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A QuickHits! (4/30/12) Response

Sheila’s fitting in well at SouthsideCentral! She’s got something to say about yesterday’s QuickHits! article.

#1:  That a sign at Piedmont Mall on a vacant storefront stating “It’s all here at Piedmont Mall” speaks of part of the problem in Danville. That all the words are spelled correctly is a good sign!

#2:  So, you saw a sign in a store window advertising “Prom Dresses 1/2 off” can be looked at several ways:  1. It must be after area proms so now they are a bargain 2. Some appear to be missing 1/2 of the dress.

#3:  Glad you found someone in the mall to cut your hair and like the end result-BUT-you don’t have to go to the new “family” mall, which really isn’t a family mall because they don’t want the “teen” part of the family on a Friday or Saturday night. Instead you can go downtown to Amburn & Company and see Sherri and tell her Sheila sent you, get a great haircut, tip her well and never set foot in the mall with empty store’s.

#4:  Glad there is a new place for lunch but honestly, I just can’t go out of my way to the Institute during lunch hour.

#5:  If you live in Danville remember to go vote for your City Council and School Board members! No excuses…(Oops! there is no #5, I’m adding one)

These thoughts raced through my mind when I read the Quick Hits. Sometimes though I think a mind is a terrible thing to waste!  Have a good one!

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