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Don McEachin, please shut up.

We’re starting our rebirth with a bang! (ugh… horrible pun)

If I’m wrong on something, I’ve got no problem admitting it. On the other hand, Don McEachin prefers to stick his fingers in his ears and say “LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU!”

Gun crimes drop at Virginia bars and restaurants

A bottle of whiskey 30 feet away from a legal concealed-weapon permit holder isn’t going to change that person into somebody who is going to shoot people. Anybody who thinks otherwise is an idiot… needless to say, Don McEachin thought otherwise. What’s worse, is that Don McEachin still seems to think otherwise.

When confronted with the numbers (which don’t lie), McEachin said…

“Most folks obey the law, and that’s a good thing,” said McEachin, who remains staunchly opposed. “But I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that just like drinking and driving doesn’t mix, guns and drinking don’t mix.”

Hello, Don? Boing! It’s illegal to drink alcohol in a bar while carrying a concealed weapon. It was before then, too. Nothing’s changed. As a subset of the general society, concealed weapon permit holders are much more law-abiding. It’s called “responsibility”, Don. Almost 100% of concealed weapon permit holders understand and accept that responsibility.

I’d be a lot more impressed with McEachin if he introduced legislation (or even helped to enforce the current laws) to control the illegal concealed weapon carriers in Richmond and Henrico County. I’ve heard they have a murder problem up there.

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