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Thumbs! (10/14/2013)

Thumbs UP! UP! and away! (maybe some DOWN!, too…)

Let’s see what we’ve got for this edition…

  • Thumbs UP! to the town of Halifax & Halifax town manager Carl Espy for recognizing that 75 North Main St has become a decent sized tourist attraction when the Granger family does their yard decoration magic. I was speaking to town manager Carl Espy last week and he said that the town will be helping to control the traffic and ensure the safety of the crowds of people who will be stopping and riding by during the Halloween season. Espy said that the town is proposing a temporary crosswalk at the house that may become permanent if they can get VDOT’s approval on it. It’s refreshing to see a town recognize the work of citizens who put their own time and money into giving the town something to be talked about.
  • Speaking of the town of Halifax, I finally had a chance to meet the new police chief Kevin Lands and to talk to him for a while. Thumbs UP! to him because he’s a good fit for the job and has quickly fit in to the quirky nature of a small-town police department. I’ve always been on the fence on whether the town needs a fully funded police department because the sheriff’s department is in the middle of the town, but if they’re going to have one… Kevin Lands was a good choice for the job.
  • Unfortunately, the county of Halifax and the towns of Halifax & South Boston’s elected governing bodies get an unprecedented triple Thumbs DOWN! That’s one for each of them because they tossed $5000 in taxpayers money to an organization that will employ lobbyists against uranium mining. I’ve said it plenty of times before and I’ll say it again… if you are in favor of any cause, write your own check to them. Don’t use taxpayers money for these kinds of things. I will give a big Thumbs UP! to Halifax County Administrator Jim Halasz for recommending against the $5000 gift but his wise recommendation got steamrolled by the board of supervisors anyway.
  • Finally, I’m giving a Thumbs DOWN! to a disturbing trend of business closings over the past year in Danville’s 58 East region right at the city limits. the area is looking like a ghost town now with the demise of Big Rick’s, Poogie’s Buffet and the Liberty gas station/convenience store. There’s at least one other empty shell of a former business that I’ll have to remember, but the trend isn’t too good for that area even though it’s relatively high in traffic.

That’s our Thumbs! for now…

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