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Another 5th District forum. Ha Ha! Ho Hum.

This time, the Crazy Crew of Candidates make their way to Liberty University!

Fifth District candidates face off

Let’s go to the not-so-relevant points…

  • Robert Hurt wasn’t there due to a prior commitment… but it’s a pretty good strategy now to let the other candidates implode.
  • Everybody Hates Hurt – because he’s clearly in the lead now. Even Mike McPadden is taking shots at him, but only about “not showing leadership in the State Senate”? Hello? Boing? If one of these candidates wins the November election, they’re going to have no leadership opportunities at all. Who cares?
  • “Robert Hurt raised taxes!” – The same blah blah blah over and over again. I’ll counter that with the same thing I’ve said in the past. Charles Hawkins & Danny Marshall voted for the same thing. Nobody’s calling them “tax-raisers”. I understand why the candidates are sticking with the “Hurt Raised Taxes” line… it’s really all they’ve got to use against him with the clock running out in the game.
  • Jim McKelvey continues to play the part of The Angry Man. His bus picked up an endorsement from Mark Lloyd, the chairman of the Lynchburg Tea Party. He’s got a poll from the Not Really Rasmussen Company saying that he’s number 2. Insert your own “Number 2” joke there, folks.
  • Feda Morton copies the same statements she’s said at the other forums, which is slightly different from copying other people’s statements. Coincidentally, she’s done that also.
  • Laurance Verga was seen by a majority of the people that attended this forum, so that’s pretty good proof that he’s still in the campaign. Looking at the Not Really Rasmussen Poll brought to you by the Vance Wilkins Company, Verga’s got 1% support. Based on the margin of error of the “reputable” poll, that means Verga’s support could really be between 6.5% or negative 4.5%. Insert your own joke there as well.
  • Speaking of hilarious jokes, the Ron Ferrin Stand-Up Comedy Hour was at Liberty as well. It featured that old “Adam & Steve” kneeslapper that’s always good for a laugh from the conservative crowd.
  • Ken Boyd is to be commended for making it close to the Southside area.
  • Robert Hurt gets a score of zero for this forum because he didn’t show up due to that prior commitment.
  • I’m getting so sick of hearing the Crazy Crew of Candidates say the same thing, so that score of squadoosh wins the forum.

Can you tell I’m getting tired of these repetitive forums? I’ll have a serious race update later this week.

13 comments to Another 5th District forum. Ha Ha! Ho Hum.

  • Stephen

    I saw the “debate” via the live webcast. This was my 3rd (after Charlottesville and Lynchburg).

    Here is my performance ranking:

    1. McPadden (articulate, poised, principled, and convincing)
    2. Boyd (steady but ho-hum performance)
    3. Verga (slightly better then past performances)
    4. Ferrin (a joker as always; good line about his daughter, abortion, and murder)
    5. McKelvey (inarticulate, simpleminded, didn’t seem like he wanted to be there)
    6. Morton (why is she here?)

    McKelvey won the straw poll by a small margin over McPadden. If I recall correctly McKelvey blew everyone away in the last Lynchburg debate straw poll, so maybe his support is softening.

    I just don’t get the appeal of McKelvey. He seems to lack any kind depth. His answers are simplistic and repetitive. I’d be interested to hear from McKelvey supporters why they think McKelvey is a better choice then McPadden.

  • kelley in virginia

    it was mentioned on another blog that children were allowed to vote in the LU straw poll. And then I get an email from McK saying he is winning by the latest poll.

  • Stephen

    Yea, I cringed when the guy said they were going to let kids vote. I guess they weren’t aware of the “controversy” surrounding past polls.

    Note that he did ask the parents to mark their kids ballots with a “K”, so that they could be distinguished.

    Anyway, it was still a bad idea…

  • Tarheel

    Hawkins and Marshall are not running for the house of representatives either, for if they were…I suspect they would be getting the same beating for that awful, blink at the bluff, vote as well.

    Thank you Stephen for a real report on the forum.

    Reply: Thank YOU, Mr. Heel. You get so adorable when you pout and stomp your feet. Just remember, it can be all over if you only say “Bruce, you were right.” Keep that hate mail coming!

  • VA #5

    Maybe the eternal “controversy” about every poll is why they let the kids vote. No one is going to accept any poll anyway. Frankly, the kids showed up and watched the candidates repeat their bumper stickers, which in my mind makes them more involved than most of the district.

  • VA #5

    BTW, Hurt probably won the most ACTUAL votes last night. These forums where way to many “candidates” are asked a few simple questions and give the same tired answers help no one. Hurt talked to people that don’t attend “debates”. Sucks to not be him.

  • Will White

    It would suck to be the candidate that everyone wants to be the least like but Tucker Watkins is working hard for Hurt. I wonder what kind of job he was promised

  • Will White

    A great mailer just went out today Kelley you should have it soon.It shows exactly how much Hurt and Perriello have in common.

  • Aaron


    A couple of HUGE differences. Hurt doesnt support Obamacare, cap n trade, and card check. TP does.

  • Will White

    Aaron have you seen the mailer yet ?

  • notwillwhite


    I had two people tell me they had received the mailer you think so much of today. One said they had thrown it in the trash because it was so poorly done not like Hurt’s he got the other day.

    The other asked who this McKelvey guy was and that this was the first thing he had gotten from him. Sending someone an attack piece before you establish who you are yourself is a path to doing nothing but giving your opponent more name recognition. Who is running this campaign this way ?

  • Will White

    Hi Tucker! You sure aren’t running anyone’s campaign after the train wreck job you did with Allen and Goode.You looked really foolish at the Amish sale.

  • DroolingElmo Shifflett

    Leave poor washed up Tucker alone! Tucker rhymes with Schmucker.

    Reply: With a name like Schmucker, it’s got to be good. Now drop the personal attacks.

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