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One comment leads to one scathing OpinionCentral.

I just got a comment in on the “Potential change in Danville’s mayorship?” thread that just made my head explode.

Somebody posting under the name of “Pure Life” said…

I do understand what Dave said. Nobody knows of any conspiracy. Why was a write-in created because of a conspiracy? Bad reason to run for City Council. Nothing that I have heard so far convince me to vote for the Write-In Neal Morris. Actually, I have not seen much that this write-in candidate has done for the black community for us to even consider voting for him as a city councilman.

BOOM goes my head. Let me take a deep breath and get ready to let loose…

Dear “Pure Life”:

  1. YOU are a giant part of the problem with Danville. You say that a candidate has to do something for the “black community” to earn your vote. Lady, let me tell you something. I don’t expect a candidate, the City Council, or the entire City of Danville to “do something” for me. Here’s a nice polite suggestion for you… Get off your ass and “do something” for yourself. Quit expecting somebody to “do something” for you and especially don’t base your potential vote on what somebody “does” for you.
  2. The City of Danville would be a hell of a lot better off if there wasn’t a “black community”. The city would be a hell of a lot better off if there wasn’t a “white community”. Quit segregating yourself and “your community” and let’s all work together to make this world a better place.
  3. Read the text of the article you’re responding to. I didn’t use the word “conspiracy”, but what I said in the article is/was true. Whether you choose to believe it or not, it’s right there and ironically in black-and-white.

Whew. That felt good. 🙂

12 comments to One comment leads to one scathing OpinionCentral.

  • Mary Mitchell

    YOU GO, BRUCE!!! This is a BIG part of what is wrong in our nation if you ask me. SO MANY PEOPLE are waiting for someone to DO something for them and the good old ideal of self reliance and responsibility seems to be dying.

    And I so agree re “the _______community”-FILL IN THE BLANK! Black , white, Hispanic….whatever> SHOULD be OUR COMMUNITY. Talk about racism…

    I do not even live in Danville but that made my head explode too as we seem to have a lot of that mentality everywhere!

  • David Luther

    Thank you Bruce for pointing out the racism in the stupid comments made by not-so-pure life. We are all one people, equal, and need to work together.

  • You beat me to it, but see my post under the “mayor” discussion.

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  • Tarheel

    Bruce. You have nailed it.

  • donald rodden


  • Metacognition

    That all depends on whether the “community” needs to have something done that the entirety of the city does not.

    Whether or not the Black community meets that criterion is worthy of debate, of course. But not recognizing that different subgroups are in different situations and have different needs is disingenuous.

  • Jimmy D

    I grew up in the North and have lived in the area for nearly 15 Years. And let me tell you for every redneck that don’t like no black people livin near-em. There is a Brother or Sister looking at you like you personally pointed a fire hose at them. Yes New Yorkers in NYC are rude but where I’m from most people where a smile and say Hello, Thank You, Have nice day etc… Not look you up and down then ignore you. But that exactly it isn’t it? IGNORANCE

  • dave

    Bruce, before you go patting yourself on the back and others blow your head up about how well you answered Pure life’s statement let’s analyze it for a moment. Calling someone a racist because they can clearly see that there is a disparity between the condition of the different communities. Whoever they are they were exactly right in their susequent post in pointing out their view of which community in this city is hurting the most. Lack of education, lack of jobs, lack of suitable finances, murder rate, crime rate, etc., hits the entire community, but as we see and statistics have proven, it hits the black community like not one but two tons of bricks. It is not racist to be able to see and speak about what everybody knows to be true. We can identify the problem but until we get to the heart of it and talk about what is or isn’t being done to correct it, we will never get to a suitable solution that we all can live with. History, statistics, written and verbal policy shows us that there was a systemic disparity orchestrated by those in power to control the ecomomic and social status of certain groups of people in this country for decades. These policies and practices infected many areas of many established institutions. More of them were jailed disproportionately than other groups, many of them were denied the opportunity to work certain professions to build wealth and raise social standing, others were denied loans that would allow them property and business ownership, and still others were not afforded the ability to sufficiently educate themselves for lack of money and opportunity. When we add all this together with other factors we see that the socio-economic ratio was heavily stacked against many of them which still affects their community today. With all this being said, many of them rightfully view themselves as a victim of a racist society that has really done very little to help them improve their condition, while at the same time, telling them they need to pull themselves out of it. It was not stupid nor racist what was said, just an observation of what is and what is not. It is so much more that can be said and backed up with facts, but I will save that for the day that we sit down and talk about it like civil and responsible individuals that want to see real change in these conditions.

  • VaPatriot

    Dave, you said…..”but until we get to the heart of it and talk about what is or isn’t being done to correct it, we will never get to a suitable solution that we all can live with” . However, Bruve has already pointed out the hypocracy in Pure Life’s statement and also in yours! Both of you want someone else to cure all your ailments, all your suffering for you. Neither of you offer anything you are willing to do for yourselves!

    This is what we are tired of and we REFUSE to tolerate it anymore! Get trained, get educated, get a job, quit having never-ending babies, quit playing the lottery, quit the drugs and alcohol, get rid of the “I’m just a poor uneducated minority who can’t do anything for myself” attitude!!!! Do all this and see what the world “gives” you! It’s there; you just have to follow the steps to achieve it!

  • Dave

    I am one that has done all of that and I educate others on how they should do all that for themselves, not wait for “anybody” to do it for you! There is no hypocrisy in that but when so many have run into brick walls historically and presently it is hard to just get out of it. Many of you can say it easily do this and do that as if everyone of a particular group YOU are labelling has babies, are untrained, are uneducated, are jobless, are playing the lottery, on drugs and alcohol. It is clearly obvious that YOU are what is wrong with this country and the reason that we will probably never get anywhere as a community or a nation. You have the attitude that people can just snap their fingers and the deck that has been stacked against some minority groups for decades will just go away and they can just miraculously go out and get that job, that training, that education, that money. There is a reason why the unemployment rate in the Black community is at least 10% higher than other groups and it is not because they don’t want to work either! I usually don’t take offense to things that are said on these things, but I resent the fact that you insinuate that all these people in these “minority” groups fit into the stereotype of your statement above. I respect and value your opinion but I do not accept your characterization, and I pray that God opens yours eyes to the truth before it is too late.

  • Frick

    I got neighbors who are Black and are some of the nicest people Ive ever known..the reason they moved here was to get away from the low lifes who sit around waiting for someome to give them something instead of getting off their butts and earning it..I would just as soon to have a good Black or Hispanic neighbor which I do as to have a low life White neighbor who lives like a bum too..

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