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NewsSpotting: Only seven months to go…

It’s News. It’s a ThreadSpotting. It’s complete stupidity about the upcoming Halifax County Sheriff’s race. It’s all of those combined!

HalifaxTalk: Traffic Checks

Let’s get to the news part of this first. Here’s the press release from the Halifax County’s Sheriff’s Office…

In a joint effort to curb drunk and/or drugged driving, and to step up child safety-seat enforcement, four seperate traffic checkpoints were set up in locations throughout South Boston and Halifax Co. this past Saturday night ( 4/2/11 ). The Halifax Co. Sheriff’s Office, Virginia State Police, and the South Boston Police Dept. conducted these checkpoints. As a result, citations or warrants were issued for the following violations: four charges of driving under the influence; one felony driving after having been declared an habitual offender; one possession of a controlled substance; one driving to elude police; ten driving on suspended licenses; one driving with no license; three child safety seat; four seatbelt; and twenty-nine other traffic charges were levied. Two broken down motorists were also assisted. Sheriff Noblin would like to remind citizens that with the oncoming warm weather, which increases highway traffic, deputies and police will be increasing the frequency of these checkpoints to ensure the safety of motorists and the public in Halifax County.

So that happened. Now to the ThreadSpotting…

  • Jeff Oakes (PRCFPO) says there were only two arrests that he was aware of. Unsurprisingly, he’s not in the loop of sheriff’s office communications anymore and is quite wrong.
  • Jeff Oakes (OMGSTFU) says there was ZERO publicity. Looks like he depends on the local newspapers and he’s quite wrong again. There are other sources for news.
  • TomTen who only seems to comment on Sheriff’s office things, unsurprisingly comments on this Sheriff’s office thing.
  • SidJay (Sheldon Jennings) continues to take shots at Jimmy Clay (but not in this thread…yet).
  • AndyR makes perfect sense as usual.

Final Thoughts : This Halifax County Sheriff’s Race is going to as bizarre as the last one was. If Jeff Oakes files for this race, it will be even more bizarre. (Disclaimer: I have spoken with Oakes on this and have offered him a one hour talk show to make that announcement provided that he sits for an interview & takes viewers’ calls.) Personally, I don’t think he’ll run again. I’ve read that one person has said that they don’t read the local newspapers and depend on HalifaxTalk for news… and that deserves a facepalm. As of now, Stanley Noblin is the favorite to win the November election, but it’s going to depend how crowded the candidate field turns out to be. More to come on that…

1 comment to NewsSpotting: Only seven months to go…

  • Homestyle

    You left out “duh- winning”…. 😉
    But yeah, he’s running. The newest news is that he now has a PR person. Of course, if he can’t nicely put three words together without having to consult his PR person, well….

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