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To endorse or not to endorse?

That’s the ethical question I’m asking myself and there’s no easy answer.

During the last election cycle, I had no problem publishing thirteen endorsement articles because I was just giving my opinion on behalf of SouthsideCentral. Times have changed and I’m now working in the broadcast media profession. I have a strange feeling of ethical uncomfortability in endorsing candidates that I’m reporting on, now that SouthsideCentral and Star News have became somewhat intertwined. I balance that out by knowing that I can separate my on-the-air and reporting duties from SouthsideCentral blog & opinion reporting.

I’d like to know what the readers have to say on this. Based on what I’ve said, do you think that SouthsideCentral should issue political endorsements? I ask that you vote in the poll below as well as make comments.

[poll id=”8″]

15 comments to To endorse or not to endorse?

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Southside Central. Southside Central said: Should SouthsideCentral publish political endorsements now that I'm "media"? – Vote & Comment at […]

  • kelley in virginia

    1st: most of us claim that the Lame Stream Media is liberal. and they either endorse directly or indirectly candidates/policies all the time.

    2d: be a conservative media voice. we need more of you.

  • Inquiring minds want to know

    You claim to be the blog for the Southside-I don’t believe you advertise it as the “conservative” blog. If you do, let me know. A true blog of the Southside will keep in mind “all” Southsiders and not just some. If indeed you are just a conservative blog-let it be known. If you are willing to be open minded to all viewpoints say so. Being the blog for Southside, to me, means diversity and can help with your readership-possibly a door for independent minded people to express themselves. Good discussion can take place here if the blogs owner is truly open to all viewpoints. If only open to one viewpoint advertise your blog as such and all like minded people can then pat each other on the back and enjoy themselves. If your blog is not to push one agenda over the other, any endorsements you make will reflect that. If you blog is to push one agenda over another, any endorsement you make will reflect that. I guess that if this blog is yours-Star News has nothing to do with it, but remember-Inquiring…

  • SouthsideCentral

    I don’t claim to be the blog for the Southside – SouthsideCentral IS the blog for the Southside.

    I’m the world’s leading expert on my opinion, and I’ve got no problem telling that opinion to you here on SouthsideCentral.

    If you agree with me on everything I say, that’s a scary thought. 😀

  • Will White

    Well Bruce dont keep us waiting tell us who you are going to endorse.This is your blog for fun this isn’t connected to your work is it ? We love politics here in southside Va.

  • kelley in virginia

    well, it could be that as your blog goes national, your endorsement could be every bit as important as Oprah.

  • SouthsideCentral

    Kelley: Thanks for the kind words, but just remember I’m not conservative all the time. 😉 I may offend your sensibilities with some things I write.

    Will: Tonight, I hosted a paid political advertisement for a Danville City Council candidate and sold advertising to another candidate. Based on that, I feel that to issue endorsements in this race would be ethically wrong. I know who I’m voting for tomorrow, but I feel that I shouldn’t attempt to influence others’ votes due to my conflict of interest.

  • So, which is it? Just got tougher, didn’t it? 🙂

  • In light of that green post above mine, you make wise decision, grasshoppa.

  • SouthsideCentral

    Fred: Unlike City Council members, I don’t have the luxury of Clarke Whitfield to tell me that I have a conflict of interest when asked.

    I had to figure my dilemma out myself. 😛

  • Reality

    I say do not endorse. I wish you had never started doing it.

    Reason being that if you do it, especially now that you are doing paid advertisements on TV for candidates – eventually you will be marginalized and pigeonholed by those endorsements.

    I often disagree with your commentary, but I respect your equal opportunity bashing of all politicians. Picking ‘favorites’ might jeopardize that.

    Just my opinion.

    Reply: I’ll make the endorsement decision on a case-by-case basis in the future. What do you mean by “I wish you had never started doing it.”?

  • snark

    You should call Tom McLaughlin, perhaps he could lead you down the road of journalistic ethics.

  • Wild Handyman

    Is Star News paying you? If so I would suggest that you ask your supervisor what Star News thinks about you publishing your personal opinions and political endorsements in a blog. Keep in mind that it is not unusual for employees to temporarily lose some of their freedom of speech rights in order to continue receiving a paycheck. Once you know your employer’s position, you can then decide what is more important… your freedom to say anything you want at any time, or your freedom to keep working (or not).

  • SouthsideCentral

    While I know that “freedom of speech” is not absolute, my employer understands the difference between On-air BruceH and SC BruceH. I’m integrating SC into my work and that’s why I wanted to know some others’ opinions on it. 🙂

  • Wild Handyman

    Since your employer understands the difference between the different versions of you, then I say go for it and endorse the person you think is the best candidate for the job. Freedom of speech is precious.

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