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The latest anti-uranium scare tactic

Every time I think the anti-uranium folks couldn’t go any lower, they dig deeper.

Crowd spoke truth about mining

While I’m very sorry that Frederick Towle died from leukemia as a result of uranium exposure, that has absolutely nothing to do with uranium mining and the technology of today. Nobody knows if the uranium in Pittsylvania County can be mined safely using the advances of modern technology. That’s why I support the scientific study that will have come to a conclusion based on people that are a heck of a lot smarter than I am.

As I have done before, I strongly condemn the anti-uranium crowd’s use of tactics that have absolutely no basis in fact as they try to scare the people that don’t have the intelligence to think on their own. If the scientific study comes back with the conclusion that uranium can not be safely mined, I’m perfectly willing to continue the ban that’s currently in place. On the other hand, if the study reveals that the uranium can be safely mined, the anti-uranium crowd have already declared that they will not accept that decision. An open mind is a good thing… especially when it comes to an issue like this that could potentially bring great economic benefits to a region that definitely could use it.

3 comments to The latest anti-uranium scare tactic

  • Brian Carrozza

    I am confused. I wasn’t living in this area 30 years ago, so please settle this for me once and for all: Was the uranium mining study that was carried out in the 1980s, the one that resulted in a uranium mining ban, a scientific study, or was it just a political sham?

    If the 1980s study was a true scientific study and not just a politician vote-getting farce, then the only questions that remain to be answered is: What new and innovative mining techniques or procedures have been invented in the last 30 years to make uranium mining safe in a populated area? If the answer is none, as I suspect, then why revisit the question at all.

    For the record, I think mining will happen here anyway, no matter if it is really safe or not, and let the people be damned. There is too much money in the ground for greedy folk to just walk away and leave it alone.

  • Brian, it doesn’t matter if the 1980 study was a true scientific study or not. What matters is that technology has changed in the thirty plus years since the ban was adopted. Al Gore has invented the Internet!

  • VaPatriot

    And, NAS, Al; Gore is also the world’s top authority on in-room hotel massages!!!

    Ain’t he just grand??

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