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Danville City Council Race – Update #6 (Funding)

In this update on the Danville City Council race, we’ll take a look at where the money is coming from.

Let’s take a look at the campaign funding statistics for the period of January 1st through March 31st, 2010.

There are some very interesting numbers here so let’s drill down into them.

  • Alonzo Jones raised almost as much money as the other four candidates combined ($5,355 vs $5,760). He’s outspent all of the others combined ($4817 vs. $4071).
  • Jones received $1000 from Fisher & Watkins Funeral Home, $500 from Bill McMann, $250 from Charles Harris, $200 from Dr. Louis Eliacin, $150 from Larry Campbell, Sr. and $125 from A.F. Caldwell. John Gilstrap reported a $500 contribution from himself. No other candidates reported any contributions of $100 or more.

Remembering that these numbers only go though the end of March (with April contributions and expenditures not listed), let’s look at some observations.

  • We see the reason that Alonzo Jones was able to start TV ads early and why he has signs of all sizes all over Danville. His campaign is very well funded.
  • Although Motley’s cash-on-hand is very low at the time of this reporting, reliable sources tell me that Thomas Motley has received a $1000 contribution from a local business. I’ll update this as soon as I confirm the business’ name.
  • Adam Tomer’s lack of fundraising for the quarter is highly surprising to me. As an incumbent, Tomer should have a base of support that he could draw from. Small contributions of $20 here and $20 there add up quickly.

Final thoughts:

  • After this report was filed, Tomer started his yard sign advertising campaign. Although I firmly believe that Tomer is safe, I don’t feel that he feels the same way. If he really feels that way, this is the time to start an advertising blitz. (DISCLAIMER: I work for a TV media organization and this is solely an observation, not an attempt to sell advertising for my company.)
  • I see Gary Miller as safe in this election and it seems that he has the same general thought (although he’ll never admit to that). Miller’s got enough money to finish this campaign.
  • Alonzo Jones’ fundraising numbers have been much higher than expected, and it’s clear that he has the support of Bibleway church members. Money = Votes with this level of advertising and Jones is an almost-lock for winning this election.
  • John Gilstrap has put a lot of his own money into his campaign but if you’ve got it, you might as well use it.
  • Thomas Motley needs votes which means Thomas Motley needs money. This $1000 contribution that my sources have told me about will go a long way into getting his advertisements out. Let’s see if his campaign spends that money wisely.

9 comments to Danville City Council Race – Update #6 (Funding)

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  • Watchman

    Lets see….Bibleway trying to control the mayor seat, one on school board, another one running for council. This does not bode well for Danville. We do not want a lynchburg style of government with Liberty pulling the strings.
    No on seems to investigate the actions of Jones. Investigate hios actions on the school board as well as his job at Averett. Talk to some former employees. A much different picture emerges. As to his personal life….jeez.
    Where is “investigative” reporting when you need it?

  • yikes

    I can’t believe that more people don’t care about the City of Danville. We have a lot of potential people out there that would make good people on council. What has the city got to choose from. Slim Pickins. Geez come on Danville Stand up for your city and get out and voice your opinions. If it were me that had to decide this out. I would do what Richard Pryor did in his movie . NONE OF THE ABOVE!!!!

  • Lexie

    I like Adam Tomer. He is the only one that has the balls to speak the truth.

  • tangled web we weave

    I have been watching the debates closely on t.v., and I see where Alonzo Jones continues to say he wants raises for the city employees. The city employees have not had a raise in years. Adam Tomer says that the 2010 budget is tight and the 2012 budget is going to be even tighter. If there was no funds to help keep the only shelter open for abused women, childern, and men, where is the money going to come from to give city employees a raise.Stop giving false hope Alonzo. I am a city employee!!!!!

  • Suspicious

    Great lineup for council, 3 ultra liberals and one convicted felon! Tomer is the most conservative of the 5 running and brought up the unauthorized expenditure by the City Manager at Coleman Market Place. He deserves to return to council and, hopefully, he will cast his vote for Sherman Saunders for mayor.

  • Fee

    Rev Thomas Motley has had his rights restored. And his convictions is over thirty years old.if you are a christian,then you know about forgiveness. And by the way he is the only person in this city that has helped people. He has help to pay over two hundred persons utility billa since 2008.He also helps people pay for their medicine,file for disability,file for unemployment claims,just to name a few. Why do he even care? It is the GOD in him. Remember, Moses was a murderer and look how GOD used him.Tomer may have brought up the unauthorized expenditure by the former city manager, but that is all he did.

  • Suspicious

    What church does Thomas Motley pastor? I would like to hear him preach.

  • Dave

    It is sad that we have to stoop to name calling and labelling in order to “try” to get a point across. We need not get into partisan politics like the rest of the country because it gets too ugly. I wish some of you would pray before you start flying off about people and digging up their past, especially when nothing about them at the present nor recent past resembles anything like the skeletons you thought you were digging up. I think every one of the candidates have a genuine love for this city how ever different their individual opinions may differ from the other. Please people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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