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A dose of 5th District thoughts for you.

I’m not a doctor, nor have I played one on TV. That being said, I’ve got a dose of straight talk and thoughts that’s probably going to make a lot of people mad. I don’t care. Dr. Bruce is about to write you a prescription of random thoughts.

Let’s play the feud!

  • If your favorite candidate is Feda Morton, Laurence Verga, or Ron Ferrin, then your favorite candidate is going to lose and get less than 10% of the vote.
  • Older people vote reliably. Older people are highly partial to Robert Hurt. Younger people vote occasionally. Younger people aren’t as partial to Robert Hurt. Figure out who benefits by those facts.
  • Every time I try to believe that the regional teaparties and their members are heading down the right path, I hear things that make me do a giant facepalm. In the pst few days, I heard one member quoted as saying they would rather have Tom Perriello for 2 years instead of Robert Hurt for 20. My mind. It boggled. I replied by saying “Considering “Hurt for 20″ is WAY out there, how’s your nose you cut off to spite your face? Here, we vote for 2-year terms.” This person doesn’t like Robert Hurt and has said so many times. Why? He’s the “establishment” candidate. See, kiddies? The “establishment” is bad! Don’t trust “the man”! I strongly encourage anybody who believes that way to keep doing just that, because Robert Hurt’s going to do just fine without them. Hurt’s campaign figured that out quickly and moved along.
  • Mike McPadden’s a great guy and if he wins the nomination, I’ll have no problem with that at all. He’s a very intelligent man with an excellent understanding of the issues. The odds are stacked against him in this primary, but I hope that this won’t be the last we’ve heard of McPadden.
  • Jim McKelvey hasn’t impressed me at all. His “Angry Man” routine has played good to the far-right 10% but that’s not going to be enough for him to win. His thoughts on the issues have ranged from the unwise (limiting himself to six years in office which would put Southside at the bottom of the seniority list yet again… term limits don’t work unless everybody is subject to them) to the bizarre (his pledge to cut federal spending by 50%). McKelvey has allied himself to the regional teaparty rhetoric, but the regional teaparties have yet to accomplish anything except provide discord. Unfortunately for McKelvey, that teaparty hot streak will continue. McKelvey never offered me a ride on his bus either. 😀
  • Feda Morton keeps on rumbling through the mudbog that her campaign devolved into. I don’t see how, but I do give her credit for continuing to push forward. Of course, she’s not going to win.
  • Laurence Verga continues his freefall into obscurity and I still don’t understand how it happened so quickly.
  • Ron Ferrin’s got no chance to win but he continues to make me laugh. His attempt to win black votes in this primary… heh. This primary is going to be whiter than the crown at Danville’s “Friday at the Crossing” this past weekend.
  • Ken Boyd’s photo should be posted on one of those “Missing People” bulletin boards here in Southside.
  • I’m not sure what’s up with Jeff Clark. He’s trying to court the far-right 10% teaparty voters that think Robert Hurt is the Tax Raising Antichrist Establishment Dude (boo hiss) but he hasn’t been warmly received by the teaparties so far. He’s going to be monetarily steamrolled by the Hurt & Perriello machines in the general election and he won’t be invited to any of the upcoming debates. Clark could use his powers for the side of good, but his virtual “HURTSUX” license plate is going to make him a pariah for anything else in politics for a long time. He’s another Russ Potts from the 2005 Virginia governor’s election… remember him? I didn’t think so.
  • Robert Hurt is going to win this primary. I can already hear the howls from the other candidate’s supporters as they read this. I support Robert Hurt. I also support Mike McPadden but he’s just not going to pull this one off. I consider Mike McPadden a friend and still will after this election. McPadden’s ran a great campaign and I support the vast majority of his stands of the issues. Unfortunately for McPadden, he’s outgunned in this race by a well-oiled political machine. Unlike the most vocal of the teapartiers, I don’t have a problem with a well-oiled political machine.
  • I have respect for anybody that has supported their candidate because of their stands on the issues. I have zero respect for anybody that has used the line “He’s not Robert Hurt” as rationale for their support.
  • If I’m proven wrong on Tuesday night on any of this, I’ll have no problem admitting that. I stand behind my opinion and statements.

And there you have it for now… you know the drill for comments.

92 comments to A dose of 5th District thoughts for you.

  • Samuel Gilleran

    Bruce, are we the same person? I agree with almost 100% of what you said.
    Hard to believe that we’ll (officially) know the nominee in 72 hours.

  • SouthsideCentral


    I think we both have the Superpower of being able to look at things objectively. 🙂

  • Great post Bruce. I’ve really been thinking about McKelvey and cutting the federal government by 50%. Here is the pie chart.

    As you can see, it’s very tough to cut the big items. The best you can hope for is a 20% cut through major reforms to entitlements, defense, and a change of strategy in the war on terror. Then somehow create revenue gains through wealth creation like the tech boom of the 90’s. I think that can happen in the energy sector, but that’s just my opinion.

    I like the fair tax, but getting that through will be tough, and may take a decade of trying to repeal the 16th amendment. I really hope that Hurt can incorporate most of Paul Ryan’s road map into his platform. Go with flat tax as a path to get to the fair tax.

    Here’s the road map: The jobs and competitiveness section could be what a lot of voters in Southside want to hear right now. Once again great post.

  • Mary Mitchell

    I so agree that this is an excellent post and take on the race….and I also agree almost 100%! Who knew! We shall see!

    Having been out of things (literally out of state) I have had to catch up. This helped me feel right about my vote.

  • Stephen


    Why the passion for marginalizing tea party folks?

    Do you believe in limited government, fiscal responsibility, free and fair markets, personal liberty/personal responsibility, and constitutional governance?

    If so, that makes you a tea partyer too. Welcome aboard!

    I consider myself a tea partyer and will be voting for Mike McPadden, but I will also vote for Hurt if he wins the nomination.

    I suspect most tea partyers will do the same, even if they are not happy about it.

    Note, I don’t like the “establishment”, and I don’t trust “the man”. Does that make me part of the “far-right 10%” fringe?

    Also, you say “I support Robert Hurt. I also support Mike McPadden…”, but who will you be voting for, and why?

    Reply: I don’t and haven’t marginalized the core tea party beliefs. I do have little respect for the regional tea party groups for reasons that I’ve stated often. They’re not unified and they haven’t accomplished anything yet. In Rockingham County NC, there’s a tea-party-like group called “Will of the People”. They have their act together. They’re well-organized, they coordinate their efforts, and within their first year of existence they accomplished a goal of defeating an incumbent in the primary. Trying to shout down Tom Perriello, flying banners over the beltway and yelling at nobody while standing on the street corner dressed in a colonial costume just make the group look foolish.

    I agree that most tea partiers will vote for Hurt if he wins the nomination. It’s the ones that say “I’d rather have Perriello than Hurt” that make me wonder about their rationale and rationality.

    Regarding my vote, I’m down to two candidates. I’m still not 100% sure on who I’ll vote for at this moment.

  • cardinalcrossing

    I disagree that the “establishment” will win on Tuesday! Even though the plan was to divide and conquer the lessor Candidates many have stood up very well. Mike McPadden has built a campaign from nothing and will beat RH on Tuesday. His message, campaign strategy, and volunteer network are making a difference!

    Many new folks are coming to vote on Tuesday, they are ticked at what our Government is doing today. They don’t believe that we can continue down this spending spree path without major tax increases which will burden all Americans. Mike message is working and the primary will prove how well the message captures the old American Spirit of Liberty.

  • MM

    I think your analysis is pretty accurate. I hope you’re wrong and McPadden takes the nomination – I expect him to take several counties in the north and east, and the number of “undecided” voters leaves the door open for an upset – but I appreciate your level-headed commentary.

    I also agree that if McPadden doesn’t get the nomination, I hope we haven’t heard the last of him. His knowledge of the Constitution and his principled conservatism are things that I’d like to see more of in DC. I think that his message is one that will continue to pick up steam (both here in the 5th and nationwide) for the foreseeable future.

  • kelley in virginia

    Not today, probably not Tuesday night & maybe not even as soon as next weekend, people will disagree with this post.

    Its Ok to have some hurt feelings Tuesday night if your candidate loses.

    Please pick yourself up, dust yourself off & join the rest of us working to beat Perriello. We will need the old activists (such as myself), the youngsters new to politics, and the newly energized.

    This is our district. This is our country.

  • What’s wrong with favoring Perriello for 2 more years over a lifetime of Hurt?

    Can you argue that Hurt wouldn’t be in for the rest of his life?

    Unless he runs for higher office, which everyone knows what his plan before the NRCC dragged him into this race, he’ll be in Congress forever.

    What’s wrong with disliking someone in the establishment? The GOP establishment is just the sort of group that gives us people who claim to be conservative, but when the going gets tough they back a multi-billion dollar bailout of Wall Street. I’m looking at you Eric Cantor!

    I think there are legitimate concerns from Tea Partiers and ideological conservatives that Hurt is the type of Republican who will break under pressure in such votes.

    You obviously take a different approach to politics, but I think you can understand that when people hear Hurt talk about how it was necessary to vote for the 2004 budget deal to avoid a government shut down they hear the Bush Administration, Secretary Paulsen, Eric Cantor, and other “conservative” Republicans talking about how the bailout was necessary to save the economy.

    Reply: I’m simply pointing out the absurdity of people that think Robert Hurt is horrible because he’s part of “the man”. It’s an asinine thought process and I thought it needed a spotlight on it. If I pissed somebody off by pointing that absurdity out, I can live with that quite easily.

    Can you argue that Hurt wouldn’t be in for the rest of his life?

    Nope. And no desire to, either. If whoever we elect turns out to be a good representative of our area and continues to represent the issues that I believe in, more power to them. They’ll still have to face a “job interview” every 2 years in the form of an election and I’ll hire somebody. I don’t automatically recoil in horror when somebody’s won more than 3 elections.

    You obviously take a different approach to politics, but I think you can understand that when people hear Hurt talk about how it was necessary to vote for the 2004 budget deal to avoid a government shut down they hear the Bush Administration, Secretary Paulsen, Eric Cantor, and other “conservative” Republicans talking about how the bailout was necessary to save the economy.

    Yep, I understand that. I don’t follow it, but I understand the general thought process. Was the bailout necessary? Each side can pull out 10 “expert witnesses” who’ll pontificate. Honestly, I have no idea. But I’m sure as hell not letting a vote from 6+ years ago influence my thought process on a candidate.

  • Also, I wanted to say that earlier I expected Hurt to do well in the northern end of the district despite the local roots of candidates like Boyd. But I was recently in Charlottesville and was shocked by how few (almost no) Hurt signs I saw in the entire stretch of 29 through the northern half of the district. Signs don’t vote and they are a silly way to look at candidate strength, but it made me wonder what, if any, volunteer base Hurt has in the area. I know he’s hired UVA students to work on the campaign, but is that it?

  • Th. Paine

    Great post Bruce. Hopefully, the campaign workers of the candidates who don’t win will help with the winner’s campaign. This interaction would definitely smooth over the rough patches that may exist.

    @CardinalCrossing: I hope you can bring your enthusiasm to any campaign in order to win in November.

    @NAS: I don’t know what dreamworld you live in. Hurt will only be in Congress as long as we the voters keep him there. Also, redistricting and the fact that Mr Obama will be up for re-election makes it more likely that Perriello will be in office for four more years, instead of two.
    Finally, I know the Northern Director of Hurt’s campaign. She’s doing a great job of organizing volunteers in that half of the district.

  • notnotandy sere

    Not Andy.

    You must not understand redistricting if you don’t understand that if we don’t take Perriello out this time he will be in for at least ten years if he wants to.

    Secondly, you have bought into the rhetoric that Hurt is not conservative. On the last ranking done of VA Senators, he was the third most conservative, only less conservative than Kooch and Obenchain. Thats not a bad place to be.

    Get off your soapbox and get behind a winner, Robert Hurt.

  • Annoyed

    I just got this endorsement. Is Morton really forwarding out a hit piece on Virgil Goode just to keep her name in the news? I am not familiar with this paper. Is anyone else? Does it have a functioning web site? I’d like to learn more.

    The Valley American Endorses
    Feda For Congress

    The 5th Congressional District primary is upon us. You will have plenty of candidates to choose from. Conventional wisdom would have said that some of the seven would have dropped out by now, especially if you have not raised any money. According to campaign finance reports that includes Ron Ferrin. There’s only one reason that the FEC would not show a report and that is when the candidate raises no money and isn’t required to file.

    Let’s take a quick look at those who are running and might be running after the June 8th primary. We’ll start with the perceived establishment candidate, state Senator Robert Hurt. He’s already starting out with baggage. He voted in favor of the largest tax increase in Virginia history that was cooked up by then governor Mark Warner. He has voted for “fee” increases in the just ended General Assembly session. Maybe someone can explain to us the difference between a fee and a tax. Hurt also was the only candidate to favor a primary over a convention. This is where I get confused. The Senator says he is conservative but wants localities to spend money that they don’t have to hold these primaries when a convention would have not cost the localities anything. Spending money that isn’t there or that isn’t a necessity doesn’t sound conservative to me. Oh, wait. Primaries are open in Virginia, meaning both parties can vote in them. This is the only way some politicians can win, i.e. Hurt, Senator Emmett Hanger (R-Augusta) and the last presidential candidate, John McCain. They can’t and won’t win when standing on their records.

    James McKelvey and Michael McPadden: McKelvey has emerged as a favorite among the tea partiers, along with Mike McPadden. At first, McKelvey wouldn’t commit to supporting the GOP nominee and not run as an independent, if he lost the nomination. Just prior to turning in his signatures to be on the ballot, he made the commitment. He also seems to be the Mike Huckabee of the bunch, making unrealistic promises. Huckabee pledged to be the first president to hang a going out of business sign on the IRS building. That’s not realistic. Neither is McKelvey’s pledge of cutting government spending 50% (although it would be nice). McKelvey’s attributes include term limits and not taking pay for his service. McPadden is running into issues with the pro-lifers and has had his union ties questioned.

    Ken Boyd: Boyd is currently on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors. He is perceived as an establishment candidate because of this by some. On the plus side, he has worked along side of liberals in the past and it is thought that he can win a tough election against Congressman Tom Perriello.

    Laurence Verga: Verga is in politics for the first time. He has a lot of conservative bona fides. He has pledged to serve no more than three terms. He has taken Senator Hurt to task on several of his votes. The question remains whether he could win a tough election. Win, lose or draw, if Verga sticks around, I believe he has a bright future in politics.

    Virgil Goode: The former Congressman is not seeking the GOP nomination, but is affecting the race. First, there was the rumor that he would run as an independent. Now, he has joined the Constitution Party and probably will run on that ticket. If Goode wanted to run, he should have run for the GOP nomination. It would have been his for the taking. Instead, it seems like he’s playing a game which is affecting the other candidates’ ability to fund raise. Goode should have endorsed a candidate and gotten out of the way. It seems it’s about him, not the good of the party or what’s good for the citizens of the 5th district. In politically incorrect terms, this is what’s called a “typical politician.” One who is concerned about his well being and is out of touch with others and could really care less about everything except his re-election. After all, he’s been a member of the Democratic Party, an Independent candidate, Republican candidate, and now possibly a Constitutional Party candidate. What party will he join next?

    This brings me to the last candidate, Feda Morton. This should be an easy race for the GOP to win, if they nominate the right candidate. A candidate that embraces the Constitution, the right to life, a strong national defense, right to bear arms, property rights, state rights, parents rights, that will work to stop illegal immigration, show our veterans respect, get the economy back on track by creating jobs and oppose job killing tax and spend proposals, understands how the education system works and can be reformed, that sticks to their core principles, is proud to be an American and realizes the United States is the best country on earth, and has the support of the average person- the grassroots, not the Washington and Richmond establishment- someone that has won multiple endorsements already, that candidate is Feda Morton.

    The Valley American endorses Feda Morton for the 5th Congressional District for the above reasons and for her common sense approach to the issues that affect us all. Being an average citizen, a mother, a wife and a teacher, Feda gets it. She knows what it will take to get Virginia and the country back on track. She’s passionate enough that she will succeed if given the opportunity to represent the people of the Fifth.

  • Samuel Gilleran

    I read that piece of tripe and laughed out loud.

  • cardinalcrossing

    People may forget that Ronald Reagan wasn’t the establishment pick. He rocked the GOP running against the Republican President, Gerald Ford back in 1976. Ronnie barely lost that bid at the National Republican Convention in 76. Ronnie dusted himself off and went right back to work, 4 years later Ronnie beat Geo H.W. Bush for the GOP bid and made history in 1980 beating Jimmy Carter, the incumbent President.

    On Tuesday; Win, Place, or Show, IMHO Mike McPadden will be here on June 9th helping to reclaim our Individual Liberties, reaching out to those about the merits of Sound Money, and educating the much needed Constitutional Restraint our current Government has ignored for oh so long. The merits of the New Deal are crashing around us and Mike McPadden will share his solutions. Solutions based on Constitutional principles our Founding Fathers realized were the best principles of Government. Mike McPadden has already taught the other Candidates a number of principles and this changed the Campaign IMHO. That is one good aspect of this primary.

  • MM

    @notnotandy: “Get off your soapbox and get behind a winner, Robert Hurt.”

    Yes, because I always decide who I’m going to vote for based on who I think will win. Using this logic, I guess you’ve successfully cast ballots for Tom Perriello, Obama, etc. in the past.

    I’ll vote for who I believe is the best candidate, thank you very much.

  • Watchman

    I fail to see alot of the “reality” behind thestand of any of these candidates. Periello, regardless of any perceived faults by the party of “no”, still has represented the area very well in a tough economic situation. Were all the decisions right? Maybe not. Were they all wrong? Certainly not.
    The future of the US depends on forward thinking, creative solutions. Not just “no” to everything.

  • jeff

    If you think we need another lawyer or career politician in congress by all means vote for Robert Hurt, if you want someone who plans on going to Washington to make things better that by starting with himself won’t take any pay or benefits vote for Jim McKelvey.McKelvey wants term limits something we really need.Alot of Hurt’s support is from the good ole boy clubs that are the reason we have so few people in the Republican units now.We need to send a clear message to the good ole boys clubs that it won’t be done this way any longer please join with me and vote for Jim McKelvey on June 8th.

  • NotNotAndySere,

    I know you’re not me because you’re a total fool to bring up redistricting. You really expect me to believe that our Republican House of Delegates and Republican Governor will sign off on a redistricting proposal that makes Perriello safe? You really think there’s a way to make his Central and Southside district safe without absurd gerrymandering that would be opposed by the GOP?

    Let’s be real. The gridlock over redistricting might make the 5th mildly more Democratic, but Perriello will still be vulnerable.

    Stop pulling up asinine excuses for why everyone has to get lock step behind the Republican nominee. And I’d say the same thing if there were McKelvey supporters angry at Hurt supporters saying they might not vote for McKelvey because he’s too right-wing.

    Also, if you’ve paid any attention at all to my comments you’d see that I respect Hurt as what he is, a right-of-center Republican. And that’s what he should campaign as.

  • “If whoever we elect turns out to be a good representative of our area and continues to represent the issues that I believe in, more power to them. They’ll still have to face a “job interview” every 2 years in the form of an election and I’ll hire somebody. I don’t automatically recoil in horror when somebody’s won more than 3 elections.”

    I tend to agree but I’m just pointing out that many people believe that once Hurt is in, the power of incumbency will protect him from any serious challenge from within the Republican Party. I’m sympathetic to that argument but this year we’ve seen anything can happen!

    “Was the bailout necessary? Each side can pull out 10 “expert witnesses” who’ll pontificate. Honestly, I have no idea. But I’m sure as hell not letting a vote from 6+ years ago influence my thought process on a candidate.”

    Well, that’s why you’re not threatening to vote for Clark. The problem, from my perspective, is that Hurt should want every vote he can get and people voting for Clark should be within his reach given that they are conservative opponents to Perriello. And I don’t think insulting them is the way to win them over.

  • cardinalcrossing

    ****Democrat Alert******
    Watchman if all you know is the party of “No”, oh! Your on the wrong blog! The Bluffington Post is this way ———–>
    ****Democrat Alert******

  • kelley in virginia

    thanks Cardinal. Sometimes “No” is perfectly fine. Perhaps Perriello should have said “No” to Obamacare? i mean, each day we learn how many more billions it will cost (that Pelosi & her little foot soldiers all denied).

  • Tarheel

    actually the bluffington post would be to the left…..LOL


  • cardinalcrossing

    Actually I was showing Watchman the long way around! LOL (good one Tarheel! oh BTW who came up with the term Tarheel?)

    Kelley: I get frustrated when solutions abound while the Press and Democrats align that the only answer from Republicans is “no”. We have lots of solutions while the Press and Democraps enjoy to ignore us and stick their heads in the sand. Bigger Government is there only answer anything less is ignored.

  • Dennis Coach

    Dear Editor,

    I have been reading these blogs with great interest. I am not sure who to vote for, but wanted to clear up something from prior postings where you were a little bit nasty towards a poster.

    In yesterday’s mail I got the postcard from The Eagle Forum. I agree that the content may be inflammatory but you should not have removed the content from this blog when it is a post card that is being delivered to people’s mailboxes.

    The title was After A Life of Sin – Jim McKelvey Now Calls Himself the Family Values Candidate. If you are trying to protect Jim McKelvey I think that is unfair. You should have an image of the full flyer on this site and let people make up their own minds.


  • kelley in virginia

    i didn’t get the post card about McKelvey. Is he trying to call himself the family values candidate because he thinks to take some of those voters from Feda?

  • nottuckerwatkins

    The eagle forum did not send out any such postcard. This is the Hurt people getting more desperate spreading rumors to hide the information about his tax record. The rumors about McKelvey are just that rumors.

  • Ghost of Ted Dalton

    You are one hundred percent correct in your analysis of this race. I definitely agree that McPadden ran the best campaign of the “others.” If this race had been Hurt v. McPadden, who knows what the result of Tuesday would be….McPadden appears thoughtful and a bit to the right of Hurt without being nasty. However, facts are facts, he’s been lost in the food fight of the “I’m the TRUE alternative to Hurt” crowd. Too bad for his supporters, as he seems like a good man.

    I would make one additional point…the other six candidates are likely to get blown out of the water in the smaller eastern jurisdictions in the race. They’ve done their best in the population centers, but just didn’t have the staff or money to really make an effot in these places. I expect Hurt to rack up enormous percentages in these places where he’s had the campaign to himself for the most part.

    I’m not sure what’s going to happen to Clark, but if he goes above 2% in the final tally, that’s extremely bad news for Hurt. Nobody with half a brain is expecting Periello to roll over and play dead. Even the hapless Al Weed got 40-41% in 2006, so that’s the Periello base. Throw in incumbency, a Yale Law Degree, and 2 million in cold hard cash already for Periello, and 3 or 4% to Clark is probably a talisman to a Hurt victory.

  • jeff

    The establishment now realize Jim McKelvey has real chance of beating Hurt so they will do or say anything to slow him down.Jim has picked up alot of former Hurt supporters after the postcard that showed everyone exactly how much Hurt was like Perriello.

  • kelley in virginia

    ghost: Most (probably all) of us here thought alot of Cong Goode. Sen Hurt will want every vote that was cast for the Congressman, but he is looking for other voters, too. And I think he can appeal to a different crowd.

    I am not willing to handicap November quite yet. Let’s wait until later. Though feel free to remind us if you are right in the end.

    is it true that McK mailed some flyers to Virginia Beach? does anyone know?

  • kelley in virginia

    Jeff, Perriello & Hurt certainly do share an occupation. (Though Hurt practices law in the country & Perriello was in NYC.) And if you are a lawyer hater, then go ahead, hate ’em both.

  • jeff

    They share alot more than that Kelley and you know it.Like they are both easily convinced by Democrats to vote the way they want them to.Why didn’t Bill Bolling and Bob McDonnell vote for the tax increase that Hurt voted for ?

  • kelley in virginia

    no, Jeff, I do not know what other characteristics that Perriello & Hurt share.

    frankly, it is insulting to Robert Hurt to suggest that they share any at all.

    Perriello was never straight–not once–with his constituents about his impending vote(s) on Obamacare. He lied about why he COULD vote for it. And he flat lied about how this district was in favor of it–he said his visits around the district at townhalls proved that.

    If you don’t like Robert Hurt–that is ok. But comparing him to Perriello in any way; except for profession, is insulting to Sen. Hurt.

  • kelley in virginia

    and no, I don’t know why Gov & LG didn’t vote to balance the state budget.

  • jeff

    You failed to answer why Bill Bolling and Bob McDonnell voted no on the same tax increase that Hurt voted for.

  • cardinalcrossing

    Kelley, it wasn’t to balance the budget, it was to expand Mark Warner’s & the Democrats social programs. It wouldn’t have been a difficult vote as RH is quoted as saying, had it just been to balance the budget!

  • kelley in virginia

    cardinal: as conservative as RH is on all his other votes (many of them tax votes) & as conservative as he is ranked (well, by NLS anyway), why would he suddenly think to himself:

    oh let’s expand social programs. I want to be like a Democrat.

    cardinal: let’s meet here late next week & work on beating Perriello.

  • Watchman

    Sure are alot of “chicken littles” here. Periello was right, there is ALOT of support for health care in the 5th. Anyone who has ever had to deal with the idiot insurance company would know that their time was due. We had Goode for many years and got nothing done. So now we are to send another do nothing in Hurt to DC? I think not. He is in over his head and his own “supporters” are in disarray.

  • kelley in virginia

    finally, someone is debating an issue beyond Tuesday’s primary.

    Watchman: Obamacare costs too much. and if that reason alone doesn’t make you opposed to it, there are others. But we can get warmed up & be ready to debate this Wednesday & beyond.

    and If Hurt supporters are in disarray, you & Perriello should be glad. Maybe you’ll get one of the Mc’s. easy win for TP

  • Tarheel

    Kelly, do you really think that McPadden is an easy win for TP?

    Mcpadden is certainly 100% the opposite of TP in philsoiphy and will be able to hold his own in a debate. Mike speaks to the passions of the people of fifth with unparalleled articulation when compared to ANY the other candidates in the primary.

    As previously stated and perhaps most importantly….he will not have to spend months convincing his base of that….like someone else we know of.

    I agree on Mckelvey though….if he pulls out a victory (not gonna happen, though) on Tuesday TP will be able to mail the race in, and return to DC before the imprint of his butt goes away from the office chair….

  • kelley in virginia

    Tarheel: each candidate has his/her own set of foilibles. and Perriello has his which, hopefully, next week, we can start to expose.

    I don’t want to start a big to-do about this, but I heard McP live & on utube. He makes statements about the Constitution & its powers that are not exact.

    what he says sounds good to the average person, but anyone truly schooled in that area will be able to eviscerate him.

    Perriello has made several comments about constitutional powers that I do not agree with & I hope one day the Supremes will whip his & Nancy Pelosi’s ass on lots of their legislation.

    But I know everyone truly hates this, but it is just reality : a constitutional debate will be won by someone who can weave themselves thru the basic document (& McP loves the Constitution, there is no denying)plus 200 years of case law.

    that’s my opinion. there is discussion at another blog right now about this very same thing. (its about who knows more about the Constitution: McP or McK).

    I daresay Hurt knows a heap about the 10th amendment since he was in the Virginia legislature. He has voted on 2d amendment issues. He probably knows about other amendments too since he has had to argue them in court (5th amendment, 4th amendment). I bet he has had to cite case law in front of a judge. But I have been reminded that everyone hates lawyers.

  • cardinalcrossing

    I object your honor, Kelley uses innuendo and rhetoric with her argument against Mike McPadden without any facts.

    {Judge’s response} Ms Kelley, just the facts ma’am, just the fact.

  • Tarheel

    Kelly, there is no comparison between McK and McP as it relates to knowledge understanding of the US constitution….McK obviously rests on platitudes and quips, whilt McP is up on the facts.

    Which specific concepts is Mcpadden wrong about?

    I do not hate lawyers, not at all. I respect many of them that I know. I consider four that I know personally well to be good friends. I am not sure that anyone on this blog has mentioned “hating lawyers”, but perhaps I missed it.

    Case law is important for sure, but a legislators job is legislating not ruling. While I understand your proclivity toward lawyers as politicians, I hope you can understand those of us who do not view law school as a prerequisite.

    McPadden has spoken of an enumerated powers act, one of my favorites of his positions BTW, the others in the campaign to my knowledge have not commented on such an act…I think it is a very prudent and necessary step to returning our legislators to their constitutional bounds…this will not happen over night, but will be a process for sure. I think this to be a good step.

    I also think, and am more convinced of it now after watching several interviews with him this week, that McPadden would be a good teammate for congressman Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin.

    More and more people are saying, even Hurt supporters, that Mcpadden is the real deal, and that they hope “this is not the last they see of him”, my hope is that some of those poeple will as they enter the privcy of the polling booth, and think about it for the last time – make what I truly believe to be a wisest choice for US congress – – by casting their vote for the most liberty loving, constitutionally restrained, small government conservative…..Mike Mcpadden.

  • CardinalCrossing

    From Watchman concerning Govt Health control; “Anyone who has ever had to deal with the idiot insurance company” Now you have to deal with an All powerful Federal idiotic Government. With the Insurance Co you could fire them and purchase another policy. With the Federal Government dictating your health needs, if you have a disagreement, oh well move to another Country!

    Ok Watchman here is your exit to the Bluffington Post!
    it's the shortcut!

  • kelley in virginia

    if today were 2 Mondays ago, instead of the Monday before the election, I would sift thru the Utubes of McP making inexact Constitutional claims/references. If you had not had training or experience in that area, you might not notice it.

    at this point, all that matters is that we all support the nominee against Perriello. Now he IS a Constitution shredder!!!

  • kelley in virginia

    woo hoo, cardinal. get cranked up.

  • CardinalCrossing

    Kelley, you had months to prepare a brief. You made a simular arguement in the past but didn’t come out with facts. You said “If you had not had training or experience in that area, you might not notice it.” In other words if we had been conditioned in case law instead of Consitutional law…

    You never told me you had even read Joseph Story let alone understand the principles of Law that he wrote about. BTW Joseph Story was one of the first Justices of the Supreme Court, started Harvard law School, and wrote about our Founding Fathers Concepts of Law within a Republic. Joseph Story was required reading by most Law Schools until the Progressives came to Wash. DC. back in the early 1900’s.

  • kelley in virginia

    I don’t remember Story as req’d reading. But law school was over 20 years ago.

    Cardinal, you can nail me on the lack of facts–it has been discussed here & just recently at another blog. I just don’t have time to sift thru the Utubes today.

    I want to get out there today.

    To me, it is so weird to have an election during such beautiful weather.

  • CardinalCrossing

    You helped prove my point then Kelley. Today’s lawyers learn case law. The Constitution as our foundation of law is secondary! Mike McPadden wants us to return to Constitutional Law. If we had been following the Constitution the Health Care bill would never had been written let alone signed into law.

  • kelley in virginia

    the Constitution is the foundation. its just that we have so damn many laws. alot of them are for PC purposes, too. granted, this is just my opinion.

  • CardinalCrossing

    Kelley, I completely agree 100% with your last Statement. BTW the Welsh once taught everyone within their lands the law. Even Children were taught all the laws of society. This society survive and grew very well until the English conquered them.

    The 10 Commandments are what God gave us, just ten laws.

    How many laws are on the Federal Books today? Hundreds? Thousands? tens of thousands! How many do we really need, it was once said; ignorance of the law is no excuse. It is today, here our own Treasury Secretary violates our tax laws; free pass!

  • Samuel Gilleran

    My dad just got a robocall from McKelvey. It was Virgil talking, but it was just the playback of that quote that McK has been putting up all over the internet and on his flyers. This irritates me to no end. Virgil has not endorsed and will not endorse (it’d be awful late now), and he’s had nice things to say about all the candidates. McK is acting like he’s Virgil’s chosen one (which, incidentally, would sound pretty dadgum “establishment” to me), he’s not, and it’s dishonest.

  • Tarheel

    Sam, I could not agree more.

    Mckelvey is dishonest about lots of things.

    He told me more than once that social issues are not the reason he is going to washington and that they will not be a priority….but in the last month or so he has seen great value in them and touts them as if they are the core of his being….


    BTW….Jerry Falwell Jr. Did not endorse him either.

  • Virginia Hunter


    James McKelvey

    400 Scruggs Road
    Suite 2010
    Moneta, Virginia 24121
    Employer: Self
    Occupation: Developer
    Date Contributed = 06/01/2010
    Amount Contributed = 70000.00

  • kelley in virginia

    does this mean that McK has loaned his campaign more money? more power to him.

    if McK doesn’t win primary, is he trying to run for something else? is there something open up that way?

  • Will White

    Hurt still has his state senate job to fall back on when McPadden sends him back to Chatham.Does anyone realize the same people that are running Hurt’s camp are the same ones that caused Virgil to lose ?

  • Virginia Hunter

    I thought the person running Hurt’s campaign was the same that lead Ken Cuccinelli’s winny campaign for Attorney General? I could not be any happier with those results.

  • Virginia Hunter

    Sorry. Winny is supposed to read winning

  • Will White

    Tucker is helping Hurt this should tell everyone alot about Hurt.

  • kelley in virginia

    Will, perhaps the Hurt campaign has added a few people in the last three days, so you could be right (yep, even a blind sow picks up an acorn every now & then), but:

    I don’t think Chris LaCivita worked on the Goode campaign. And I don’t think Sean Harrison did either.

    but obviously, you have inside info that the Hurt staff is willing to let a McPadden supporter have.

  • Will White

    I don’t know if the Hurt campaign has added any people in the last few days but I know for a fact they have lost a few people in the last few days.

  • Will White

    Kelley I sure hope we are on the same page after tomorrow.I know you can learn to LIKE MIKE.

  • Samuel Gilleran

    (Bruce: you can just leave the comment with the links in moderation, I just decided to edit the links out.)

    Update on the robocall via Shaun Kenney’s twitter feed:

    22 minutes ago:
    “Goode is upset… developing…”

    14 minutes ago:
    “Goode: ‘I do not endorse Jim McKelvey.’ — that settles that.”

    But how many people are going to be fooled…

  • Will White

    All of the candidate are using things that Virgil has said about them.Well all except Hurt Virgil hasn’t said anything good about Hurt.

  • nottuckerwatkins

    Robert Hurt is using his dad to make robo calls saying Virgil backs Robert. We all no thats not true.
    Shaun Kenney is not quoting Virgil Goode. If you want to support your candidate llease tell the truth.

  • Samuel Gilleran

    I’m not actively supporting anyone, and you’re accusing Shaun of lying. We’re using our real names and staking our reputations to our posts. Get out from behind the pseudonym if you’re going to accuse Shaun (and by extension, me) of lying.

  • kelley in virginia

    samuel: here’s why I think you & shaun are correct. (actually, I believe you, but am adding further “logic”) If Virgil endorsed McK, they would have done it on a public square/forum with lots of media. 11th hour on robo call just doesn’t sound valid.

    I don’t think Virgil is going to run.

  • kelley in virginia

    24 1/2 hours til round #1 is over. whew.

  • Samuel Gilleran

    I’ve come to the conclusion that McKelvey has more money than sense. I open my email to see a “press release” touting the results of a internet poll. Really? Kelley, I couldn’t agree with you more. So ready for these idiots to get themselves back into the woodwork.

  • Manchen

    Hurt has very little presence up north, we look at him the same way you folks are looking at Ken Boyd. I think they are both looking to turn their own base out big and then go district wide for the general. Biggest difference is the TEA party people would vote for Boyd if he won.

  • Watchman

    Ahh to see you all fighting….at least the Dems can get behind one, very good candidate. Despite what you say the Repubs have no answers, no ideas, no honest representatives of the party. They all screamed and cried about the stimulus package yey 96, yes 96 republicans have showed up for ribbon cuttings, photo ops, whatever for projects funded.
    Not one of the candidates has any idea what to do, what to say, or how to cure any of the ills.
    They condemn healthcare but if asked they are only general and say what the tea party nimby’s want them to say. None are their own candidate, they are the creation of someone else.
    As a close follower of politics just keep fighting, dividing, and undermining. Periello may be able to save alot of his war chest, the Republicans may just self destruct.

  • Manchen

    Watchman – you troll foolishness is a great comic relief to this blog. Perriello great luck was to raise his hand when the democrats asked who wanted to run. The only candidate to go negative is McKelvey against Hurt. That’s not destruction of the party no matter what you think.

  • cardinalcrossing

    Actually both KB and RH were expecting a huge base turn out but with this election there are other Republicans to select from and their bases are not so large anymore IMHO.

    I know Mike McPadden has good support around Hurt’s district, even with Mike McPadden’s signs being taken out of yards along major roads. In addition I know some Military folks in Albemarle that are supporting Mike McPadden tomorrow.

    I just spoke with a very nice Lady and McPadden supporter, she is worried that if Hurt comes out ahead, that she just doesn’t see herself helping Hurt.

    Here is a thought for tomorrow, close enough for a re-count? It could be a close one!

  • cardinalcrossing

    Hey Watchman,
    Watch how the 5th sends TP back to NY.
    Watch how the 5th comes together, not just Republicans, oh no, Independents, Tea Party Folks, and even Democrats will vote against your boy, TP!
    I predict TP will end up spending all his money, then going into the hole and still lose! DEEDS STYLE!

  • jeff

    If anyone thinks we need another two years of Perriello vote for Robert Hurt you will sure have him again.

  • Watchman

    ahhh cardinal….you are such a poor student of history…….just like Virgil (I’m A Shoe In) Goode……some people just gotta learn the hard way.

  • cardinalcrossing

    Watchman – If you had integrity and understood history you would be voting Conservative. I’ve been reading history for over 40 years, you have no idea how your Party has been seized by the worse of people. They have awaken all kinds of People by showing their cards. We don’t like the Democrats progressive/socialist programs. If George Washington was alive today he would call TP a Tory! Look it up if you don’t understand the word Tory. Oh btw, oh wait a minute, let me spell that out for you; by the way many folks are not happy with some Republicans too for siding with the democrats.

    2 million dollars can go bye bye real quick defending the worse two year record in Congressional History!

  • Tarheel

    Me thinks watchman’s writing style and name calling is ever so familiar….Hmmmmm….

  • kelley in virginia

    Good morning everyone. Today we have one goal–electing our individual candidate.

    Tomorrow the goal is defeating Perriello.

  • Watchman

    caedinal…your view of history is through FOX colored glasses. Because the hard decisions had to be made you don’t like the fact that your former president was unable and unwilling to make them. Obama a socialist? Stop listening to the far right crazies and you will see how ridiculous that comment was. The fact is the changes were long overdue and you know it but are afraid to admit it.
    The US will survive, the sky will not fall, and sending the likes of McKelvey or Hurt to DC will only spell doom for the southside.

  • cardinalcrossing

    Thanks Watchman, you proved my point; if a socialist gave you a handout, you would thank him and follow him no matter what, as Sam Adams once said “may your chains set lightly upon you”. Oh yea it’s all Bush’s fault anyway right. I saw George Bush in the Gulf last month…

    Ignorance is NOT bliss but can be fixed.
    Stupidity is not bliss but that can’t be fixed.
    Hey Watchman are ignorant or stupid?

    Oh by the way, did you see the great vacation deals to see Greece?

  • Tarheel

    Does anyone know how the order of the candidates on the ballot was determined?

  • Stephen

    Tarheel, I think its the order the candidate submitted there petition signatures.

    I remember hearing at the time that Hurt submitted first…

  • Will White

    I think it is done by who turns in the most signatures.

  • YodraN

    Stephen’s right. It’s who turns them in first, not who turns in the most.

  • kelley in virginia

    turnout lite in Lunenburg. but beautiful day.

  • Stephen

    I have never been this obsessed about a race…when will the results be available? As soon as the polls close, or shortly thereafter, or do I need to wait until tomorrow and read about it in the newspaper?

  • cardinalcrossing

    Hey SouthsideCentral, can you give us a hint when? :^)

  • kelley in virginia

    the live chat thing won’t work for me. it worked for awhile, then quit. anyone else having this problem?

    the results were quick because there were so few of them & because, unlike the general when you have the Dems involved, there are no boxes of ballots found in the trunk of someone’s car.

  • jeff

    Jeff Clark lets get to work.

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