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Happy Trails, Lucky City!

Bad things usually happen when you piss off people in government.

As regular readers well know, I recommended Reidsville’s “Lucky City” as a good place to go. Well, not anymore because Lucky City has closed down.

I got an email from Debbie Moore on Friday saying that Lucky City was going to close that night. I was quite surprised and after some interviews, we found out that Richard Moore had gotten a “7 day intention to terminate” the lease and they had to get out. That’s quite bizarre because they had always paid their rent on time… so I’m trying to find out why the building owner (Dr. William Bradford) decided to get rid of a paying tenant.

Let’s get some things out of the way. Richard Moore pissed people off at times. He thumbed his nose quite regularly at “The Establishment”, and often came out on top because he was usually right. He started a “Reidsville Downtown Merchants” Facebook page after the previous one was deleted and proceeded to mock the downtown businesses in a fun way. He unofficially changed the name of Lucky City to “Reidsville Public Library” for no apparent reason, causing some confusion among people. He continued to have fun at the expense of local & county government officials. In short, it was “Richard being Richard”. You may not like the way he did things, but Lucky City was a quirky, successful business that added a lot to to Reidsville’s downtown. Unfortunately, it looks like Richard pissed off one too many people. I, along with many others, will miss their selection of beer and wine. I’ll also miss the group of friends I met that considered themselves Lucky City’s “regulars”.

We’ll probably never find out who orchestrated the downfall of Lucky City (unless you count Richard’s antics as the reason… which I don’t). That’s the biggest shame of all.

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