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Wacky Jack is up to his old tricks again

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before…Jack Dunavant rams a resolution down the Hailfax Town Council’s throats. The difference is that he’s going for character assassination this time.

Halifax Town Council wants Coles Sr. to resign from committee

Jack Dunavant & the Southside Concerned Citizens group are known to use dishonest tactics to advance their agenda if you’re in opposition to them. In February 2008, Jack Dunavant used his bullying style and Halifax Town Council passed a “chemical trespass” ordinance that was quickly blasted into oblivion by the Attorney General’s office. I’ve written numerous articles about the “scare tactics”, where Karen Maute & The Usual Suspects say that this area will be radioactive for hundreds of years if uranium mining is approved. This time, Wacky Jack himself has gotten the members of Halifax Town Council to pass this resolution which attempts to paint Walter Coles Sr. as a man without integrity to recuse himself from any applicable vote. Walter Coles Sr. serves only on the committee that advises the commission and he’s only one of 23 members.

This Time, Wacky Jack & His Minions have gone too far (again). Walter Coles Sr. has done nothing wrong and unbiased people should be able see that easily. The members of Halifax Town Council should be ashamed of themselves for passing this resolution that was orchestrated by Jack Dunavant and should rectify this assault on a man’s character by rescinding this hatchet-job. Halifax Town Council should also stop being a rubber-stamp for anything that Jack Dunavant wants.

No matter what side of the uranium mining issue that you’re on, you should realize that trying to impugn a man’s reputation with no cause whatsoever is totally wrong.

NOTE: Halifax Town Councilman Tommy Reagan was not present for this vote.

7 comments to Wacky Jack is up to his old tricks again

  • Ace

    You are mean!

    Did you attend the meeting in Halifax when the people of Halifax endorsed the Resolution against uranium mining?

    You should show a more respect to people who do not agree with your point of view!

    How many Roanoke River Basins meetings have you attended?

    How many Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission meetings have you attended?

    The state of Virginia has placed people who are part of the uranium mining company on different VA state boards.

    The dude on the Water Board never told anyone he was part of the uranium company until a couple of people informed the group who he was and that modern uranium mining is polluting waters from out America West, Australia, France and Canada plus the water, air and land are in ruins across the world.

    The dude on the TIC meeting ask for the $200,000 for the social economic study and he has admitted that he is an investor but he voted on the first pass and although he did not vote on the second pass, he started the motion of the bill and the bill should have been tabled!

    The state of Virginia has already decided they need monies so they will sacrifice the people of Southside because we do not count.

    How long have you lived in Virginia?

    Most good jobs go to Northern VA or the eastern part of VA and they have never come to Southside, maybe because most of the local leaders are not trained to attract good jobs to Southside.

    So, Southside people are fighting against the state of VA which has placed several of the people who are part of Uranium Company on boards and these people are so dishonest they will tell us who they are except for Mr. Hurt’s daddy.

    So again, I think anybody who is part of the uranium company sitting on the state of VA’s board should step down and it may not violate any of the so call VA laws but it is not ethical!

    Don’t think uranium will poison the water; Denver, CO is having a problem now:
    State orders Cotter to clean up uranium mine fouling JeffCo drinking water

    I think a resolution should be added to all boards with sitting members of the local uranium mining investors or have received monies the uranium group and that they should identify themselves and not vote on any issues pertaining to uranium mining and milling, now that would be interesting!

  • SouthsideCentral

    Who gives a crap about how many meetings I’ve attended? You wouldn’t be trying to impeach my credibility by bringing up irrelevant information, would you? That would be sooooo unlike your group’s tactics, wouldn’t it?

    And as for being mean, if that’s your definition of what I’ve said… I can live with that. Jack Dunavant is a bully and it’s time that somebody stood up to his ham-fisted tactics.

    While you may not like Walter Coles Sr. and anything that he stands for, you & your groups have no right to call the man’s ethical integrity into question for something that’s never even happened.

    As for your last link, that’s about a old mine that started back into the 1950’s. Technology and mining techniques sucked back then. That’s why I’m in favor of a scientific study that will reflect the technologies that have advanced over the past 60 years.

    I’ve said it before and will say it again. If the study comes back that uranium mining is unsafe, I’ll support that study’s findings. You & your group refuse to even consider that if the study comes back that uranium can be safely mined, you’ll support that. You & your group will do anything to impeach anything that could possibly support uranium mining and this resolution is just one more in that line of unacceptable conduct.

  • Ain't Playin'

    Anyone who lives in town can see the effects of council: The empty store fronts on Main Street, the lack of economic development, a poorly staffed & equipped police department, a Farmers’ Market with one or 2 vendors, delapidated buildings, and a mini-ghetto on the north end of town. We also shouldn’t forget the “evil” Dixie Youth players who are apparently on the axe list. Halifax needs council members who have the best interests of the town and it’s residents/business owners in mind. Council should not be a special interest panel. Unfortunately, nothing will wake them up. Dunavant got only 6 of 12 votes cast in the last election, and he ran unopposed. Halifax needs a change in leadership before it dries up and blows away.

  • Will White

    Ain’t Playin you have a good point.The problem is no one wants to do the job but everyone wants to complain.

  • Jeff Biorn

    Well. It seems like I am being set up for an ambush! Mr. Dunavant himself has requested to meet me based on a letter I had written the Gazette Virginian. Should I be worried? I’m not, as I see nothing at all wrong with spirited intellectual debate. In fact, this mining issue needs just that, people to get involved and debate it in a reasonable manner. I will always but always stand true to my beliefs, as my beliefs are backed by hard evidence.
    Stand by for a complete report.

  • Jeff Biorn

    SouthSideCentral—I will stand up to him, he scares me not one bit.

  • Jeff Biorn

    By the way—–I wonder, just where an opponent would stand if it were his/her property that this deposit were under?

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