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VideoCentral: “Violence in the School System”

As promised, here’s the Star Talk show that I did on Wednesday, August 25th. A special guest told a disturbing story about her daughter getting attacked on a school bus in the first segment, and then the phone lines stayed busy for the rest of the hour. I hope you enjoy watching the show.

I hope you enjoy the show.

42 comments to VideoCentral: “Violence in the School System”

  • Christine Privette

    Bruce, I really blame & point the finger at the school system for not followering their so called rules . First, they never called me to let me know what had happened on the bus at all. My neice from a bus beside my daughter saw it all . She then texted my brother who called me to let me know my kid had been in a very bad fight and appeared to be hurt. I went to the schoool immeaditealy to see what had happenen. I talked w/ Deputy Danny Martin who told me everything. My question to him was ” what in the Heck was she still doing in school after 4 fights in the 1st/ year of middle school? Why was she not in WW Moore if she could not contain herslef any better than that?
    I saw the video tape in court, she walked back 4 seats and went to hitting my kid w/ her fist as hard as she could. She took several blows to the face & head. My daughter went down for a total of 6 seconds. When she got up I could see the blood on her face.
    I am the only parent who has ever took a stand against her as far as court goes.
    We as Parents need to stand together and try to stop this from happening to any other students.
    Not too long ago I remember a young girl taking her own life in Pittsylvania Co. for being bullied so bad. Parents talk/ with your children. Find out what is going on w/ them in school. If a child hates going to school , that is a Red Flag. Have a heart to heart talk with them for they are our future. Don’t let your child go through what mine did. We got lucky, for she could have been easily killed.

  • Christine Privette

    One more thing, I do not blame the bus driver at all, he is not an owl who turn his head all the way around and see everything, I do Commend & Thank him for pulling this girl off my daughter.

  • Watchman

    Please, get a grip. A fight on a school bus? Thats news? Well guess what parents, fights among kids happen and will happen again. Especially with middle school kids.
    So what was the school to do? Put a cop on every bus?
    Everyone needs to chill out and stop making a federal case about a school fight.

  • Christine Privette

    When your kid that is if you have one gets his glassesd broke amd front tooth knocked out by a 300 lb. beached whale , lets see if YOU feel the same way then !!!!! And yes , This is news, for the school is always trying to sweep things under the carpet. We are just trying to inform the public as to what really goes on in school.

  • Christine Privette

    One more thing watchman, this wasn’t your run of the mill fight . This was nothing but a Beat Down ! And its people like you who sit back and make ignorant remarks like this & just say oh well it was just a fight, let it go. This has a lot as to why the kids are as mean as they are because people like YOU. If you can’t be part of the solution ,then do add to the problem ! Am I still POed , you better believe it !

  • JustPassingBy

    I think the important thing that makes this situation stand out is the fact that this was not this girl’s first fight yet it was her 4th, that’s what really bothers me about this situation (not counting the horrible outcome, that makes me sick as well). But even giving her just a warning on the first fight on the second fight there should have been a harsher punishment than just another slap on the hand.

  • tangerine13

    What’s interesting is that bullying has two different sides, in my opinion. A kid can be picked on, tormented, provoked until they suffer emotionally/mentally and become depressed or, VERY worst case scenario, harm themselves or take their own lives. OR a person can be picked on, tormented, provoked, until they snap and ‘beat someone up on the school bus’. In those situations, the provocation is usually swept under the carpet because the person being bullied acted out violently and obviously against the rules. Fighting is NEVER right, but in a lot of these cases the ‘victim’ who was harmed physically has been instigating the ‘attacker’ incessantly. (Again, not condoning it). But everyone has their breaking point and kids like to run their mouths.

  • tangerine13

    And actually, now that I think of it, calling a child a ‘300 lb. beached whale’ regardless of how angry or defensive you are, is representative of the problem of bullying in schools itself. Kids are cruel, and students who are overweight probably bear the brunt of that cruelty. It’s sad that you, as an adult, would resort to that too.

  • another perspective

    I agree Tangerine. You have made some good points, perhaps chief among them is that the name calling was very sad, and unnecessary indeed.

    After watching that video and listening to the mothers telling of the story – – This appears, even as told by the mother, to not be the ‘random, unprovoked attack’ that we have been led to believe.

    However, 4 fights? Seems to be a pattern there that needs to be dealt with.

  • Christine Privette

    This was random , my daughter has never picked on her nor provoked her in any way. I bought her up better than that. This was a child who was use to having their own way no matter what the cost.

  • Pandora

    another perspective: What part of the mother’s story, exactly, leads you to believe that this was not a ‘random, unprovoked attack’?
    It sure sounded to me like the child that was attacked did nothing to provoke it.

  • Watchman

    It appears that if the child was like the parent here then one can see how this happened. A 300 lb beached whale? Sounds like the apple did not fall far fropm the tree. You over reacted and made it a big deal. And how do you know it was her 4th fight? That info was not released to you. And exactly what do you believe constitutes a fight? Pure and simple over reaction by a high strung parent……

  • Christine Privette

    I have not over reacted by any means nor have I under reacted to this situation! The school informed me that this was her 4th/ fight. It really wasn’t even a fight but a pure BEAT DOWN ! The Principals own words to me was ” This was a Brutal Beating .” She saw the tape as well. I didn’t make it a big deal , The defendant did when she wailed at my 110lb. daughter w/ her fist and knocked her complety out.She got out of her seat and walked back 4 seats to get to my daughter, I call that intent ! I just happen to be a parent who believes in Justice and the Truth , no more & no less.
    This will be the last statement I leave on here about this . She pleaded No Contest, I had over whelming evidence against her. Nothing but the truth has been told about this story. Watchman , I could care less about what you think. As far as what has been released to me, you were not there during any conversations I have had with any of the officals . Even the Judge after veiwing the tape said ” I”ve seen enough .” That tape was the key evidence to this case along with her school records of having a ” long history of violence.” My daughter never had to get on the stand, nor the 3 wittnesses that were with us. Only I took the stand to show proof of her damages. NOW TELL ME I OVER REACTED!

  • Watchman

    You over reacted…. satisfied now? So now you want us to believe that this student suddenly got up out of her seat, walked down the aisle to your child, picked her out of the whole bus, and attacked her for no reason? Please…..get off your high horse. It takes two to tango……..

  • Christine Privette

    Apparently you have problem with your ears. If you listen to part 1 of his show you will hear what led up to this altercation. It dosen’t matter what anyone believes, the only person decision that matters is the Judge.

  • another perspective

    You said the “beached whale” said to your daughter prior to getting up “the best thing for you to do is shut your mouth”; so the questions we have are – 1) What was your daughter saying that provoked the “beached whale”? 2)Did your daughter shut her mouth and leave her alone when asked, prior to the altercation?

  • another perspective

    I want to note that I am not excusing the reaction of the “beached whale”, it was wrong for sure, and should she should be disciplined for it. However, pretending that it was COMPLETELY unprovoked seems to be a bit of an oversimplification.

  • Christine Privette

    She threaten her when she said ” If you don’t shut up I’m gonna come back there and smack you. This was said after my daughter asked her ,”What have I done to make you so mad at me. ” After she threatened her my daughters simple reply is ” you’re not going to do any thing to me. ” To me , that does not constitute her getting out of her seat and beating the crap out of her. I had asked my kid had she ever picked on her in any way, her reply was no . Back when my kid had a cell phone ,they use to call one another and were friends at one point. I stand fully for no Bullying at all. I was bullied in school and know how it feels. I had told my daughter not to treat other kids this way & if she sees a child being bullied to go get someone immediately. Furthermore if the defendant felt provoked , why didn’t she tell the bus driver instead of making good on her threat ? Remember the bus was still sitting on the lot.
    As far as the term ” beached whale ” that I used ,,, Yes, it was poor description on my part. Haven’t we all used unlikely words in the heat of the moment?

  • Republurker

    “Haven’t we all used unlikely words in the heat of the moment?”

    Ding, ding, ding, ding . . .

    all = children
    heat of moment = brewing fight

    just sayin’ . . .

  • Christine Privette

    One thing I left out, The coversation between the two girls prior that led up to this all came out in court. Now The Judge did look straight at my daughter and told her she was in the wrong for smacking the defendant and that this was not the wild wild west when he was rendering his decision. I had as well said the same words to her. I told her sometimes a good run is better than a bad stand. Now you know the rest of the story.

  • Watchman

    So wait…now you are saying your daughter smacked the girl? What happened to the innocent little girl? Ahhh the marvels of truth……

  • Christine Privette

    You are a ignorant man who sucks up good air being used as a waste. At one time didn’t you use to be within the school system? And you got caught with dirty hands? Be suprised of court records you can pull on a computer.
    How about we talk about you for a while ? Once again , apparently did not listen to the 1st/ part of Bruces story . He had every bit of this checked out by others who knew of this . So are you calling him a Liar? Do you feel he reported on something he knew nothing about? He veryfied this story before running it. Thats what good reporters do. He just did not take my word for it alone!

  • Grumpy

    I feel the love!!!!!!!!!!

  • another perspective

    I feel like we all agree that the “beached whale” was in the wrong and should be punished….however I think you are failing to see where your daughter is also at fault….

    and honestly given your proclivity for name calling, as demonstrated on this thread….I am beginning to wonder just how likely it is that the apple is laying right at the trunk of the tree. We already know that your innocent little girl slapped the ‘whale”.

  • Christine Privette

    Once again I told what my daughter said to the girl involve was the wrong thing to do.She also had a written statment to the ACWA w/her reply. Cannot any of you understand why she took up for herslef? Even though I did not agree with her her actions, I can certainly understand why she did it. One more thing , the only time I used the term Beached Whale was on this site alone. I never spoke those words in front of my daughter. So if you want to blame me thats fine, Please lets take the heat off the bully who has had a long history of violence.The school had yet to put a stop to it until I stepped in. You can throw off on me all you want to , But don’t mess or scold or point false fingers to a kid who did not deserve a beat down!
    I am a easy going person, but if anyone pushes the wrong button w/ me , I can be a handful to handle. I know the law very well. If she had been in the wrong in any way ,My daughter that is, I would have never pressed charges in the 1st/ place. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourslef because this crappy school system will not untill something like this happens. Other than that all they do is sit back and draw a pay-check.

  • Christine Privette

    You can stick a fork in my A$$ for I am truly done here explaining to illiterate people.
    Thank you Bruce for letting me post here !!!

  • JimBob


  • Me

    I am confused when did the daughter slap the girl before the fight or after?

  • Christine Privette


  • another perspective

    Actually, if you listen/watch the video’s above. It seems, even as the story told is one sided, that the slap took place immediately after Ms. Privette’s daughter ‘came to’ after being punched out by the aforementioned ‘beached whale’. The ‘beached whale’, prior to punching her daughter, also told said “the best thing for you to do is shut up” (which implies there may have been at least some ‘trash talk’ going on, which again, calls into the question the whole unprovoked attack pretense.)

    I think that the slap in question was not ‘after’ the fight, but rather a part of it. Although, it may be important to note that the ‘beached whale’ had returned to her seat and, I think even had her BACK TURNED when Ms. Privette’s daughter struck her.

    I do not think you can separate the ‘knock out’ and the ‘slap’. They are all part of the same fight, IMO.

    Ms. Privette, you keep saying that your daughter did wrong by slapping the girl, but let me ask you this; What punishment from the school has your daughter received, if any?

  • Christine Privette

    1)No trash talking come any of their mouths.
    2)She was suspended from school 5 days.
    3)Her only guestion was ” Why are you so mad at me?”
    4) Was she threatened , yes, did she follow through YES, Only Worse& More.
    5) The judge saw it this way ae well. His opinion was the only one that mattered. Remember , He saw the tape from the school bus as so did I.

  • Christine Privette

    When my kid hit her , it was face to face,not from behind . This is also on the tape!

  • JimBob

    Christine Privitte, What happended to the “Stick a Fork in My A$$, I’m done……All this talk by you tells us where your daughter got her Mouth from……..

  • Christine Privette

    JimBob, why don’t you take your mouth and head back to Waltons Mountain!
    A lot of questions that were asked of me , I replied to them only. Not You! If you don’t like the site take youre cyber a$$ else where. As far as my mouth goes, you haven’t heard nothing yet. Any time you would like to have a one on one conversation in person just let me know. I quit letting people bully me when was younger,, I can still argue w/ the best & worst of them . This goes for you as well . I not only talk the talk – I also walk the walk. Lets see what you’re made of !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Reality check

    Easily provoked, aren’t you madame? While I can understand your anger over your completely innocent daughter getting bitch slapped, your attitude and name calling only fuel the fires of suspicion. You have also communicated threats to several people here electronically(which is a crime, even though you claim great knowledge of the law.) I suspect your knowledge stems from being the defendant, more often than not. We only see one side of the story, yours, and there are holes. I find it hard to believe that a school system employee would readily tell you of the other girl’s record, it is sealed and private. By law, this information CANNOT be shared with you. Whomever gave it to you could be fired and prosecuted. You have repeatedly resorted to ignorance, name calling, and bullying to prove your point, leading everyone here to come to the conclusion that your daughter learned from you, and acted based on that. Rational people in the right, can discuss things intelligently, without threats of violence, or name calling, you have done neither. Also, please learn some common grammar skills before attacking others and calling them “illiterate.” Most of what you wrote is nearly unintelligible.

  • another perspective

    Reality check wins the comment war! LOL

    You sir/ma’am, have nailed it, EXACTLY!

  • The Ledge

    So yo think, but your thoughts don”t count where it matters does it ? Be careful because laughing ic catching,,, just an old saying,& not a threat!
    Guess its a good thing this woman wasn’t on trial,THIS LYNCH-MOB SOUNDS LIKE IT IS READY TO HANG HER IN FRONT OF THE COURTHOUSE.

  • JimBob

    Christine Privette, BLAH,,,BLAH…BLAH Guess You have’t heard the saying “A Empty Wagon Rattles The Most………..
    or “It’s better to keep your mouth shut & let People think you are a Fool than to run it all the time and remove all Doubt………..Reality Check, Great Post!!!! You are right on..

  • Christine Privette

    If its not feeding time, then don’t rattle my cage. Even bad publicity is good publicity , for some people. I think the ones on here who have badgered me need to take a long look in the mirror.
    Funny thing you folks seem to get a kick out of Bruces site & keep coming back for more or just enjoying arguring. You must find this interstering or have no life at all. All you want to do is discredit me,, Well good luck w/ that one.

  • another perspective

    Good catch grumpy!

    So Bruce is “hateful and miserable”, until she needs him…then he is one swell dude!


  • SouthsideCentral

    Actually, I made the offer of peace to Christine. I felt she had a story to tell and this was a way to get the word out.

    You’ll have to find something else to mock. 🙂


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