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Bucket-O-Irony: Stop the Violence!

A Charlotte, NC man tried to rob a convenience store last week. This Bucket-O-Irony story only goes downhill and more bizarre from there, folks.

Shooting breaks out – at anti-violence vigil

Let’s get this process mapped..

  1. The bad guy gets a fatal case of lead poisoning while trying to rob a convenience store.
  2. Boo Frickin’ Hoo.
  3. Mothers Of Murdered Offspring (yes… the MOMO’s) decide to have a vigil to stop the violence.
  4. People remark that the best way that this violence could have been stopped was if the guy hadn’t tried to rob a convenience store.
  5. The “ELM” (Eat Lead, Motherf*CENSORED!*)  advocacy group decides not to have a vigil, but I would have attended that one.
  6. There is no “ELM” advocacy group like that but if there was, I’d join it.
  7. Somebody brings a firearm to the MOMO anti-violence rally and apparently fires it into the crowd.
  8. That person is obviously not very good with a firearm, as 4 people are wounded and none of them seriously.
  9. Everybody runs and the rally ends.
  10. Police investigate the shooting incident.
  11. Police quickly rule out the convenience store clerk who shot Javon Booker, as that clerk was clearly proficient with a firearm.
  12. Comments on that Charlotte Observer article quickly devolve into a painfully hilarious trainwreck.

At least I expected that final step.

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