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Danville’s newest “movie star”?

Some guy originally from Danville is now a “movie” “star”. (Yes, those “quote marks” are “supposed” to be there.) Whoopee.

Danville native starring in movie

Ah, here’s a story for the Chamber of Commerce and local tourism. A Danville native becomes a movie star about to have his film premiere on Hollywood’s red carpet and comes back to his hometown, telling everybody that he loves the city where he grew up and can’t wait to return to his roots.

We’ve got all that here… except for the fact that (A) he “hasn’t looked back since” he left Danville, (2) the top-billed “stars” reside on the film industry’s C-List, (III) the movie looks like it’s going to be horribly bad and (K) the movie’s premiere is in Omaha, Nebraska. (NEBRASKA!?)

Here’s the Movie-Gebra for this film…

(“8 Mile” – Stars) + (“American History X” – Stars) – $$$ = “Wigger”

Now before we get branded as “haters”, we do believe that this “movie star” has a good chance to replace Linwood Duncan as Danville’s most famous “movie star”. 😀

5 comments to Danville’s newest “movie star”?

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jim Alderson, Southside Central. Southside Central said: Danville's newest "movie star"? Hmph. – SC article at […]

  • Brian

    Yeah he could be working on a bottom rung “tv station” and writing a “blog”. (Yes those quotes are supposed to be there”.

  • SouthsideCentral

    Then I’d give him some more credit. 😀

    I’ll bet I get more viewers on my show than this movie will.

    Keep that “hate mail” coming!

  • Jimmy D

    Yeah that movie will end up in the Dollar Store half off rack.
    Cuz everyone know hicks from Danville spit fire when ya put them in front of a 35mm and Arri light kit. Go ahead tear that sh t up homie.

  • Mavis Chocolatte

    I think Jimmy was totally wrong. This movie will end up in the half off bin at Dollar Tree. I mean come on. And he said he couldnt wait to get out of Danville and hasnt looked back so why would we go see this trash. Thats even if some real movie theater showed it which they wont. And for Brain oops I mean Brian- obvious that you must watch a lot of tv to know its a bottom ring station and that the blog had this story. You just told on yourself there honcho.

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