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QuickHits! (4/29/12)

I’m trying to get more fresh content on SouthsideCentral, so here’s some quick thoughts on what’s happening lately. As always, I love to hear your feedback. Let’s jump to some QuickHits!

#1: Nothing says “classy” like taking your baby to your high school prom.

#2: The Danville Register & Bee didn’t endorse David Luther or Thomas Motley for city council. At least I had the guts to say why I didn’t endorse Sherman Saunders and Thomas Motley. What’s their reasoning?

#3: Unlike Danville, Rockingham County (NC) is having a fun primary with a candidate arrested for having a crack pipe in his car while he’s passed out over the steering wheel of his car. Chuck Faint has taken the high road on this saying that the police could have put it in his car, or maybe it was in there because he had just repossessed it last week. Chuck’s running for the Republican nomination for county commissioner. OddsMakers on him winning that nomination: 0%

#4: Danville’s having a school board election on Tuesday. Nobody cares.

That’s your quick hits for today!

5 comments to QuickHits! (4/29/12)

  • observer

    The candidates must don’t care either when just last week they had an event and only 2 of the candidates showed up.

    • SouthsideCentral

      Hell, even I didn’t know about that event (wherever it was) . I am not doing any endorsements in that race because of the apathy. I’m voting for Renee Hughes, Ed Polhamus and the Cheryl woman (because two people have recommended her).

  • Sheila

    It is truly sad that people will be surprised at the ballot when they see that they can elect members of the school board. How can that be? Who is to blame? Well, my thoughts: I have to admit that until I saw a couple of signs for school board candidates I did not know that there were more candidates than seats. I do remember reading that one member was not seeking re-election.

    The media focus has been on the City Council. Members of the school board control millions of $$, why is it not important enough for the media attention that is given to council races? Why didn’t civic groups (but one, which was put together at the last minute I read), a TV station, or newspaper sponsor an event with school board candidates? TV would have been a great avenue for an event with the candidates. The Danville Register & Bee did a piece on the candidates with their pictures which does give some information on our choices. A forum or debate gives the best opportunity to learn about the candidates but I do not believe many would attend such.

    The best opportunity would have been on television-where were the stations that brag about being Danville’s leader in news coverage? Why did no one step up and have the candidates on their station with a panel or show host asking them questions on issues facing Danville schools. Voters could have observed and listened from their home. Oh, and if I read that such an event did take place on a TV station-then why in the world didn’t you shout it out loud enough for people to know?

  • Trina

    Well, I took the time to cast my vote today! As I walked into to Taylor Elementary I heard a kid say all these people coming to vote. I hope this only triggers their interest later in life and they to will take the time to exercise their right to vote. Now my big picks: Shanks, Rawley, Saunders, Campbell and Vogler.It was a toss up Vogler or Luther but Vogler got it due to his visibility and ideas.
    The School Board: hmmmm well I can only remember Hall, the Ed Pol….however you spell it and Renee Hughes don’t even remember who I cast my 4th vote for.

    I am 40 and this is by far not my first time voting but each time I get so excited.

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