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Endorsement: Ira Tilley for Reidsville, NC Mayor

SouthsideCentral believes that Ira Tilley has been unfairly painted as a one-issue candidate and we believe that he is the best choice for mayor of Reidsville, NC.

When we first met Ira Tilley, I saw a man who had just started his own small business and was already on the path to success. We also found that Ira Tilley was a charismatic outgoing man who had a well-hidden toughness streak in him. As I’ve continued to be Tilley’s friend, I’ve found that those positive aspects have continued to develop inside him.

When some people see Tilley, they think “that guy who wants the Confederate Monument put back up.” Although we feel that the Confederate Monument issue has run its course, we have to grudgingly admire Tilley’s dedication to that cause. Tilley’s political and media naïvety allowed him to be used as a target of ridicule, but we strongly admire Tilley’s recognition of his appearance and his recent aggressiveness to the shameful media that tried to pigeonhole him as a one-trick pony candidate. I couldn’t be more prouder of Ira Tilley when he directly challenged StarNews’ Charles Roark’s ambush-style interview about his no-show at the political forum.

Ira Tilley is a successful small businessman in Rockingham County who also holds down a full-time job. His recently shown ability to directly challenge anybody that challenges him is the finishing touch that lets SouthsideCentral give him our strong endorsement.

SouthsideCentral strongly endorses Ira Tilley for mayor of Reidsville and we encourage Reidsville’s voters to elect him to a four-year term.

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