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5th District Happenings (Update #2)

It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? Let’s get this update started with a statement on why it’s hard to talk about political topics, then we’ll get to what’s been going on.

As many of you know, I’ve taken a job in broadcast media. Because of that job, I’ve had to work with a lot of political candidates regarding advertising so I have to deal with ethical conflicts of interests when I make political observations. Next, I try and stay as objective as possible when I am representing the TV station, both when on-air and out in the community when I’m covering the news. Although I have made it clear to my readers that SouthsideCentral is my personal site when I express my personal opinions, I’d be a fool to believe that all of my readers are able to make that distinction. That’s another thing that I have to consider. (By the way, my employer is perfectly happy with me continuing to express my personal opinions and observations, to some of my detractors’ dismay.) When I combine all of these potential pitfalls, I have to tread carefully but I am continuing to produce SouthsideCentral content. That being said, I am reminding my readers that the following is my personal opinion.

Let’s get started with observations about the three candidates in the race.

  • Tom Perriello – Money talks. Perriello’s got plenty of money and although some rumors floated around that he was going to lose funding as being in a “non-winnable race”, I firmly believed that was a load of horsecrap the moment I heard it. Perriello’s campaign is rolling along quite well and it’s being guided on the right path. He’s mostly doing the right things and is in the race to win it.
  • Robert Hurt – Hurt’s running a well-oiled campaign as well except for one major flaw. The “refusing to debate if Jeff Clark is present” may be perfect political strategy, but it’s coming at a cost to his campaign. Hurt needs to get one high-profile debate in with both of his opponents to shut up the people who are claiming he’s cowardly. Once that happens, Hurt would be able to point to that debate and say “I gave him a chance.”
  • Jeff Clark – Even if you’re totally against Clark even being in the race, you’ve got to give him credit for sticking it out despite being outgunned & out-funded.

Now let’s get this thing started in the semi-dreaded (Very) Random Thoughts format!

  • One of my callers last week made a good point by saying none of the candidates are telling her why she should vote for them.
  • With one month to go, let’s play “Follow The Money” and see where donations and finding comes from.
  • WMDV caught Robert Hurt at his Danville fish-fry event on Monday and he said that he would come on WMDV for an hour show.
  • Unsurprisingly, I’m seeing a lot of the “I’m Republican but I don’t like Robert Hurt” people showing support for Robert Hurt. I told you so.
  • Here’s a funny story from the last Danville Tea Party meeting. Angry Old Man stands up and says “Jeff Clark says he’s a tea party guy but he’s not one of us!” (or something like that, but you can feel the get-off-my-lawn outrage in his voice). When it’s pointed out that Jeff Clark is sitting two rows behind him and that he is welcome to talk to Clark, Angry Old Man sits down and shuts up. Lesson learned: Shouting at a telephone pole is fun when the telephone pole can’t point out your shortcomings.
  • Hurt’s latest attack ad just pissed me off by calling the health care reform the “Pelosi-Perriello Healthcare Plan”, however if there was a Full-Truth In Negative Advertising law, there wouldn’t be any negative ads. Why confuse the voters with the truth?
  • As a voter, your job is to pick the best candidate. If you truly feel that Jeff Clark is the best candidate, you should vote for him. There’s no shame in that.

That’s enough for now… thanks for the patience as WMDV gets going!

36 comments to 5th District Happenings (Update #2)

  • kelley in virginia


    Should i try to parse out your comments or strike out on my own?

    a new poll (referenced at NotLarrySabato) claims that Perriello is within one point of Sen. Hurt. While I believe that Perriello trails Robert Hurt by more than one, I do believe that turnout is key.

    all the George Soros/ money in the world can’t make up for those of us who are willing to volunteer at the polls, make the phone calls, go door to door & vote for Robert Hurt.

  • Will White

    The next few weeks are critical.Hurt should bring up the fact that the unemployment rate has went up in the 5th district even after Perriello voted for the jobless stimulus package.

  • Mary Mitchell

    Well If I had just looked HERE first, I would not have had to ask your take at this point in the race!

    Any chance of Perriello also appearing on WMDV??!! 🙂

    I hope Hurt follows through!

  • kelley in virginia

    2 good ads i’ve seen today. and though I hate to do it, I will tell you that they are at

    the anti-Obama administration ad is powerful. the anti-Perriello ad is funny & direct.

  • tarheel

    The ad calling the health care ram rod the “pelosi/perriello health care law” was 100% accurate.

    1. He voted for it.
    2. He fully supported it from the moment the leadership submitted it.
    3. He is a member of her caucus who voted with her on every single important vote regarding it.
    4. He has said that she is an excellent speaker, and if re-elected he will vote for her for that spot again.

    Therefore it is completely within bounds to join them together in an ad.

    As for the coward thing.

    Clark is an self interested goon. If conservative principles were his real motivation he would, realizing there is absolutely NO WAY he can win, support the only one who can who is close to his views. Many of us conservatives have had to do that in this race, and I think he should put his ‘money where his mouth is”

    Speaking of the idea that TP is using Clark to harm Hurt, and Clark is either too stupid or too self interested to know it. Case in point, the mailer that TP sent out last week where he attacks Hurt and gives only a cursory playful jab at Clark. I got the impression that TP is fine with people voting for Clark, as there is no way he can win, and that only hurts Robert Hurt.

    RH would be stupid to allow Perriello to steal votes from him by helping Clark direct them his way.

  • Will White

    When need to work hard from now until election day to make sure Perriello gets his pink slip.

  • Will White

    I meant We need to work hard.

  • kelley in virginia

    there is Perriello ad saying that Hurt doesn’t listen to his constituents (but meanwhile, RH’s constituents keep re-electing by overwhelming majorities), but Perriello DOES listen.

    who went to a Perriello townhall last year where people begged him not to vote for Obamacare? how many of you emailed, wrote letters & called his offices pleading with him not to vote for Obamacare?

    Perriello does not listen. Why do you think people want to get rid of him?

  • tarheel

    Oh, Kelly he listens. Problem is that it is to SOros, Pelosi, Charlie Rangel. Not to mention the, unions, liberal PAC’s, and other lobbyists who finance his campaign.

    Oh, sorry I forgot “he does not accept lobbyist money”. Yea, and I have got some wonderful oceanfront property in Nebraska, and I am willing to make a deal with anyone who believes that!

  • kelley in virginia

    3 weeks from today we will have a new Congressman! everyone get out to volunteer to man the polls, drive people to the polls, take food/drink to the poll volunteers.

    we ALL have to work at this.

  • Will White

    Kelley you are correct.I went to Chase City and Clarksville on Sunday I saw alot of Perriello signs there.

  • kelley in virginia

    tonight, Robert Hurt takes on Tom Perriello. you can see it on webcast from

  • Will White

    Kelley what is the deal in Mecklenburg ? I see alot of Perriello signs there.

  • kelley in virginia

    Will, it is all I can do to keep up with Lunenburg.

    Perriello has been to Kenbridge handing out money. I almost felt sorry for him because of the 10 people he met with, 8 are donors to Robert Hurt campaign. almost.

  • Will White

    Im sure you have alot to do in Lunenburg but if you know anyone in Mecklenburg maybe you could give them a little nudge.

  • kelley in virginia

    for the record: I do not think Jeff Clark’s candidacy will alter the outcome of our Congressional election. I believe Robert Hurt will win.

    That said, anyone got any gut feeling as to whether Jeff Clark will bow out now as is rumored by some?

  • tarheel

    Kelly, if it ends up being as close as many polls now have it among likely voters…..then 2-4% or so could certainly cost RH the election.

    I have said from the beginning that RH does have many votes to give in this election (as TP is a master politician and slick talking lawyer with lots and lots of $$$$)…and has attempted, only time will tell if he has been effective, to portray himself as a tax cutting, ‘independent’ voice that will bring home the bacon to his people.

    Nothing like bribing voters with our own money and money that our children will have to pay back to China, eh?

  • tarheel

    should say “RH does NOT have many votes to give…..”

  • kelley in virginia

    on Courier-Record (Blackstone) FB page: Perriello involved in accident Fri night. location appears to me to be in 4th District. Woman sent to hospital. Perriello, unhurt, charged with improper lane change.

  • tarheel

    Bruce, any info on what Kelly just posted?

  • kelley in virginia

    just saw on TheSchillingShow blog that Ms. Thorpe (JATP) had called on Jeff Clark to w/draw from race.

    I don’t know Mr. Clark, so I don’t know if he will heed Ms. Thorpe’s request & if he did so, what impact his w/drawal would have on race.

    Bruce, you know him. what do you think?

  • Will White

    Kelley how are things going in your part of the 5th ?

  • kelley in virginia

    will: there are many dedicated Hurt supporters in Lunenburg. If people are whipped up about Perriello, they are keeping it a secret–they are probably ashamed.

    we have a local Treasurers race here so that will bring out more voters, i think.

    and right now, Weather Channel calling for rain. And we know they are always Right!

  • Will White

    Kelley I hear the Lynchburg Tea Party had over 300 volunteers out this past weekend going door to door.I think Robert will get between 65-70% of the vote in Charlotte County.I see Hurt signs in yards that have never had ANY campaign sign before.If you get a chance take a ride and see for yourself it is unreal.I went to Lynchburg Sunday and Campbell County looks like Hurt must own the whole County.

  • kelley in virginia

    let me say this about Charlotte County Republicans: they sometimes fuss with each other, but they always deliver on Election Day.

    and I agree, there are alot of people who who are chomping at the bit to help me at my precincts. It is this extra “edge” of enthusiasm that will carry the day for Robert Hurt.

  • Will White

    Have you been to Mecklenburg it has been a few weeks since I was there.

  • kelley in virginia

    have not been anywhere in Mecklenburg in about 3 weeks.

  • Will White

    I will take a little ride today to see how Mecklenburg looks now.

  • Will White

    Kelley we have it made now Obama is coming to Charlottesville to campaign for Perriello on Friday.This will bring out the conservatives in droves.

  • kelley in virginia

    actually, Will, I read interesting article at Blue Virginia on this very issue. the Anti-Obama sentiment cannot get stronger it said, but Obama can still get out the African-American vote for Perriello.

    I think this will totally eliminate the undecideds. Obama’s endorsement will help with blacks & UVA college students (they were never undecided) but hurt Perriello with conservatives & independents of all stripes.

    and maybe Obama can say something really classy like he did on Univision yesterday when he urged Latinos to vote “against their enemies”. divisive? remember, this is OUR President talking.

  • Kim White

    (Just in case you wonder, I am taking a vacation day today!)

    I rode from Halifax to Lynchburg yesterday and was very impressed by the number of Hurt signs — clearly this area of the 5th is Hurt country.

    I also took the opportunity to send a letter to the editor and post on facebook a response to Perriello’s commerical questioning what true conservatives think of Robert. Here is the text:

    In his most recent commercial, Congressman Tom Perriello, asks what do true conservatives really think about Robert Hurt, his challenger. I have decided to answer his question.

    I have known Robert Hurt for about 15 years. I first came to know him as a fellow prosecutor, where he earned a reputation as an advocate for victims’ rights, a powerful voice for law and order, and an effective litigator for the Commonwealth. I have known him as a private attorney who, with strong ethics and intellect, effectively represents his clients in many areas of the law. I have known him as a delegate and as a senator where he has been hugely supportive of law enforcement, second amendment rights, and economic development in Southside Virginia. I have known Robert Hurt as a friend, who is a loving husband, proud father and compassionate community servant.

    To answer Congressman Perriello’s question – What do I think of Robert Hurt – I think that he is intensely smart, passionately dedicated, and unquestionably conservative. I think he will be our Southside Virginia voice so lacking in Washington today.

    Thanks for asking Congressman Perriello.

  • Will White

    Mecklenburg looks alot better now than it did a few weeks ago but I would still say Perriello has a small lead in signs.

  • kelley in virginia

    there is need in Lunenburg for outside Robert Hurt poll workers (to hand out sample ballots).

    If any of you know someone that is willing, post me a message here.

    thanks everybody. we can do this. 4 more days.

  • Will White

    Bruce can you give us political junkies another update.

  • SouthsideCentral

    Will do.

    Doing virtual Hurt/Clark/Perriello debate now at WMDV.

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