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QuickHits! (5/3/12)

Back after a few days… Let’s get it started.

#1: Danville announces a hybrid vehicle company with 25 starting jobs is coming to town with a press release and little hoopla. When GSO Aviation made a smaller simlar announcement, the city called a press conference at RCATT and the owner got a key to the city.

Of course, Mark Warner just happened to be in town that day. You don’t think that the city would put on a show like that just for the senator, would you? Nah…

#2: So that happened… I was totally wrong about Sherman Saunders’ support base in the election. I was also wrong in declaring David Luther & Fred Shanks “safe”. Low turnout could have skewed the percentages, but the results were semi-surprising.

#3: WSET’s Heather WhatsHerName has the personality of a cold fish. Over/Under on how long before she’s out of Danville: 6 months.

#4: Millie Dunston lost her bid for a second term on the Danville School Board. I have no idea who Millie Dunston is. Danville’s School Board is pretty much a rubber stamp for Sue Davis (and that’s not a bad thing) so they’re semi-irrelevant anyway.

That’s enough QuickHits! for today. Let’s hear your feedback!

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