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Potential change in Danville’s mayorship?

(Editor’s Note: I rarely “bump up” a SouthsideCentral article since they’re available on the site & Google indexes them well, but in this case I’m making an exception since this is a very hot topic. This article was originally published on: Apr 22, 2010 @ 23:20)

I’ve connected the dots & I believe there’s an undercurrent flowing to have a new Danville mayor after the May 4th election.

I believe there’s an organized effort underway for Larry Campbell to become mayor on the new term of Danville City Council. I’m basing this theory on Adam Tomer, Gary Miller, Alonzo Jones and John Gilstrap winning the election.

  • It takes five votes to win the mayorship.
  • Current mayor Sherman Saunders has the support of Buddy Rawley, Fred Shanks, David Luther and Saunders himself (of course).
  • Larry Campbell has aspirations of becoming mayor and would get votes from Alonzo Jones, John Gilstrap and Campbell himself.
  • At the April 5th City Council meeting, Danville Regional Medical Center CEO Eric Deaton welcomed Larry Campbell to the hospital’s board of directors. Sherman Saunders was quite surprised by this news and asked “When did that happen?” Other council members shared the same surprise. If the mayor is unaware of a councilmember being appointed to the hospital’s board, there has to be some behind-the-scenes action going on. That’s when I started thinking how Larry Campbell got that position, and my thoughts immediately centered on that Dr. Gary Miller (councilman and physician well-connected with the hospital’s management staff) assisted in the process. With those thoughts and after talking with various sources, I believe Gary Miller would be a fourth mayoral vote for Larry Campbell.
  • That leaves us with Adam Tomer. Based on Tomer’s Democratic party leanings, it wouldn’t be a stretch to have Tomer vote with Gilstrap, Jones & Miller. That would give Campbell the fifth vote he needs to become mayor. The question is, what’s in it for Tomer to vote against Sherman Saunders. I’m theorizing that if Tomer voted for Larry Campbell as mayor, he’d be elected as vice-mayor.

This is the first time in a very long time that there is an active challenge to change mayors in Danville. Even though it’s just my thought process, I’m 100% confident that this undercurrent is flowing. Nobody on the Campbell-for-mayor side has said anything yet so I’m hoping that this will trigger some kind of acknowledgement or denial by somebody.

Let me make this clear: This is only my thought process and the theories that I’ve presented are only supported by the points I have made in this article. If I’m wrong on this, I’ll gladly admit it… but I know I’m right on what I’ve said. 😉

40 comments to Potential change in Danville’s mayorship?

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  • yikes

    Here we go again. Sherman has been a good Mayor for the City of Danville. Why change what is working. The Council needs to work TOGETHER not plot behind the scenes. I have watched the meetings on tv. I am highly impressed with what Sherman is doing. I see Sherman at MANY MANY MANY community events. He gets involved. He knows what is going on. Just like Fred. Every now and then you will see Larry. Oh I have been seeing Dr. Miller Probally since it is an election year. I see Tomer at Political Events. That is about the scope of that. Buddy he is always at events i attend Same for David. Leave well enough alone. You don’t want to become like your neighbors in Pittsylvania County.

  • No Bama

    Why the devil isn’t Bibleway under investigation by the fed? Bibleway is nothing more than a political entity funding the democrat party and it should be shut down. Wake up Danville, the Campbell’s are using the church for their own enrichment and for gaining political power.

  • David Harrison

    If churches want to get involved in politics, they need to have their tax exempt status revoked.

  • David Harrison

    If churches want to get involved in politics, they need to have their tax exempt status revoked. Including Bibleway on the left and Liberty U on the right. Think of all the new tax revenue it would generate.

  • ann

    Alonzo Jones should not be a canditate for city council.He is a man of many different faces. The main reason that our youths are committing crimes and our teenage girls are having babies out of wedlock is because of lack of family values. there are no fathers in the home to instill values in these children. When a mother is a single parent raising a child and the father chose not to marry the woman he got pregnant, the daughter sees this in her life, so the choice she will make would be to have a child out of wedlock herself because her father is not in the home to teach her about family values. And to have children by two sisters is just wrong. Where are your morals. You have made poor decisions in your life.How can I trust that you would make the right decisions as a city council member. You won’t

  • Frustrated

    I hope everyone not satisfied with the current lineup of persons running for council will write-in the name of Neal Morris. He will be a good representative of the people and has given 44 years of his life working to protect the citizens of Danville. The write-in is a simple process. You simply touch write-in and a keyboard appears. Then you type in the name you desire to write-in.

    Think about it and lets do something different.

  • I have heard that folks are dissatisfied with the number of choices and have asked that Neal Morris allow his name to be considered as a write-in. I spoke with Neal this morning and he tolds me he has agreed.

  • Adam Tomer

    Interesing when you consider Neal came up to me last Tuesday and said, “Adam you are the only person I am voting for council…”
    I wish Neal the best of luck….I agree that we need more people running for council as well…but there was no interest from the public…The whole mayor thing is a little crazy…I have not promised my support to anyone for mayor. That would be putting the cart before the horse. First, I must win re-election and then determine who is even interested in the position. If elected, I am not interested in being Vice Mayor so forget about me cutting any deals to garner those council members’ votes.

  • It is Official – Neal Morris has agreed to be a write-in candidate. Its is on Star News streaming video right now.

  • Dave

    Wow! I have nothing against Neal Morris and I hope he doesn’t get offended by me saying this but there are procedures that we are suppose to follow when signing up to run for City Council and deadlines that have to be met to qualify to put your name on the ballot. He had the same amount of time and opportunity to put his name in the hat the right way, like the candidates who did sign up. Are we to assume since the choices are not to a certain group of peoples’ liking that we are suppose to suspend the rules, if only in fairness, to cater to them? For people who want everyone to follow the rules and laws, it is ironic that some want to suspend them for certain individuals. Which way is it gonna be, please explain this to me.

  • Frustrated

    The procedures you write about are to get your name on the ballot. Since this a write in there has not been any rules or laws that have been suspended. The name Neal Morris will not appear on the ballot, hence a write in. This write in option is available to any qualified citizen who chooses to offer as a write in candidate. You can get the procedure from the State Board of Elections and everything is above board and legal.

  • Dave

    My only response to that is to read my entire statement and see the part where I said if only in fairness because there are rules to that too. I was not referring to merely the legality of it. So all of the other candidates have to campaign, spend money, debate and put their ideas on the line, and along comes a write-in who did none of this and presto they are in? Somehow that just isn’t fair to any of them nor to us, but I guess that doesn’t matter.

  • Neal Morris

    Adam Tomer recently had a convesation with an individual asking for that person’s support. During that meeting he talked about the move to elect someone other than Mayor Saunders to that position. He stated he thought the other person did not have the experience for the mayors position at this time. Based on that information and some other serious matters that Tomer discussed with this individual I did tell him that he might be the only person I voted for since he would be a crucial fifth vote. All this before I was asked if I would serve if elected by a write in vote and while searching for someone to vote for. I learned of this site from a Register and Bee reporter.

  • Adam Tomer

    Neal you are not being honest. You said I was the only one you would vote for unsolicited, prior to a council Work session. I did not ask for your vote, you offered it. I do wish you the best of luck and think you would make a good council member just be honest about things. Your entire post above is not entirely true.

  • Adam Tomer

    I will say that Neal knows as well as anyone what it will take to fight the crime in Danville. Neal was a great police chief and I wish him a sincere best of luck.

  • Dave (or whoever), in all due respect, what rules are being suspended? Federal and State laws allow for an individual, who against tremendous odds, if appropriately supported, can be considered in the election process by write-in ballot. Mr. Morris served in our Police Department for many years, served as our Police Chief, after retiring he ran for City Council 8 years ago, and since that time he has received write in votes in each Council election. The fact that he has chosen to offer himself as a candidate, after watching the debates and , more importantly, after learning the incumbents and newcomers, prior to even being elected, have conspired behind closed doors to form a “block vote coalition,” who’s first order of business is to change Council leadership, is admirable. The fact that he was asked by his fellow Danvillians to do this against tremendous odds, and he accepted that request, is even more commendable.
    This “block vote coalition” is setting a horrible political precedent. To the best of my knowledge, since the incorporation of our City 177 years ago, we have avoided block vote coalitions and political party affiliation in our City politics. This is a terrible time to start emulating our Federal government.
    Mayor Saunders is an extremely dedicated individual who has grown into a leader. He is fair and open. He strives to include everyone’s input and points of view. He has demonstrated his commitment to the City , to the City-County Partnership, and to the Region. This is not the time to change leadership for no apparent reason – we have way too much at stake.

  • Dave

    Well in response to the last comment from Mr. Shanks as I stated earlier the rules of fairness are the real reason for my dislike of this process whether it is legal or not. It is not fair to us the citizens of this city that someone enter the race for city council based on a rumor put out there from a theory. There is no proof that there is a conspiracy to unseat Sherman Saunders as Mayor of Danville (who has in my opinion done a great job)regardless of what some people’s personal aspirations may or may not be, and to have Neal Morris or anyone else to enter the race to play spoiler based on a wreckless thought is a travesty. What is his platform and vision for the city? While he downs the quality of the candidates we have, being on the police force and Chief does not in itself qualify one for being on city council either. I will not take anything away from former Chief Morris but it appears he has inserted the emulation of the federal government by starting to label persons from his point of view as liberal. You and he both know that the mere mention of that is polarizing yet you choose to draw the defining line in this manner. Liberal, moderate, or conservative, as you would like to label people that are running for the city council seats, I still think every one of them have the best interest of Danville at heart and will make decisions based on what is best for the contituents and not based on party affiliation. You have clearly played the game of pointing a finger at others for doing something that you yourself and Neal Morris are doing, calling people liberals to make them less favorable in the eyes of certain people in the city to gain political favor. No one has campaigned to my knowledge as a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, liberal, conservative, moderate and no one has formed a “block vote coalition” like you say. Fear-mongering still is not cool Sir!

  • What unfairness? Unfair to the voters? Or perhaps the candidates? The voters still have every opportunity to choose their top four choices next Tuesday. The candidates? You all have had all the publicity, all the forums, and all the opportunities to express your opinions and sell your positions. And deny it or not, I know (from several conspirators) the “unseat the mayor block vote coalition” does in fact exist. IT IS NO THEORY. My guess is, this is exactly what prompted the last minute entry of Mr. Morris.

    That said, where is the “reckless thought” you insinuate? Regarding his qualifications and plafform, he has the distinct duty and difficult mission of communicating those qualifications and his platform over the next 5 days. He has a great deal of work to do…if he overcomes this tremendous disadvantage, he wins. If not, he loses. Simply put, the voters decide.

    What he choses to mention in his campaign is his choice, and for the voters to decide upon. You suggest some other assertions about me concerning the candidates or my motives, which are unfounded in what I have said here or on this topic, so as they are irrelavent, I choose not to respond. I will say this, as you are well aware, when I found out what was going on, I was terribly disappointed. Fear-mongering…nah. Try disappointed.

  • SouthsideCentral

    Dave: The plan is/was there. I’m 100% sure of that and if I wasn’t sure on it, I wouldn’t have published it nor did a “Danville Tonight” show about it. Bank on it, the plan is/was there.

  • Dave

    If you say so! I guess the only thing left for the voters to decide on now is who do they believe! Is there a “block vote coalition conspiracy” and the two of you are right or are there “reckless ideas” being tossed out there based on conjecture? I would like to reiterate that I have nothing against Neal Morris personally, it was just the last minute insertion into the race for reasons that seemed a bit questionable and the name-calling and labelling that he based his reasoning on. He has every right to join in the race and as long as he gives the voters good reasons to vote for him and not simply reasons to vote against someone else, more power to him. I don’t have the “so-called” first hand knowledge of what you both say is going on and my reasons for responding the way I have was to get to the bottom of the matter so that the voters can make informed decisions. Just like the voter is not supposed to take what the candidates say purely on the face value of it, the same applies to you just because you say it does not make it true! The next five days are going to be very interesting in the life and history of Danville, I look forward to seeing how it unfolds.

  • Adam Tomer

    I am not part of some “block coalition”. So I am not sure why you used the term ‘incumbents’, Fred. Fred, we have always agreed more than disagreed and I hope that have shown to be fair and honest about my positions.

  • David Luther

    To Dave and any others who think Neal Morris’ very late entry into this campaign is somehow not right or fair. It was only after I saw and heard the candidate’s opinions expressed in several forums did I realize Danville was about to make a left turn. One candidate thinks a convicted felon should have all his rights restored the day he leaves prison. A convicted murderer, rapist, big-time drug dealer would be able to have a gun the day he has served his time(?) This is not only a bad idea, no member of Danville city council has a thing to do with when/if a felon’s rights are restored. Other candidates promise to fix problems (which are real) that an individual council member cannot do. In terms of fiscal responsibility, Adam Tomer is the only one who did not promise to spend money we do not have. I thought I would be able to sit out this election and see who will be our two new council members. It is now obvious a sixth candidate is needed. Neal had already been approached about this, but I certainly encouraged him to run. It may be late, but Danville now has better choices.

  • Pure Life

    I do understand what Dave said. Nobody knows of any conspiracy. Why was a write-in created because of a conspiracy? Bad reason to run for City Council. Nothing that I have heard so far convince me to vote for the Write-In Neal Morris. Actually, I have not seen much that this write-in candidate has done for the black community for us to even consider voting for him as a city councilman.

    Editor’s Note: My reply to this comment deserved its own article.

  • Dave

    Mr Luther, I beg to differ with your exaggeration of the facts of what was said at the forums that I saw. The statement was not inclusive of these types of felons and there had to be a certain criteria to meet those standards. I’m sure I heard the words non-violent felons not rapists and murderers. Let us not distort or skew people’s words to fit our viewpoint or agenda. As far as your leftist labelling of the others, let us be realistic for a minute. Regardless of what the candidates themselves may want to do to help some of the constituents, they all know that they cannot do it alone and have to work with the other council members through a reasonable budget process. With money as scarce as it is, we have to all be conservative with our approach to solve real issues but we also cannot turn a blind eye to things that affect peoples lives daily. Just because a candidate enters the race carrying the mantra of “conservatism” doesn’t make the choices any better than what they were, that’s just your opinion.

  • David Luther

    You are correct… I only spoke my opinion. I respect yours as well. It was not my intention to skew words. The “felons” remark I heard was said without regard for the extent of the crime. I suggest you watch again the last question and answer at the forum at a minister’s alliance. It was unqualified. Was it my “left turn” remark that you feel was labelling the others? Did you skew my words to fit your viewpoint or agenda? Whatever, I hope you will not be offended if I completely agree with your last two sentences. You are correct; we cannot ignore our problems. And, again, as you said, my comments are just my opinion. I welcome and respect yours.

  • Dave

    We have now come to a place that I want to get to on so many issues where we can civily debate whether we agree or disagree without offense on either side. That is one of the problems we find in all of our cities and communities(especially in politics) that we can’t communicate with each other about issues and resolve them. I agree with you that we should not skew each others words or motives to fit anything, but you know as a politician the word “left” has been battered by others and the media as meaning a certain set of people with a certain ideology. Coupled with the word liberal as Neal Morris chose to characterize several of them, it is not hard to assume you meant it a certain way in your assessment. Being that I wasn’t privy to the same set of inside information that you or the editor of this blog was given about a secret “block vote coalition”, I would not be of the same opinion as you. I hope that you all are not offended that we don’t just take your word for it that it is true and correct as he so vehemently asserts. I am one that does not only go on one statement to be the entirety of an idea, that is why I disagreed with you about the felon statements. It was stated at several of the forums, not just the ministers alliance forum, that they were clearly talking about non-violent felons and not the entire group. I do respect you and value your opinion, the only thing I ask of others that make assertions that they distinguish between what the know as fact (providing actual proof) from what they feel as their opinion.

  • Dave and Purelife, why not post with your real names? Go back and look at your posts. One of you is an incumbent, one is a candidate. Go ahead and post straight up.
    Purelife- you said “I do understand what Dave said. Nobody knows of any conspiracy”
    I do, I do first hand. Facts have clearly been documented above. They are accurate. Even an outsider can figure this one out. It would be in your best interest not to press this issue.
    You also said, “Actually, I have not seen much that this write-in candidate has done for the black community for us to even consider voting for him as a city councilman.”
    What in the heck do you mean by that??? – Neal Morris has done a great deal for our community. Is good for the “black” community different than the good for the entire community?
    (I do find it discouraging that there were a couple of precincts that I had more campaign signs out front, than votes inside.)
    And when did you become a spokesman of the black community? There are many who strive for that distinction, but few are afforded that opportunity or honor. If you are in fact that spokesman, speak to us…in your real name.
    Dave – you say “there are procedures that we are suppose to follow when signing up to run for City Council and deadlines that have to be met to qualify to put your name on the ballot” – said like a true candidate. Truth is, “we” are on the ballot, the write-in candidate is not. Your further attacks on me (eg: “For people who want everyone to follow the rules and laws, it is ironic that some want to suspend them for certain individuals.”) – Yes, you Mr. Councilman, you know this is my stance – consistently – Write good Code, Follow the Written Code. For someone to state this fact (even as an insult), he/she must be familiar with my personal beliefs, must sometimes have been frustrated by these beliefs, and now wants me to ignore these beliefs for matters that are unrelated, BUT would serve YOUR objectives.
    And you ask, “Are we to assume since the choices are not to a certain group of peoples’ liking that we are suppose to suspend the rules? “ – That pretty much frames it. First of all, what rules were suspended? – Second, you are you and we are we – I think back when in one of my first Council meetings, you pointed out how, Rawley, Luther, Oakes, Sherman and I would vote on all debatable interests as a block. Tell me sir, how many times did that happen? Did the aforementioned five parties ever collude to vote (as a block) against the better good of the City?
    You accuse, “You have clearly played the game of pointing a finger at others for doing something that you yourself and Neal Morris are doing, calling people liberals to make them less favorable in the eyes of certain people in the city to gain political favor.“
    Well sir, first of all, find a quote (anywhere prior to herein, ) where I have called anyone a liberal, and forgive me for generalizing at this point, but if an unrelated party was to judge you and me without prejudice, she likely would hang you on the liberal rack, and fold me into the conservative drawer. The fact that you want to hide from your position, and I have no problem with mine, must speak volumes about how you feel about where you hang out.
    Councilman, you further accuse me of “fear mongering” – Not true. The facts above speak for themselves. And I promise, you do not want to call me on this. You know that, as well as I do.
    You have repeatedly said you have no problem with Mr. Morris. Look back at all of this thread. Tell us your name. And you repeatedly have a problem with the “last minute insertion of” Mr. Morris. – The voters will decide this – so why are you feeling so “wronged?”
    Finally, you state: “to get to the bottom of the matter so that the voters can make informed decisions. Just like the voter is not supposed to take what the candidates say purely on the face value of it, the same applies to you just because you say it does not make it true!”
    – Spoken like a true politician. I do stand by what I say.
    Good luck, sir. Dave, you are one of the best choices on the ballot, but why the games?
    You too, PureLife. You are strong.
    I would be honored to serve with either or both of you. If you both are fortunate enough to earn the public’s respect, let’s back up, clear this air, and be up front, transparent, and work (together) for the better good of our City…not personal agendae.
    And Mr. Morris: You sir, are an admirable gentlemen. Your commitment to our community and our region is admirable. You have a difficult task. Even so, I believe you will succeed.

  • Pure Life

    The Black Community need help in this city, Danville, VA. Not saying that all races don’t, they do as well. But in the Black Community look at the facts the Majority of the dropouts, crime, jobless, homeless. No matter how you turn it the majority of the people are sufferng are in the Black Community. Why is this happening? Overall this race of people is hurting – a cry for help reachout to your brother & to your sister. All races need to connect. At least I got your attention.

  • Pure Life – You will never see me disagree with your above statement! We must work together to make our community the best it can be. The children in school today will have much better opportunities here than their parents. We must all work together to help them be the best they can be. (This is obtainable.) We also need to work to provide jobs, training and education for our adult population, because I firmly beleive those jobs are coming, too. Matching available jobs and work ethic should be the short term goal, and technology jobs and our youth our long term objective. Meanwhile, we need to figure out how to combat the ease of drug money.”

  • David Luther

    Fred, I wish someone would tell me which of these is a candidate and which is a councilman. Dave correctly points out that on this blog, everyone expresses their personal opinions. You know, opinions are like certain body parts – everyone has one. I can’t disagree with Dave on that point.

    Not-so-Pure-Life is another matter. That person is stupid racist. (Disclaimer: “stupid” is my opinion; “racist” is a fact.) Dave and I are getting close to being on the same page; he is only one ahead of me as of now.

    FOR THE RECORD – FACTS, not OPINION: If any council member says he has not talked about the “conspiracy” – they are probably not telling the truth. During the past four weeks, I have talked to candidates Tomer and Miller about this as well as Shanks, Rawley, Saunders, Archie and Oakes. I have not mentioned it to Campbell. I have not spoken with candidate Gilstrap, but at a forum he made it clear he was supporting Campbell. As for the others, I have not talked to them, but I heard Neal Morris say he supported Saunders. I have just listened to the others, who mostly say, “wait and see”.

  • Dave

    Wow! First I would like to say thank you Mr. Shanks for feeling the need to answer for all of the statements that have been made on this issue but I hope you didn’t take all of them personally. I am not nor will I ever be a City Council candidate, but I am a concerned citizen that keeps track of what goes on in the city and in the government of the city with an open mind to call things as I see them and as they appear to be to others here. I was not referring to you specifically on all the statements nor just talking about merely what was said on here but to the overall outlook of many of the constituency. I would love to talk to you and others face to face so that we can have a meaningful conversation about how to better our city as a whole and how to solve some of the problems that affect us all. You all can school me on how you feel things are and I can give you legitimate feedback on how many in your charge feel about what is going on. Communication is something that is lacking between the city officials and the people, and because of this there is an overall distrust of what is actually going on. I respect you Sir and will give you the lattitude to do what is right for us but I reserve the right to respectfully disagree when I see things that are questionable at best in order that all achieve clarity. Thank you again and God bless you all!

  • Back up 5 – read carefully

  • Watchman

    I really believe that this conspiracy thing has gotten out of hand. From what I have heard NO CANDIDATE has expressed an opinion, nor has heard about any plan to unseat the mayor. Check your facts. Have any of you personally asked the candidates or is this all just speculation and conjecture? Gilstrap never, and I repeat never, stated he would vote for one against the other. His comment at the forum was just that he considered Campbell a good person but never indicated he thought he should be mayor. I saw the forum and don’t see any way you could have gotten anything more from the comment. Conspiracy theories need to be just that. theories.
    With that being said I think Neal would be a good candidate I just wish he had entered earlier and been part of the process. I would support Neal but lets put all these conspiracies to rest.
    I think this has taken away from the real points of the race. Who can best serve the needs of the city, not who is on who’s “team”.

  • Inquiring minds want to know

    Why play games Councilman Shanks? Who are Dave and Purelife? Cause….

  • Fee

    I am responding to David Luther’s statement about the candidate who thinks a felon should have their rights restored.At no time did the candidate you are referring to say all felons, he stated non-violent felons. And at every debate it was said non-violent felons.I know because I was at every debate. People that know this man will tell you he is for helping those who deserve a second chance. You should really get to know this man for yourself and you would’t be so quick to say the wrong things about this man. The work that this man has done for this community in the last twenty years speaks for itself. This man does what he do because he cares about people. What’s wrong with that? If more people would have a commpassionate heart as he does,don’t you know this world would be a better place.One thing I’ve learned in life is that when you do good things no one comes to you and says “I think what your’re doing is a good thing ,how can I help? In this city we need to listen to our hearts and the peaceful spirit that dwells with in us. We need to come together as one and stop all this nonsense. Regardless of whether this man is elected as a city council member or not,(I’m praying he will)his work in this community will continue. And the reason why is simply because he cares. You should come to some of the meeting that BEE INFORMED has and see all the good things that we do for the people in this community. We don’t receive any funds on the state or local level. We raise money by having fundraisers and coming out of our pockets. This man that you are talking about is the founder and president of BEE INFORMED. He called on us for help because the calls and problems that the people are having in this city were to numerous.And GOD placed seven committed people(including myself)in this organization that he knew would have a compasionate heart as he does to embark on this journey. Why he’s running for city council is not about you or no one else that has a negative thing to say about this man, it’s about the people in this city. He’s been to the elderly people’s homes’ in this city to find them without lights for four and five months, to find them sitting in their cars because that’s the only heat that this lady had. And to see that this woman had frostbite up her legs made this man lower his head and say” we have got to help the seniors in this city”. You are talking against the wrong person. This man exemplifies Lawrence Kohlberg’s stage six of Moral Development, which is the highest stage. The sixth stage is UNIVERSAL MORAL PRINCIPALS, which means” putting the needs of others befor you own needs”. And my friends call me Fee, and you are more than welcome to call me the same.
    And for the record he refuses to log on to I find it very interesting.

  • David Luther

    Fee, You are obviously talking about a different person. I know this man VERY well and have worked with him for years!

  • Adam Tomer

    Not sure who Fred is refering to… I have always posted under my own name so I have no idea who he means when he writes “councilman”.

  • Dick

    I was going to vote for John for council but after just noticing him on FB becoming a friend of Perriello and joining the group you will survive Obama..I may just not..but still like him as a person…we will survive Obama but not the financial mess he will leave the country in..John’s grandchildren will be paying for that in their future..

  • Frick

    read the Learn about the candidates in the Sunday paper ..Alonzo Jones did not just come back to Danville get a certificate from Liberty and go to work for Averett he first worked for a number of years at the Danville Register & Bee in the Circulation Dept in the pressroom ..stuffing newspapers papers..yep you can depend on the R&B for the whole story…NOT!!!

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