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Wow! Didn’t see that one coming.

Yes. That’s a headline I could use for multiple stories. But hey, when you build a brand new building on an area that occasionally looks like a mud bog… you might just have high water table problems.

Y change? Water table forces YMCA to adjust parking lot plans

For those of you that are saying that this problem never would have occurred if the YMCA had taken the original piece of land on the other side of the river, you’re rather smart.

Perhaps I’m a bit cynical, but I do think it’s slightly interesting that Ken Gillie won’t be opposing the appeal to make do with less parking places. There’s too much of Other Peoples’ Money in the new YMCA to scrap it all and start again and there’s no way that he wants to be the cause of ruining that project. I bet it would have been different if they had tried to repaint an old Coca-Cola sign, though.

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