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Not so fast, Walter.

Some of the anti-uranium folks seem to think that I’m in favor of uranium mining. As I’ve said before, they’re quite wrong.

I’m in favor of an independent study to determine if uranium can be mined safely. I’m smart enough to know that I’m not smart enough to know if it can be mined safely or not. I get completely frustrated by the anti-uranium nutballs who say that Southside VA will be glowing for 500 years or other assorted ridiculous claims like that. People like Jack Dunavant irritate me when they try to control the debate using intimidation (remember his beloved “Chemical Trespass” idea that got obliterated?) and other heavy-handed tactics.

Well, there are tactics by the pro-uranium mining side that piss me off just as much. Walter Coles, come on down!

Uranium VP: Mining bill likely in 2012

Walter, just like the gloom-and-massive-doom nutballs on the other side, you have no idea if uranium mining can be done safely. Patrick Wales can spin your remarks in any way he chooses but by making this speech, you have severely damage the respect that I have of you and your company. I always believed that you were in this business to make a profit, but now I’m wondering if that’s the only motivation that you have.

5 comments to Not so fast, Walter.

  • Jeff

    The reason that, what you refer to as the “anti-uranium” people, have to use what you describe as “heavy-handed tactics” is simply because of exactly the sort of thing that Walter Coles Jr.(WC2) & Patrick “Wah-Wah” Wales are attempting to do now. VUI has the momentum created by a lot of money and political influence behind them, the folks opposing the mining really have not so much. WC2 and Wah-Wah have already demonstrated that they are not willing to accept the findings of any study which proves anything other than what they want to hear. Remember Wah-Wah’s reaction to the recent Virginia Beach study?

    The people you categorize as “nut-balls” are simply concerned citizens who can see the steamroller which is VUI’s money/influence headed their way and aren’t willing to place their health, safety and property values on the line so that WC2, Wah-Wah and a relative handful of others can become filthy rich…instead of just filthy.

    Do you really believe that VUI will accept a so-called “independent study” if the results conclude that uranium can’t be mined and milled “safely” here? Of course they won’t, they are already attempting to lift the ban before even seeing the results.

    It’s very simple and has been simple since day one. Uranium has never been mined “safely”, in fact it cannot be mined safely. It can be mined with limited risks in dry climates with little population.

    I could also go on mention the specter of the “superfund” and the future deficits which might jeopardize funding for it and for clean-ups or buy-outs in the case of an ecological disaster. The bottom line; why risk it? The potential risks far outweigh what most of us have to gain, which is really very little or nothing at all.

    As for your damaged “respect” for VUI…why would you have ever had any for them? They have been sleazy with their happy-faced feel-goodisms since day one.

    I’ve run out of quotation marks now, so I will end.

  • SouthsideCentral

    Your mind is made up. Mine isn’t.

    I’m waiting for experts to present evidence based of scientific conclusions.

  • karen

    It has been stated on numerous occasions that the NAS study will not determine whether or not mining can be done safely in VA. The study was initiated by the Coal and Energy Commission which exists “exists to study all aspects of coal as an energy resource and endeavor to stimulate, encourage, promote, and assist in the development of renewable and alternative energy resources other than petroleum”. . VUI chose the right champion for its cause with the C&EC. VUI is paying for the study through VT because NAS won’t take $ directly through VUI. VT will directly profit for its participation. The contract reads, December 15, 2011: Report signoff and public release.

    The General Assembly convenes on January 11, 2012. How many legislators can pull off work, family and holiday obligations plus read and digest a document of purported importance such as the NAS document? VUI is ramming this study through and is pushing for a vote before the NAS or other reports can be adequately reviewed.

    Coles states that they have legislators ready to present legislation to lift the ban on uranium mining. Who are these legislators? They’re not concerned about the NAS study results. This seems criminal and these legislators should be exposed. Maybe you can work on that while you wait for the study.

    The VB study was true independent study. It showed reason for concern regarding drinking water for about one million people. VUI’s Patrick Wales called it and expensive fantasy!

    Many of us so called “gloom and doom nutballs” have done little else but researched, viewed and studied documentation during the past 4 years. We’re equipped to discuss and contribute regarding the issue of uranium mining and milling and it’s impacts. But we won’t be asked…instead we’ll continue to be disrespected by the likes of you. We “nutballs” live in Southside and other areas of VA that will be directly impacted if mining and milling occur. We have not sat on our hands as ordered by VUI to “wait for the study”. And you too, Bruce, should have been researching instead of taking potshots at the “nutballs” who were working while YOU waited for the study.

  • Jeff

    But Bruce, VUI and the legislature are NOT waiting for the results of any study. That’s the point I’ve been trying to pound into your skull for months. VUI is not concerned about the health and safety and quality of life in southside Virginia, they are concerned with making tons of money. They never were going to accept any results from any study that says anything other than what they want. All they need to do is get the ban lifted and it’s on, and that’s what they are working on right now, just as I have said many times.

    While you’re waiting for the results of the study, Walter Coles is warming up his drills.

  • Jeff

    Thank you Ms. Maute, you are correct on every point.

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