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Endorsement: Kim Farson for Halifax County School Board

Halifax County’s current school board chairman, Kim Farson, is running for her second term on the school board. After knocking off a two-term incumbent her first time, this time she’s unopposed.

SouthsideCentral had high expectations for Kim Farson when we endorsed her over the incumbent four years ago and she’s lived up to them and actually exceeded them by getting the chairmanship of the board. Farson did exactly what she said she would do by staying in touch with all county residents and not just the constituents in her district. In traditional Kim Farson style, she hasn’t been afraid to speak her mind on any issues that she’s been legally allowed to talk about.

During her chairmanship, controversial former superintendent Paul Stapleton left the system and new semi-controversial superintendent Merle Herndon was hired. Unlike the previous versions of the school board, Farson has led the change to remind everybody that the school board is the final say-so and not a rubber stamp for the superintendent. Together, they haven’t been afraid to make tough and unpopular decisions, but they’ve mostly been the right ones in the end. Although chairmanship of the Halifax County school board seems to rotate, we wouldn’t have a problem with Farson retaining the position for the next term.

Kim Farson has done exactly what she said she would do and that’s enough reason to return her for another four-year term. Any challenger that she had drawn in this year’s election would have had an extremely tough race to unseat her. We strongly believe that the school board will continue to solve problems with Farson as a member.

SouthsideCentral gives Kim Farson our highest endorsement and strongly urges every voter in District 3 to cast a courtesy vote as a sign of support in her performance so far.

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