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Fred Ingram did not say “Nigga”…

… because you know that word could have been OK. Not.

Former supervisor apologizes for racial slur

Fred Ingram, the owner of Gretna’s Crossroads Restaurant and former member of the Pittsylvania Board of Supervisors, wasn’t happy about the results of the recent presidential election. While walking through his restaurant, he described some Barack Obama supporters as “niggers”. Rightfully so, he got called out on that remark with the local NAACP applying some heat and pressure on him. In the article, you can read that Ingram said this horsecrap remark…

“I just blurted out the ‘N-word,’” he said. “It just came right out of nowhere. It’s not part of my vocabulary. I just said it. I really don’t know where it came from.”

Fred, shut up. The word is clearly in your vocabulary like it is in everybody’s. We’ve all heard that word and we all know it’s a racial slur. I don’t give a damn whether anybody pronounces it “nigger” or “nigga”. It’s pejorative and offensive. I read or hear it almost every day. It’s just as offensive when it’s in a Jay-Z song or said by my neighbors. Nope, blacks don’t get a free pass from me by saying that it’s a term of endearment to members of their own race. It’s still offensive and sets back the campaign to retire that word from modern use.

I’m proud that the NAACP immediately went after Fred Ingram for using that racial slur. I just wish they’d go after anyone of any race that uses that word in any of its forms.

Follow-up #1: You can read Fred Ingram’s apology letter here: Restaurant owner makes public apology

Follow-up #2: In the Danville Register & Bee article about this incident, it’s quite hilarious how they won’t mention the Star-Tribune by name, calling it “a weekly newspaper in Chatham”. Sparing no effort to educate us on the etymology of the word, I am appreciative of Thomas Motley’s explanation of the word in the article. Anything to fill space…

Follow-up #3: In the comments on the R&B’s article, Chatham’s Merle Rutledge (the guy who sued a Chatham police officer, the Chatham Police Department, Ken Cuccinelli, Bob McDonnell and the Arizona governor & attorney general for being asked to show ID) posted that he wanted somebody to tell him how to get in contact with the Pittsylvania County NAACP leaders because he wanted to have a “Mandatory Boycott” of Ingram’s restaurant. He quickly deleted his comment when called out on his ridiculous statements.

2 comments to Fred Ingram did not say “Nigga”…

  • lol, Merle Rutledge Jr did not delete any comments. The R&B did! Merle Rutledge Jr has a facebook and blogs page dedicated to his response! Here it is, Merle T. Rutledge Jr responds!

    Firstly, Its not just Fred Ingram making these statements. Willie
    T. Fitzgerald has a right to speak on his own behalf. The use of the
    word did not just offend the black community. It offended everyone
    that voted for Obama which includes white voters in this area. These
    statements are happening all across the country. To say that tempers
    are being flared just locally minimizes the importance and definition
    of the meaning of unacceptable behavior. You have a right to say what
    you want, but you are responsible for the consequences that come from
    your own statements.

    However, The election is over and the people have spoken. It
    should have been the end of it than, but Im sorry, no one in this room
    stirred up the fire, it was all in Fred and Willie own doing. Willie
    is being paid for his public relations work on this by BOS friends and
    affiliates. He has been being paid off for quite some time so thats
    why Willie is not excused! Trust my anger with Fred is nothing
    compared to what I think about slick “Willie T. Fitzgerald”, NAACP
    president which he cited in a op ed in the Danville Register and Bee
    supporting possible future Uranium Mining in Pittsylvania Co, I mean
    Pittsylvania County NAACP President. Oops! The Virginia State chapter
    of the NAACP already has a proclamation that supports the ban on
    Uranium Mining for numerous reasons that Willie failed to mention.

    Furthermore, The article should read Willie apologizes for Fred.
    Willie gets appointed by the BOS to lots of committees, etc that pay
    him a monthly stipend. He’s not likely to do anything to that will
    compromise his bread and butter. Our opinions will evolve with more
    information. However, its not my job to be eye to eye on everyone and
    every issue. We all have to make the best decision without being
    childish in our disagreement. We had a whole discussion on the issue
    without calling each other kiddy or racial disparaging names. I have a
    love for public service and my stereo types should not part of the
    decision making process.

    Moreover, I have watched every debate from Republican to Democrat
    in our Presidential election. The behavior and rhetoric was full of
    over generalizations mixed with hurtful statements about ethnic or
    social groups, every income class, gender, immigration, gays, other
    than wealthy. However, there are many white people, as well as other
    Pro American groups struggling to get bye every single day and we all,
    no matter race, do not want to be just getting bye, but being able to
    provide comfortably for all of our families. The use of hateful words
    is a natural disaster in the form of words. Hurricane Sandy compared
    to the arguments on race, which one would you consider to cause the
    most overall damage? It is race. However, we all manage to come
    together when we need each other, instead of us only coming together
    for unity and clarity of each other. We owe each other more. This is
    America and we are all entitle to our beliefs, no matter how repulsive
    it maybe.

    Fred Ingram is protected by the First Amendment. However, I have
    the same rights to say what i want, but I take responsibility and will
    even triple down on it, so people know, Im not joking, but Im serious
    about my platform. I do not care what race you are, any words to
    degrade your race in any way is hateful and unacceptable in my book. I
    understand the reverse discrimination argument and this is about wrong
    no matter what ethnic group you recognize. I could care less where it
    came from and those that try to put it in the paper that they forgive.
    They are ok to forgive, but dont represent everyone else point of
    view. When you commit a crime or wrongful act before a judge, you get
    punish. You can try to ask for forgiveness, but the penalty is there
    for those that try to use this as a defense to get out of any penalty.
    So to say punishment is not warranted in some shape, form, or fashion,
    especially in this area, is considered a double standard.

    Furthermore, There are people in this area and all across
    Virginia that said they did not come to me because they thought I
    would not address their issue because they was from another race. I
    always tell anyone and everyone that Im here for the people and not
    for one particular race. Wrong is Wrong. I do not look at race as a
    guideline or requirement for my support. I look at the issue and Im
    colorblind in my resolve. We agree on the bad judgment on the use of
    words on the issue, but we disagree on itsthe resolution. We all have
    someone in our family that has done something wrong to someone. No one
    is immune to that assertion, even though it appears to be naked and

    Moreover, The past is the past. I thought as a nation that we
    might have moved forward, but the process of this previous election,
    has made it clear that it is a lot of work that has be done for
    Americans as a whole, in the treatment of our neighbor and into the
    treatment of those that we may not know. To assume is to make a fool
    out of ourselves. I prefer facts and Im waiting on them to come, on
    any and every issue. I would go to Fred Ingram, myself, and than
    defend than to go defend and not even know the background from the
    person that caused the mess. I’m not going to ask anyone to be called
    a racist name and to say thats ok, please feel free to do it again. Im
    sorry thats just not me at all. What you might not know about Willie
    Fitzgerald is that he is appointed to several Boards/Commissions for
    which “community service” he receives monthly pay. It is shocking that
    Willie is quick to pick up the phone to speak to Fred Ingram, but wont
    even talk to or pick up the phone to talk to people about their
    concerns in regards to the area. There is a serious conflict of
    interest with you accepting any apology under these conditions.

    Lastly Fred, your apology comes with a lame excuse that President
    Obama election cause your stock to plunge and lose a lot of money.
    This is what happens when you place a bad bet. Now you are losing
    more, over your antics and have nothing but yourself to blame. A real
    apology would have included telling others not to follow suit all
    across America. Your reaction is disease that has spreaded and your
    platform could do a lot to help mend fences. However, I do not see you
    having any plans to stop others from doing it because it furthers your
    rhetoric without having any personal responsibility. This is no
    apology that I will accept! Read the bible and go to the part about
    faith without works section. You can google it as well! Merle Rutledge
    Jr Chatham, Va 7576923571

  • Burt

    I’m glad he said it. Go Fred!

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