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Guest OpinionCentral: Jim Barczak on Halifax County Schools

Here at SouthsideCentral, we’re glad to present opinions from citizens of issues of local and regional importance. Today, Jim Barczak weighs in with an OpinionCentral on his take of the problems with the Halifax County School System.

Time for a changing of the guard.

Rumors are that we are only two retirements away from balancing the school system’s budget. May I make a recommendation to ask for the retirement at the top? And to paraphrase from the Star News Opinion from Brunswick County, North Carolina, dated Oct. 11, 2009, keep the search for a new superintendent transparent. As top administrator in charge of thousands of children the superintendent is no mere employee and should not be shielded from the public. There is no need to be secretive about who is interviewing for the superintendent’s position. Personnel matters should not be decided in secret…the people have the right to know who is in the running for such important and powerful positions. The school board should, at the outset make it clear that all interviews for superintendent be made in public, with finalist presenting their educational philosophy to the public including local educators. Those in the audience should be allowed to ask questions of the finalists. The school board should insist that the superintendent have an annual performance review done in open sessions. The people deserve to see how the superintendent and the individual board members interact, and they need to know exactly what the board believes each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses are. The public has been in the dark for too long. A new superintendent will only be as good as the school board who selects him/her. Are we looking for someone who is political? Or are we looking for someone who cares about instruction of our children? If the board wants to prove that it is competent in selecting a new superintendent, then there must be complete transparency. We need new leadership and we need it now.

At the Board of Supervisors meeting tonight, which was open for citizen’s comments, why didn’t the superintendent speak on behalf of the school system, the teachers, and most importantly the children? There were only three school board members in attendance tonight with only Joe Gasperini speaking, why? The principal from the high school was there, why weren’t other principals? There was one teacher from the middle school and four from Cluster Springs Elementary School…where were the others? It is time to practice our First Amendment…Freedom of Speech. Current administrators in the central office should not have a voice on who is chosen…the buck stops with the school board.

These are my view-points and only my view-points.


Coach Jim Barczak

1 comment to Guest OpinionCentral: Jim Barczak on Halifax County Schools

  • Mary Mitchell

    Kudos to Mr. Barczak! I agree full heartedly and have felt we desperately need a change in the Superintendent position and perhaps changing or even elimination of positions in what appears to many of us as a top heavy administration.
    I have always heard and been told by teacher friends of mine that there is a real climate of fear…that teachers and other staff and administration are often afraid to ever speak out, even though they are taxpayers and citizens also! Many also have their own children and grandchildren in the schools to worry about! So , thank you , Coach Barczak for the willingness to stand up and speak! BRAVO!

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