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Endorsements: Danville City Council Race (2012)

SouthsideCentral has listened and talked to all of the candidates in the 2012 Danville City Council race and now it’s time for our endorsements.

To start the endorsements off, I want to be clear that all seven people running for the race are qualified for the office and would make good councilmen is elected. Unfortunately, I have only five votes to cast for seven people so let’s get it started.

David Luther: It’s hard to ask for anything more out of a city councilman than what Luther brings to the position. He’s highly prepared on everything that comes in front of council and shows that preparation whenever he speaks. Luther is strongly conservative when it comes to spending taxpayers’ money in the city budget and has no problem “speaking the painful truth” without caring who he might offend. In its true form, the city is a business and Luther knows how to run a business. Luther was getting ready to retire off of city council but decided to run at the last minute, and Danville needs to take advantage of that change of mind and get four more years of the dedication, responsibility and fiscal conservatism that he will bring back to the city council.

SouthsideCentral gives our highest endorsement to David Luther and strongly urges you to vote for him.

Fred Shanks: Shanks is a local business owner who has first-hand knowledge of the recent tough economic times. Shanks has brought that expertise to council for his first term and SouthsideCentral feels that he is very much deserving of another term. Having served for 12 years on the planning commission, Shanks also has a great knowledge of how local government works. Shanks is one of the toughest councilman when it comes to being the “watchdog of the treasury” and has no problem vocalizing his opinions, even when nobody seems to want to listen to him. Shanks also gets the concept of running the city like a business as well. Shanks has highly impressed SouthsideCentral during his first term and is highly deserving of a second term.

SouthsideCentral gives our highest endorsement to Fred Shanks and strongly urges you to vote for him.

Lee Vogler: There’s a short list of young people that have the desire and knowledge to run for local office. Lee Vogler fits into that ultra-minority classification by being a local resident who left Danville to go to college and actually came back to live in the city. There’s no doubting Vogler’s political aspirations once you meet him and when that happens, you’ll be amazed at the man’s dedication, beliefs and charisma. Although Vogler’s tendency to promote himself and his beliefs have alienated some people, SouthsideCentral is a firm believer of “If you don’t believe in yourself, how can anybody else believe in you?” We know that Vogler has zero real-life elected office experience but that doesn’t factor into our belief that he will make an excellent councilman. I believe that Vogler will get a rude awakening when he realizes that he will only be 11% of the council makeup, but I believe that will only firm his resolve to work on Danville’s problems. Vogler is a rare chance for Danville to inject some new thoughts and ideas into city government and I believe that voters should make that happen.

SouthsideCentral strongly endorses Lee Vogler and strongly encourages you to vote for him.

Larry Campbell: It’s hard to believe that a man that’s as quiet as Larry Campbell can be such a passionate and powerful fighter for Danville, but that’s what you get with him. Campbell brings the “care and compassion” to the city’s issues while also maintaining the reality check of budgetary constraints. Campbell is also one of the rare candidates that have support from all sector of the community and is upwardly mobile. Campbell has had chances to progress further in politics but he seems quite content to stay where he is and given his track record, Danville has reaped the rewards from his leadership. Campbell is also well-deserving of reelection.

SouthsideCentral strongly endorses Larry Campbell and strongly encourages you to vote for him.

Buddy Rawley: Rawley brings a mix of business and educational experience to the city council, and has a strong background in the finance department. Rawley is relatively quiet during the council meetings but don’t let that fool you into believing that he’s only there for the ride. Rawley carries a strong desire to improve Danville and it shows whenever he speaks. Rawley has a high degree of support from the “important people” and that has been demonstrated in his fundraising for this election cycle. Rawley has also shown plenty of reasons why he deserves another term on council and I believe that voters should make that possible.

SouthsideCentral endorses Buddy Rawley and encourages you to vote for him.

Now let’s look at the two candidates who didn’t get our endorsements.

Sherman Saunders: Saunders is a terrific man who has done well on his council tenure and his smiling face makes him Danville’s Ambassador. Saunders is always ultra-positive on all things Danville and refuses to admit that Danville has problems. Unfortunately, Danville does have problems and I haven’t been pleased with Saunders’ inertia to actively confront the serious issues. I made a speech in front of the council 3 weeks ago and concluded by telling Saunders that he indeed was listening, but nothing had been accomplished. As I’ve said before, Adam Tomer was totally justified in calling Saunders out during last year’s budget vote for Saunders’ last-minute flip-flop “No” vote after agreeing with the group in the multiple work sessions. Although I have a high degree of respect for Saunders, I won’t be voting for him this year. However, if he does get reelected to office, Danville will have a great councilman returning to office.

Thomas Motley: I really want to bottle up Motley’s passion and desire for Danville and sell it. Motley is a strong man who has overcome obstacles in his past to become a charismatic social and spiritual leader. I also really would like to vote for Motley in this year’s election but I can’t because of the other candidates that are running. If Motley is elected to council, he will be the loudest yet quietest man on the board. That’s what makes Motley who he is. This isn’t the election for Motley, but I hope he continues to push for the betterment of the city.

So there you have it, folks. I want to hear who you are supporting in this election and if you agree or disagree with my endorsements. You know the drill…

5 comments to Endorsements: Danville City Council Race (2012)

  • Thank you very much for your words of support Bruce. I would truly be honored to serve the people of Danville as their city councilman if I am fortunate enough to be elected on May 1. We already have a council that is full of experience but I believe I can bring something different to the table and present these new ideas to help move our city forward. I hope I am able to work WITH our councilmen by providing a fresh approach and a different perspective.

    The largest asset Danville has, however, is our citizens. I hope the enthusiasm and engagement that I have witnessed from them throughout this 7 month campaign will carry over after the election because the more we can get the public informed, engaged and involved in the happenings of our city, the better off we will all be.

    -Lee Vogler
    (434) 792-0937

  • T David Luther

    THANKS for your kind words. I will do my best to live up to your expectations, if re-elected,. I also noticed a couple of incumbents evaded the tough questions in the recent forums. “I don’t know”, “I haven’t decided yet” and “let’s wait and see” are very weak answers to problms we must face NOW. The next next four days will tell the tale. I do not give PC answers; I tell it like I see it. That will cost me a few special-interest votes, but I tell it lke it is.
    David Luther

  • Fred Shanks

    I sincerely appreciate the endorsement of Southside Central and promise to continue to be a watchdog for the treasury of the taxpayers of Danville. I will continue to prepare for and attend every meeting. I, too, have not dodged the hard questions. There is no doubt where I stand on the tough issues.

    I would appreciate a vote Tuesday, May 1st and your continued input…especially in this upcoming budget debate.

  • Brian K. Alderson

    Very interesting read. I agree that each of these gentlemen would be good for the City. My choices are for four so far with a bit of indecision on number five.
    David Luther has impressed me on Council. I must admit I did not think he would be a good councilman when he was first elected. I was 100% wrong. I love the way he says what many citizens are thinking. Larry Campbell has been what I expected on Council. He has a great passion for the City and I always pay attention when he decides to speak. Even though S/C Central did not endorse him, I am also a fan of Mayor Saunders. He has been a great “man up front”. Yes he may paint the City a little too rosey, but his upbeat attitude and ability to communicate with everyone make him a winner in my book. The last but not least of my choices is Lee Vogler. I absolutely love his campaign. So 21st century! He has embraced new media and made it his own for this election. He has also been vocal for the last couple of years and many of his suggestions have great merit. I think new blood is a good thing and I also appreciate the fact he returned home instead of working elsewhere. The decision for the 5th spot is between Rawley and Shanks. It is funny that I have not been able to decide because they are opposites when it comes to speaking out. However both are very good businessmen and have supported the City for many years.
    Now after typing this I must admit I live in the County! Sorry… However I have been employed with the City of Danville for over 26 years. I started when I was twenty and plan on being here until I retire or hit the lottery; whichever comes first! City Council make-up is important to me. Everything they do affects my life in some way or another. I look forward to the next version of Council and the work they will do. In this day and time there is nothing easy about the job. We all just need the best people we can get to help lead us into the next decade.
    Bruce as always great work. Miss seeing you on TV but glad you stay informed and more importantly that you inform us.

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