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Danville City Council Forum – American Legion Forum (Part #2)

Let’s move right into the audience portion of Tuesday night’s American Legion Post 325 Danville City Council Candidates forum. Sorry for the long delay but these things take a while to write.

After the first six questions, here’s how they stand

Gary Miller
Alonzo Jones +21
Dawn Witter +12
John Gilstrap +9
Joyce Glaise -1
Thomas Motley

Lots of work to be done. Robert Benson & Chuck Vipperman have left the building and Sheila Baynes uses her own MUTE button on that. I’ll slap a MUTE on the 99.9% of Danville residents who haven’t shown up to either forum so far. Lousy attendance tonight.

In the second half, the questions are from the audience and have been pre-screened.

Question #7: How does Danville promote to outside industry?

  • Dawn Witter: Globally. (+2)
  • Thomas Motley: Globally. (+2)
  • Gary Miller: City residents need to promote Danville themselves, speaks about his out-of-town business trips. (+3)
  • Alonzo Jones: All residents should be ambassadors. Difficult job just to get people to serve on city boards & commissions. (+3)
  • Joyce Glaise: She will meet with the governor and the General Assembly. (oh, that’ll make a difference – MUTE)
  • John Gilstrap: Everybody needs to network their own contacts (+2), we need to analyze our existing weaknesses and correct them (+3 and another +2 for mentioning the existing problems)

Question #8: What about the use of so many consultants for studies and advice?

  • Thomas Motley: We have talented people in Danville, look from within first (+3).
  • Gary Miller: Previously stated disdain for consultants (+3), Danville Regional foundation has yearly interns that can do most of the jobs (+3)
  • Alonzo Jones: Reminds that all consultant proposals are bid out (+2) and things like the parking study couldn’t have been done locally (+2).
  • Joyce Glaise: There’s enough talent in the city (+2).
  • John Gilstrap: reminds that the River District study definitely had to be done by outside people (+3).
  • Dawn Witter: Outside consultants are needed at times, but look inside Danville first (+2).

Question #9: What can Danville do to make recycling easier?

  • Gary Miller: More recycling stations and lower the price of curbside recycling (+3).
  • Alonzo Jones: Start with a youth program and offer prizes to get more households involved (+3).
  • Joyce Glaise: She helped create the boys & girls club (Huh? MUTE), more stations needed (+2).
  • John Gilstrap: Should not be mandated (+3), cost needs to be lowered (+3).
  • Dawn Witter: More recycling stations (+2), better education of the public (+3)
  • Thomas Motley: Has issues with the mandated trashcan charge, other cities are doing recycling (MUTE – not an answer).

Question #10: Do you support a full audit on the funding supplied to the local Job Busts?

  • Alonzo Jones: Legally, the city can’t disclose everything that is going on. If a person is legally operating a business, the city can’t say anything. (MUTE – not an answer)
  • Joyce Glaise: Follow the rules & audit (+2). We shouldn’t be critical of people (What? – MUTE )
  • John Gilstrap: “Absolutely if it involves city money” (+3)
  • Dawn Witter: Audit and increase transparency (+3 and another +2 for that semi-callout).
  • Thomas Motley: Audit (+2). Some people seem to get away with more than others (Yowtch! +3 and another +3 for having the guts to say that)
  • Gary Miller: Highly disappointed with the job busts though a lot isn’t Danville’s fault (+3), called Web Parts out directly (+3).

Question #11: Last question… What sets you apart and why should I vote for you?

  • Joyce Glaise: Experience on council (+2), knowledge of how it works (+2), works with the police department (huh?), she had a new social Services building built (NO! You were one of nine members of council who got the DSS team moved to the old Thalhimer’s building! MUTE and a -2 for the wrong self-promotion).
  • John Gilstrap: Someone you can relate and communicate with (+3), will represent you on council (+2), previous city department head experience (+2).
  • Dawn Witter: Active in the community (+2), unique point of view (+3), no females on council now (even though she said that’s not a big reason to vote for her, she’s getting a MUTE because gender is totally irrelevant to who I choose to vote for)
  • Thomas Motley: Advocate for the poor & disabled (+3), “leave no community behind” (huh?), will never vote yes to any utility, tax or fee increase (MUTE for that impossible idea), we must live within our means (+3) .
  • Gary Miller: Has the interest of the citizens at heart (+2), only one of nine members so teamwork is important , willing to compromise (+2), does his research on all issues before council (He really does  great job on that. +3 and a +2 for his efforts)
  • Alonzo Jones: Came back to Danville from the military, saw the curfew problem and immediately started to work on that issue (+3). Mentioned bad stories and rumors about him in previous elections and was proud to put all of that behind him (This is the first time I’ve heard Jones mention that and he knocked it out of the park. +3 and another +1 for addressing it semi-directly.)

It’s time for the closing statements, but the last question was pretty much a closing statement in itself.  In random order, each candidate gets two minutes. Here’s how it will work here… I’ll recap their closing statement then I’ll give them between zero and ten points for it.

  • John Gilstrap: Stresses employment and economic development along with working with the school board. Will oppose any utility rate increase and promote the community. Score: 8
  • Alonzo Jones: Politely asking for your vote. Loves Danville. Only one of nine council members, can’t do it alone. Score: 7
  • Thomas Motley: Third time running for council. People say anything during campaign season. Mentions the mandated trashcan policy. Score: 8
  • Gary Miller: Promotes health & welfare of citizens, coal ash spill talk, helped develop Riverwalk Trail, helped establish the hospital’s internship program, supporter of downtown development, recovering delinquent taxes, business owner. Score: 10
  • Joyce Glaise: 12 years council experience, 30 years teaching, now at Virginia State, helped found Boys & Girls club, has new ideas, wants to lower real estate taxes and utility rates. Score: 5
  • Dawn Witter: Wasn’t born here, chose to move here, Danville has potential and is worthwhile. Score: 6

And that’s the horn, folks. Let’s take a look at the final scoreboard…

Gary Miller +62
John Gilstrap +46
Alonzo Jones +44
Dawn Witter +35
Thomas Motley +19
Joyce Glaise +8

As expected, the three incumbents are strong and show it. Dawn Witter is holding her own and is definitely in the running. Thomas Motley… well, I like him. I really do. He’s got a powerful presence but he’s got to stand out in this crowded field to have a chance. As for Joyce Glaise, it’s sad to say that she just looks lost at times.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed doing it. Next stop for SouthsideCentral is going to be a “Power Rankings” of the candidates.

7 comments to Danville City Council Forum – American Legion Forum (Part #2)

  • Lee Smallwood

    What I’m taking from this is that the three incumbents should be re-elected, and the final seat is going to be an interesting race between Motley who has some demographics on his side, Buckner who has the public tie to Lee Vogler and the catchiest signage, and Witter who seems to have the best idea of what she is getting into of any of the challengers. I cannot for the life of me see any argument for Glaise after these events.

    The question on my mind, however, is what happened to Madison Whittle. His slogan was terrible. Was that enough to torpedo things?

  • Rich

    There’s a lot of reasons to support Buckner. Nothing against the rest of them, but he seems the most genuine to me. No outside political agendas or dreams of higher office. Just plain old common sense and a desire to serve the public. We could certainly use some of that. He has my vote!!

  • Based on my attendance at the Council forums, I would say the winners are: Miller, Jones, Gilstrap and Witter. The incumbents are qualified to continue serving. Dawn Witter has, by her answers, shown that she is knowledgeable of the issues. In conversations with her I am confident that she will research and study issues. She wants to be a voice of the people. I believe that she will vote based on what she believes is best for all as whole. I believe she will offer a prospective that others on Council may not have considered. She will offer ideas not gimmicks. I plan to give Dawn Witter one of my four votes. I like that she is not afraid to take on issues and stand up for them. She will not take the easy route if a more difficult one is best on. That’s means a lot to me. As far as poor attendance at the American Legion Forum, little advertisement played a role in that. American Legion post members did not seem to be in attendance. FYI Bruce, Chuck Vipperman informed me that he left the forum during the break because he had to go home to prepare for work the next day and he begins his day at 4:30 a.m. (and is up til 11 p.m. preparing) so he needed to go home. It is sad that people do not realize that there is opportunity to listen to the candidates before voting. I would love for 1 major event to be held for City Council elections-well publicized, well organized, with the opportunity for audience questions. I would even support an “incentive” being offered for those who attend (in an effort to encourage and promote participation). I would hope that doing this will show that we can learn about candidates and why it is important to know who you are voting for, and to vote! What a great way to promote involvement!

  • I will be voting for 1 as usual.

  • Lee Smallwood

    Oh I’m just going by what you are reporting on what they said. I score things a bit higher for Witter than you do in my own personal tally. I am relying on you describing what was said, but my guess is you’re not really fudging on that part.

  • Rich

    Give Buckner one of your votes too! The more new blood, the better. There’s no ego and selfishness with him. He would be a TRUE public servant. I have no doubt of it.

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