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Thumbs! (10/3/2013)

We know what’s happening (most of the time) and we’ve got Thumbs! to throw around. Shall we?

  • Speaking of the “not knowing what’s happening” part, apparently Republican Attorney General candidate Mark Obenshain was in Danville today. It surely wasn’t publicized for the average undecided voter to have a chance to meet the candidate. Thumbs DOWN! to that idea especially in a race where apathy is king.
  • I had missed the last few years of the Halifax County Fair due to other obligations and was looking forward to seeing what it looked like under new management. I had heard that the fair was dying and each year it was getting less and less interesting, but I’m here to tell you that’s totally wrong. Thumbs UP! to James Edmunds and Todd Moser for putting a lot of effort into revitalizing an event that is a part of Halifax County history. The fair finishes its run on Friday night & Saturday and you need to go. Seriously. It’s highly family-friendly entertainment and well worth the $6 admission charge.
  • Speaking of annual events, Thumbs UP! to the 3rd edition of Danville’s River District Festival. It’s a growing event and it’s Danville’s only street festival. I’m going to give a mild Thumbs DOWN! to their website that I just linked to because that could use some major renovations to make it look attractive. That’s no reason not to go, of course. SouthsideCentral will be there and we hope to see you there as well.

That’s all we have for now… more to come on the newly-invigorated SouthsideCentral.

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