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Endorsement: Susan Granger for Halifax Town Council

Although it’s just a seven-month term until the seat is filled in a general election, SouthsideCentral believes that Susan Granger is the strongest candidate for the vacant Ward D seat on Halifax Town Council. Besides that, she’s my sister!

On Tuesday night, the members of the Halifax Town Council will meet to decide who will replace Phil Hammond on the board. Hammond finally resigned after leaving the area and the Ward D voters have not had any representation on the council in a while. A group of four people expressed interest in the vacant position knowing that they’d have to run in an election in November to keep the seat. I firmly believe that my sister, Susan Granger, is the most qualified of the field and should be appointed.

Susan has been a strong advocate for the full funding of the Halifax Police Department and has made appearances before the body to express her opinion on this issue. Susan has also been a strong supporter of the local merchants’ association and for good reason because her husband, Bill Granger, is the owner of Triangle Florist in the town. Susan’s slogan for this campaign is a simple one that pretty much tells you why she’s the best candidate in the field…

Susan Granger is not just interested in Halifax, she’s invested in Halifax…

That pretty much says it all. When Susan came to teach in Halifax County, she quickly gravitated to the town of Halifax because of its charm, its ambiance, and its people. After marrying Bill Granger, they bought the house at 75 N. Main St. and quickly invested time and money into it, over doubling the square footage. With an investment like that, Susan cemented herself into Halifax as a permanent resident. 30 years later, she’s still a Halifax resident.

What can you expect from Susan Granger on Halifax Town Council? You’ll get the same Susan Granger that you see and talk to everyday. You’ll get somebody who knows what has happened in Halifax, what’s going on today and what will happen tomorrow. You’ll get a woman who isn’t afraid to take a stand on any issue no matter how unpopular it may be to the “Old Guard”. You’ll also get a town councilmember that you can call or talk to anytime or anywhere.

I asked Susan what her plans were if she got on the council. Her reply was quite impressive…

Halifax is already a great place to live and a great place to develop a small or large business, so there’s nothing I want to specifically change. However in today’s climate, you also can’t afford to sit and rest on your successes or else the rest of the world will take the next opportunity from you. Halifax is terrific now, but we can always continually improve ourselves to make the town grow and continue to flourish. If I am appointed on Halifax Town Council, the residents and business owners will always know that there’s somebody that will address their concerns. I’ve spent over 30 years of my life in this town and I wouldn’t change that for anything.

SouthsideCentral believes that the residents of Ward D (and the rest of the town of Halifax) deserve a representative who will always be there and will always listen to a constituent’s concern. I also believe that the town needs somebody who has been a longtime resident because experience is a big factor in this position. Susan Granger is the only candidate who meets those criteria and is therefore the one that I highly recommend. SouthsideCentral gives Susan Granger the highest endorsement. I strongly encourage people to contact the current members of the Halifax Town Council and ask them to appoint her to the vacant position.

If you would like to send this endorsement to any member of the current Town Council, click the “Share” button below. For convenience, here’s a list of the councilmembers’ email addresses.

“Dick” Moore (Mayor)

Thomas R. “Tom” Brown (Ward A)

Dennis G. Witt (Ward B)

S.J. “Jack” Dunavant, Jr. (Ward C)

William E. “Bill” Confroy (Vice-Mayor) (At Large)

Ronnie E. Duffey (At Large)

Full Disclaimer: Susan Granger is my sister and I strongly support her in this effort. This endorsement is an opinion which is solely mine. (But you should agree with it too!)

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