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Endorsement: Halifax County Commonwealth’s Attorney – BOTH candidates

No matter who wins in Tuesday’s election for Halifax County Commonwealth’s Attorney, county residents will be well represented in the courtroom.

Let’s get some things out of the way first. I know Mike Freshour & Tracy Martin personally and I know both of them are well-qualified for the office of Commonwealth’s Attorney.

Freshour’s supporters will say that Freshour would bring a tough-guy attitude and experience to the office. They’re right.

Martin’s supporters will say that Martin would bring a new attitude and a change to the office. They’re right.

Both sides’ supporters could point out the other candidates’ shortcomings. They’d be wrong for doing that because objectively, both candidates will fit in the job quickly and efficiently. Yes, I’ve criticized both candidates’ tactics throughout the campaign season but I’ve been objective to both sides.

When both candidates are evenly matched in a political campaign like this, I just don’t feel comfortable telling voters to support one of these candidates over the other and that feeling in amplified when I know both of them and know that both will do an excellent job. If you want to think that I’m wimping out on this endorsement, you’re welcome to feel that way. I’ve thought very hard over this endorsement process and that’s why my decision to endorse both of them comes at the very last hours before the polls open.

SouthsideCentral knows that Mike Freshour and Tracy Martin are both well-qualified to be Halifax County’s next Commonwealth’s Attorney and as such, I endorse both candidates for the office. We encourage Halifax County voters to make up their own minds on who they would prefer in the office and to cast their ballots for the candidates that they feel will do the best job. No matter who the voters choose, I am completely confident that the election winner will protect the citizens via the courtroom over the next four years.

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