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You think Halifax is slow already?

It’s only going to get worse.

Mountain Road Resident Requests Lower Speed Limit

Lovely. If this passes, Halifax will now have even more areas for revenue enhancement operations and it won’t change one thing about the safety level.

3 comments to You think Halifax is slow already?

  • Dissa

    Lemme get this straight…

    A dog gets killed by a vehicle and that means the speed limit should be changed? Doesn’t Halifax have a lease law?

  • Wild Handyman

    I have found that, for myself, a speed limit that is too slow, such as 25 MPH, does as much to foster bad or sloppy driving as any of the other distractions that occur behind the wheel (e.g. changing radio stations or CDs, answering a phone, dealing with a crying infant, etc.). While driving the streets with the artificially low limits I find myself trying to concentrate on not speeding, and to do that I must constantly glance down at the speedometer, taking my eyes off the road in the process. I would use my vehicle cruise control to keep to the legal limit, but no vehicle’s cruise controler, that I am aware of, works at a speed as low as 25.

    Instead of spreading the unnaturally-slow 25 MPH speed limit, I believe it would be safer if the town of Halifax, as well as the town of South Boston, would eliminate the too-slow limit of 25 MPH and make 35 MPH (or higher where applicable) the law of the land.

  • Doug

    The problem here is not the speed limit. It’s a lack of responsibility of pet owners. A person lets his/her dog run at large. It gets hit by a car. Person blames driver. This is ridiculous. If you let your dog run loose, it’s going to get hit eventually. If you love your dog, keep it on a leash or in the house.

    Currently; Halifax doesn’t have a leash law, though it needs one very badly.

    While I firmly believe that 25 mph speed limits are necessary in residential neighborhoods and congested areas, Mountain Road is not one of them. Thirty-five mph should be the rule on that roadway since there’s not a lot of pedestrian traffic until you get to the courthouse.

    Also, 45 is just fine for Golf Course Road, as it should be for L. P. Bailey from the Jiffy to the bridge.

    In regards to sloppy driving; the faster the speed limit, the more dangerous sloppy driving becomes. Downtown Halifax has a lot of pedestrian traffic. Unfortunately, both drivers and pedestrians think they have right of way. 25 mph is necessary there to help with pedestrian safety.

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