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A “Growing” Mold Problem…

We touched on this in Saturday’s “Thumbs!” article and we got slammed with stories of people who have gotten sick during this mold problem timeframe at Halifax County High School…

Here are some of the stories that have been sent to SouthsideCentral in the past twelve hours…

(DISCLAIMER: These messages are quoted verbatim. SouthsideCentral has seen no conclusive proof that any possible mold issue is a direct or indirect cause of any illnesses.)

Thursday morning my daughter called me crying in pain to come get her because no one believed her head hurt so bad. I got her at 1045 am and she begged me to take her to the er. They did blood word and tests for flu strep and pneumonia and all came back negative. Because of her elevated temperature and constant headache and muscle aches they decided to do a spinal tap to rule out menningitis. Thank God that was negative. The only thing they could come up with seven hours later was that a virus was causing her to have migraine/cluster headaches. She went through hell Thursday and we knew nothing about mold in the school until we saw it on facebook that night after it came out in the paper. She was told by the er doctor to stay home friday from school so I could watch her for any side effects from the spinal tap and she said she felt fine only pain was in her back. What really upset me was not knowing about this as a parent and the nurse just dismissing her telling her it was nothing and her teacher doing the same and giving her a zero in class because she couldnt hold her head up and allowing her classmates to laugh at her. All this came out while she was being sedated for her spinal tap. I hope they do something soon because i lost a job opportunity while at the hospital with her. Ive been unemployed for three months and I really need a job but my childs health comes first


I noticed the girls locker room looked nasty and had a mold problem back in 2002 when we took a tour of the school when my oldest daughter entered 9th grade. I vaguely remember something on the Gazette (from many years ago) about a student that had really bad allergies from something in the HS. Does anyone else remember that, or if it was mold related?


The custodian said that it is so bad that they can’t control the mold and some are looking for hazmat to wear.


a teacher complained before which made the newpaper but nothing was done, now her class has been sealed off and the kids have been moved to the computer lab on the same wing a few rooms down.  a student in her class and has missed school and is asthmatic with illness.


a teacher also has been “battling Broncitus since school reopened and is on her 2nd round of antibiotics with no response to the first round of them”


Custodian also visited Halifax Primary for the same reason. they were told to put masks on and whip it off and she said that it keeps coming back and doesnt know why. please know that its not just the kids its the employees please ask for all those who are employees at the high school.


Wow.  This story is getting quite interesting… it’s developing and “growing”.

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