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Three words that terrify me.

Governor Ward Armstrong. 😯 Aaaaaaiiiiiiieeeeeee! No. No! NO!!! Make it stop!

House Minority Leader Armstrong looks to run statewide in 2013

I hadn’t heard this rumor. Or maybe I had, but I mentally blocked it out because I’d have nightmares. Dear Lord, please let this not be true. Please tell me this is really April Fools Day. Please tell me this is a glimpse of an alternate reality. Please tell me that I’ve crossed over into McWhackyWorld©. No. This can’t be true.

Wait a second… this would be great for SouthsideCentral or anybody else who hates extreme-partisan politics. Can you imagine the amount of stuff we’d be able to write about? Mr. “I had a good idea and my bill got passed but I’m not attending the ceremony because the Governor’s a poopy-head and he won’t give me any candy!” running for statewide office? Gotta love it! Come to think about it, Ward Armstrong For President! Yay!

4 comments to Three words that terrify me.

  • I’m just going to refer everyone to this comment I left on Tertium Quids:

  • Will White

    Ward Armstrong wouldn’t get as many votes as Creigh Deeds got. If you remember Ward was the one who got Dave Guill to run for the 60th HOD seat and Dave blamed Ward for not helping him and he quit 6 weeks before election day.Maybe Ward could get Tom McLaughlin to write his kick off campaign speech he did such a great job for Dave Guill.Southside Va needs a good laugh maybe Ward should run.

  • Not - Tom McLaughlin

    If I were Tom McLaughlin I just might have soiled my britches in unbridled excitement.

  • kelley in virginia

    whew. i thought i was the only one who thinks Tom McLaughlin is ___________. he’s not my favorite.

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