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Thumbs! (5/5 edition)

It’s been a while since our Thumbs! got some use. Let’s remedy that situation quickly.

Let’s get to the Thumbs!

  • Thumbs UP! to all of the candidates that ran for Danville City Council. Even though there was a bit of under-the-table intrigue during the last few weeks of the campaign, Danville was the winner in the election. All six of the candidates would have done a great job if they had won. But…
  • Thumbs DOWN! to the 78% of Danville voters that didn’t vote in this election. It’s a damn shame that only 22% of the voters cared enough to cast their vote on Danville’s leadership for the next few years. Sticking with the political theme…
  • Thumbs UP! to the “Will Of The People” citizens group of Rockingham County (NC). This local grassroots organization took a firm stand against the incumbent county commissioners and were able to generate enough votes to oust one of the two incumbents in Tuesday’s primary. To my knowledge, that’s the first time that a local political organization has had any success in influencing a local election. We’ll be talking more about “Will Of The People” in the next week.
  • Thumbs UP! to Caswell County (NC) voters who authorized the sale of “Mixed Beverages” by a large margin. That’s the key to getting restaurants (and the associated tax revenue) into the county.

Enough about politics! Let’s get some more Thumbs! flying…

  • Thumbs UP! to the awesome relief efforts of God’s Pit Crew as they send four truckloads of supplies out to the Nashville TN area that’s been hard-hit by flooding.
  • Thumbs UP! to “HaliFair”, a new event coming to the Halifax County Fairgrounds on Saturday, June 5th. We’ve talked about it briefly and will be talking about it more at the date draws near.

Finally, I’ve got a personal Thumb! to deliver…

  • Thumbs UP! to Josh Solovskoy. We’ve talked before about the trainwreck-worthy meltdown that happened six weeks ago, and we thought that Josh had returned to his Happy Place. Nooooooo! He’s issued his personal update on the 5th District race, and he took the time to promote SouthsideCentral. According to Josh, we’re “in the crapper” when it comes to Virginia bloggers. Folks, even though Josh couldn’t spell “district” correctly in his article, Josh knows his stuff about being “in the crapper”. When it comes to “crap” & related “crap” items, I think of Josh’s writings. We’re proud to be #1 on Josh’s “crapper” list. Thanks Josh! Keep that hate mail a-comin’!  😀

And with that, we’re going to close out this edition of Thumbs! Got any Thumbs! of your own? Let’s hear them.

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