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Ward Armstrong’s latest publicity stunt

Ward Armstrong must not have seen his name in the spotlight lately.

Armstrong pays visit to Appalachian

Does Armstrong really think that Appalachian Power really wants to disconnect customers? Sheesh. We all know that electricity bills were sky-high during the recent extremely cold winter However, if a customer has not paid their bills or contacted the company to make some kind of payment arrangements (which they seem willing to work out), the theory of Personal Responsibility says that the company’s got to do something to protect their interests.

Armstrong said that like other creditors, Appalachian has legal remedies to try to collect back payments, such as judgments. But unlike other creditors, Appalachian can cut off electricity, he said.

Based on that theory, perhaps Ward thinks that cars shouldn’t be repossessed if you don’t make your payments? Feh. If you can’t make the electricity payments (or any other payments), make contact with the creditor. Odds are they’ll work with you because they don’t want to lose a customer.

But Ward got what he wanted, didn’t he? I saw video of WDBJ’s Keith Humphry walking down the street with him. Ward loves them there cameras!

I’ll close this one out with a zinger that sums it up…

Todd Burns, corporate communications manager for Appalachian Power, said later that Hall had not seen Armstrong’s letter before their meeting. Burns said he reviewed Armstrong’s letter. “It appears the delegate is not very familiar with our policies. Most of what he has suggested is already what we do,” Burns said.


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