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Laurence Verga grasps for another straw (and fails).

We had made it 22 days without an article on the 5th District race. That streak comes to an end after a stupid-ass comment by Verga, who said Robert Hurt raised taxes “once again”.

Verga accuses Hurt of raising taxes, ‘once again’

This is convoluted horsecrap. Verga is full of crap calling Hurt a “career tax-raiser” and he knows it. Verga’s dropped in the tier of 5th District candidates where the only chance of him moving upwards is to attack Robert Hurt on everything that he can. Hey, Laurence? This isn’t the way to get that done. If you came up with this idea, you’re stupid. If you got this idea from somebody else, they’re stupid. As it’s been said before quite often, Danny Marshall & Charlie Hawkins voted for that bill six years ago and Vera hasn’t got the guts to call them “career tax-raisers”.

Luckily in the article, Isaac Wood shows how he’s Junior Master Of The Obvious by explaining the difference between a fee and a tax. If Larry Sabato ever gives up his crown as Supreme Master Of The Obvious, Isaac will slide right into that office. But it wouldn’t be a Catherine Amos R&B political article without a quote from Isaac Wood (or Brad Rees… guess he was unavailable. Heh.)

Anyway, while I believe that Verga “said” what he did, how in the hell would anybody else know it? His website features a statement from December 2nd and his “media releases” are last dated January 13th. Is anybody running his campaign? If he’s got the money to fork out for “Joe the Plumber”, he could spring for $100 to update his website.

35 comments to Laurence Verga grasps for another straw (and fails).

  • PD

    Is anyone else beginning to wonder, as I am, that Verga is not really committed to running for the seat. I am am starting to think he may be the designated attack dog. This way other candidates that may have a chance of taking down the establishment candidate (Hurt) will not have to attack so ferociously.

    Hurt may not be a “career tax raiser”, but he is a tax raiser. He also seemed canned and packaged. For humor….he even has the mannerisms of a politician that are reminiscent of Bill Clinton. (the fist with the thumb ‘sticking’ out.)

    Problem with establishment republican candidates like Robert Hurt, is that they only favor a slighty smaller big over reaching government than democrats. I am thinking that Hurt, if elected, would be beholden to the party, as those who put him there, not the people of the 5th district.

    In other words, I fear that he will likely be another Periello in that he will act in lock step and robotically with the establishment politicians, only on the other side of the aisle.

    That is not what we need, In my opinion.

  • SouthsideCentral

    I’m very thankful that I disagree with you. Oh My God. It’s a TAX! Run for the hills! You’re going to call Danny Marshall & Charlie Hawkins “tax raisers” as well? Fooey.

    And for your thoughts of Verga not being committed to the race? Not a chance in hell on that. He’s an investor in real life and considering he’s invested $200K+ in his campaign, he isn’t the type to be happy with no ROI.

  • kelley in virginia

    what is the definition of “establishment” candidate? is that one that currently or formerly held elected office? then add Feda Morton & Ken Boyd in the establishment column.

    or is an Establishment candidate one that has “established” operatives as campaign manager? then add McKelvey to that list because Brian O’Connor, nice guy but very established Republican, is his campaign manager.

    and won’t whoever gets the nomination immediately become the established Republican candidate?

  • SouthsideCentral

    Jackpot! “Establishment” seems to means “Somebody I don’t support” in this race.

    We’ll be right back with more of America’s Favorite Gameshow… “Words Have Meanings” after this commercial break.

  • PD

    No. SC, your simplistic approach to this boggles the mind. Hurt is not the only candidate that I do not support in this race, but he is only one that I refer to as an establishment candidate. Correction, perhaps Morton fits that bill too and for the record, I have never supported her either.

    In my opinion, an establishment candidate is one that first is entrenched and beholden to a particular party first and foremost. The second marker of an establishment candidate is being ‘hand picked’ by national party leaders. you do not get the same guy who gave GWB the swiftboat guys to work with your campaign without some prodding from national establishment politico’s. Hurt certainly is the darling of the established national republican party and would have gotten an official all out endorsement had there not been a grassroots kickback to the national republicans picking our candidate.

    Additionally Tucker Watkins, the fifth district chair is a Hurt supporter who has and is working for his candidate behind the scenes. This is evidenced, in part, by the avid support that Hurt has from the unit chairs, many of whom are lock step with Tucker. Let’s be honest. The whole convention vs. primary fiasco was a slow pitch softball set up for Hurt.

    Words do mean things. Hurt is a conservative in many ways. However, he is not the most conservative in the race. Anyone who says he is is either naive to true conservatism, or just a lock step establishment republican. not sure which is worse.

    I hear people say that hurt is an acceptable conservative and has the name recognition to give Perriello a run for his money and beat him. Well, Hurt may be acceptable, but I for one am tired of not electing principled conservatives for the “sake of the party.”

    i personally asked Mr. Hurt why he voted for the largest tax increase in VA history, his answer was actually more disturbing than the vote. He said “In principle I hated voting for that, but I felt it was the right thing to do to get the government moving again.”

    So – He gave in on his principles for the sake of “getting the govt. running again.” He mentioned troopers and govt. offices closing if it did not pass. Well, I say he should have stood his ground and called their bluff. We know that they were not going to send all state troopers home, come on, be for real. He demonstrated there (and other times) that he is a “go along to get along” kinda politician.

    I want a principled conservative. Hurt does not seem to be that.

  • Manchen

    Hurt is the only establishment candidate because the RNCC picked him- Cantor blessing makes him the establishment as well. BTW there can only be one establishment candidate at a time. Bringing up Boyd and Feda is misdirection and just plain silly.

    Verga is also a clown for his weekly miscues- “I am the Tea Party candidate!” -people who voted for Obama are the greatest security threat- and the latest is Bill Hay as his CM. Bill’s a nice guy and all but this is Verga’s last chance to get the endorsement of all the Tea Parties by buying one of their leaders. I don’t blame Bill for getting a pay day but Verga isn’t going anywhere. He’s is the 3rd pick of the Tea Party at the very best and would be lucky to finish 4th in the primary. The Dueling Mc’s are fighting for the Tea Party’s affection. They like McPadden but he’s never going to have the $ to compete. McKelvey is coming on strong and has more money than anybody right. He’s got to be Hurt’s worst nightmare.

  • kelley in virginia

    i suspect that Hurt got Chris LaCavita as campaign consultant because Chris is the best. if anyone thinks Hurt had to be prodded to make that hiring decision, then you assume Hurt has no political acumen.

    and McKelvey hired a “establishment” campaign manager, make no mistake about that.

  • Manchen

    Kelly I think that LaCivita was part of the “package” of support that Cantor and RNCC promised when they recruited Hurt. Cantor gave him LaCivita. After watching Hurt in the debates I don’t think he can handle Perriello. He seems nice enough but stumbles on facts and fills dead air with political speech that says nothing. If they only run ads and don’t let him speak too much they might have a chance. Hurt’s already gone negative, showing he feels threatened. And if you going to trash someone there is nobody finer for that then LaCivita.

    But calling McKelvey establishment because he hired O’Connor is the funniest or dumbest thing I have ever seen you write. There is nothing about McKelvey that says establishment, if you really believe it I feel sorry for you.

  • PD


    Obviously, Kelly knows nothing about Mckelvey. Insinuating that he is establishment is completely laughable!

    Just like SC, she fell in line with Hurt early, and did not check out the other candidates.

    For example, SC posted that they all were clown car. Then he posted a change in opinion on that once he actually checked some of them out.

  • PD


    Do you know what Mckelvey’s positions are on social issues? I have looked at his site and found nothing. I also emailed the campaign for comment on some of the issues important to me, and have gotten no response.

  • Dana

    I agree with PD on the issue of Hurt.

    On McKelvey though, just this past week my husband and I were discussing McKelvey and decided to do some research on his position on the social issues, and like PD, found nothing on his site. So at around 9pm, I called his campaign office and talked to the guy manning the phone (I really need to start writing down names). Anyway, he told me that the social issues were supposed to be up on the site by the end of this past week, and I’m guessing they still aren’t. Anyway, the guy on the phone told me that McKelvey was pro-life, and would vote for a marriage amendment if presented with it. I’m guessing those are the big two, but I know there is more on the table now with DADT. I think he probably falls in line with typical way the GOP approaches social issues. Anyway, this is just an assumption, but I don’t wonder if he’s waiting to see where the 5th demands he stand before he comes out with something. I just don’t know, but it’s interesting that nothing is up yet.

  • Aaron

    Verga’s campaign is going now where. I dont think he has finished above fifth in the tea party straw polls but he still claims he to be the “tea party” candidate because he pays Bill Hay to help him.

    Hurt got LaCivita because he is great at what he does and because he just helped KC with the AG seat. The only reason people say Hurt is establishment is because he has been in elected office long enough to make friends. I know people hate Cantor, but i dont understand why, he is a solid conservative and has done a great job aligning Republican opposition to the health care bill.

    McKelvey is a good guy and i think he has a chance, but he is going to need to get some support from those outside the tea party. Being a tea party candidate wont win this election. You need the “establishment” voters to win.

  • PD

    I certainly do not hate Congressman Cantor.

    In fact I like him.

    Plain and simple truth is that Robert Hurt, while a conservative, is NOT the most conservative candidate, who is electable in the race. I for one am very conservative and look for candidates to support that meet that same standard.

    The fact that conventional wisdom got behind him so quick is concerning to me, that and the fact that he seems to be a ‘go along and get along” kinda guy…

  • SouthsideCentral

    As I said above, I’m glad that I disagree with you. I do not believe that being “the most conservative” should be a litmus test on who I support.

    I’m sick of partisan “we are always correct” crap, ’cause I got news for people who act that way. You’re not.

    The House of Representatives would be a hell of a lot more effective if they were a body politic that worked together instead of a bunch of “R”s and “D”s telling every camera what the other side did wrong.

    To put the matter at rest for good (like that will actually happen), Robert Hurt was right in voting for the compromise bill six years ago. Marshall, Hawkins & Hurt made the right decision at the time and I do not begrudge them one bit in doing that.

    Screw this “we must have the most conservative person” attitude.

  • PD


    I know you disagree, but it could be worse.

    At least those of us who vote for “the most conservative” in the race are voting based on principles.

    Too many people for people vote with all sorts of really stupid, shallow reasons, and I personally do not think this is one of them.

    For the record, I do not blame liberals for wanting the most liberal to win. The one that best matches their views.

    After all, that is way it is supposed to work.

  • PD

    CLARIFICATION to the last sentence;

    meaning that is the way it is supposed to work, ya know people actually casting a vote based on their principles.

  • kelley in virginia

    In politics, you always need votes. and you always need money. and you always need GOTV boots on the ground.

    I am concerned that some of our 5th district candidates don’t see that political reality. One candidate said that he didn’t need the Republican party. According to one county chairman, another candidate “shot the bird” during a county meeting. Many of the candidates’ supporters are attacking each other on the blogs.

    On June 9th, all of us need to pull together behind the Republican nominee to beat Perriello.

  • PD


    Does that county chair who told you about this middle finger thing have a preference, I am betting they do, and I am betting it is Hurt. Are there others who saw this, what was the reason for the gesture?

    I wonder, which candidate said that he did not need the GOP, please provide the context of the statement.

    As far as ‘attacking’ one another. If Hurt cannot handle those policy and philosophy disagreements now…..he better drop out…because Obama, Emmauel,Pelosi, and company are coming to defend their boy….and it will be ugly.

  • kelley in virginia

    you bet Hurt can handle this rough & tumble campaign; it is I that is concerned about the backbiting.

    go to the Joe Thomas radio show of 2 fridays ago. one of the Mc’s said that he didn’t need the Republican party to win. He is wrong. everybody will have to be working together to beat Perriello.

    as for one of the candidates shooting the bird at the county chairman, i think the gesture was captured on film. will try to find out & get back to you. i do know that many in that unit were turned off by gesture. as I mentioned, we need to pull together, not drive wedges between the very ones that will work against Perriello.

  • PD

    stop being so cryptic…LOL

    I have never heard of that show, and do not know the website. Which “Mc” was it? I would guess McKelvey, but that is a guess.

    For the record, I too would be turned off by that gesture. I just wonder why a candidate would do that. I am confident there was some provocation.

  • Donna

    Are you going to the debate March 20th at Danville Community College?

  • kelley in virginia

    PD: the candidate may indeed have been provoked to shoot the bird.

    Was George Allen provoked to say “macaca”?. we cannot afford to lose to Perriello for something stupid.

    Donna, I want to go to the debate & have asked some friends to ride with me. But I probably won’t ride 2 hours by myself.

  • Donna

    Thanks. I was trying to see if we had enough Hurt supporters to offset the other candidates. I’m sure He’ll do a good job but it is a teaparty debate.

  • PD

    Donna and Kelly,

    I would not worry about the supporters for Hurt not being in attendance. He bused in 50+ of them to the Lynchburg debate.

  • kelley in virginia

    PD, that’s great news. shows organization. to beat Perriello, we will need good organization.

  • jeff

    If Hurt wins the primary Jeff Clark says he will stay in the race in and will give the election to Perriello. So Kelley your candidate is the only candidate that will be running against Perriello and Jeff Clark. I hope you will open your eyes to this fact before it is to late.

  • PD

    If you say so. Just so you know, if that is what you think shows great organization….Mr. McKelvey bused in 50+, too. 😉

    Let me ask you a question;

    If, for example one of the “Mc’s” were to win the primary….would you get behind them and work for their election?

  • Donna

    What do you mean Jeff Clark will stay in the race? Is he running as an Independent? If so, has he filed? If not the deadline is June 8th, the day of the Republican Primary and he has to turn in 3,000 signatures. I do wish him luck because he will need it.

  • kelley in virginia

    if someone other than Robert Hurt wins the Republican primary, I will vote for them. As for the level of my volunteer participation: McKelvey said he doesn’t need Republicans so he won’t be calling upon me.

  • PD

    Kelly, please give me a link to the actual remarks Mckelvey made, i would like to understand the context. Thank you.

  • kelley in virginia

    PD: on Joe Thomas show several Fridays ago.

  • PD

    Excuse my ignorance on the topic of Joe Thomas…do you have a link to his show?

  • PD

    Found it.


    You took his comments COMPLETELY out of context. While McKelvey did say “I am not depending on the republican party to win this campaign.” His meaning is not the way you have conveyed it.

    However context is extremely important. He was answering a question that each candidate answered almost exactly the same. The question was “Are you concerned that there will be change is the 5th district chair before the election.”

    Run down of the answers;

    Ferrin; “No, change is good.”

    Morton; “It is about time”

    Hurt; “No.” Although of all the candidates he seemed to be the most supportive of the current chair, wonder why?

    McPadden; “no.” Essentially said Our campaign is run by our campaign, not the chair of the 5th district.

    Verga; “No”

    Boyd; “No.” It will be refreshing.

    McKelvey; “No.” his comment that you took out context was explaining, as he often does, that his campaign as a republican – is more about conservatism and constitutionalism and therefore actually both includes and transcends the republican party.

    As for him not being a ‘supportive republican”, He also answered another question about health care like this; “I support the republican platform.” (just a little other side of the coin kinda thing)

    Fact is that the current chair has been working against any non “Hurt” candidate.

    All the candidates, except Hurt have been very harmed by the current 5th district chair, and are therefore pretty critical of him. I think they are all frustrated with his working for Hurt behind the scenes and his “tapping” of Hurt for the office. The fix has been in with him from the very beginning, and all six of the non establishment candidates expressed that frustration in answer to that question.

    For the record; McKelvey is not the candidate I am supporting, but you taking of his comments out of context just was not fair, and I could not let it stand uncorrected.

  • kelley in virginia

    thanks PD.

    does anyone know if the McPadden campaign is still butting heads with the McKelvey campaign?

    i got an email from the Boyd campaign yesterday saying they were in urgent need of $20,000. is that a standard sort of appeal from them or is it a special need?

    i don’t know anymore gossip.

  • PD

    Last time I saw McPadden and McKelvey together, they were fist pumping, talking and smiling seeming to get along just fine.

    I do not get Boyd emails, as I am not supporting his candidacy, and therefore do not get the campaign emails from him, so I do not know the answer to your other question.

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