picking on HalifaxTalk!

  • Old Fool

    I thought the election had been over for a long time, but they are still campaigning. Some folks just can’t let go.

  • savagelady

    I like how you are supposedly taking delight in ruining someone’s name. How is that possible when the name in question is already synonomous with terms such at McWacky and everybody knows you are on the edge? If the person in question didn’t want to be called out about calling the cops on the Woodson protest, maybe s/he shouldn’t have spent so much time on the phone trying to deter people from supporting the cause.

  • Reality

    Old fool.

    The election is over, but the new one must be approaching soon, as Emily is posting on HT again.

    Stanley may be back on again soon too, but he will have to grow a set first. It seems that he would rather send PM’s and elicit mouthpieces to take care of it for him. I am glad that AndyR refused to do that called him out on it in the HT thread referenced above.

    I hope Darin Talbott does not allow his forum to be used by the Noblin gaggle again.

  • Doug

    Gotta love Halifax Talk (or as I call it, Bull Sh*t Central.

    It’s true that if a cop or his/her family member is a crime victim, there will probably be additional response. If you mess with the “good guys” or their families, expect them to take it personally as a group.
    Typically, a purse snatching from a car will warrant one, maybe 2 cops. If a perp is seen in the area, you may get more units to show up (depending on who’s available). I see nothing wrong with this scenario.

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