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Danville City Council Election – Update #1

Twelve days to go before the election, so lets see how the election is shaping up.

Let’s start it off with a Big Board Of Random Thoughts…

  • This year’s City Council election has been about as routine as all of the rest of them always turn out to be.
  • With Danville City Council working so well together, it’s been no surprise that the incumbents have been extremely strong.
  • If Adam Tomer had ran for re-election, I firmly believe that all four incumbents would have been easily reelected.
  • I’m not surprised that Lee Vogler has been the only sitting councilmember who has been active in this election process.
  • Justin Ferrell would have made this race a lot more interesting because he would have gotten the youth voting bloc involved. I am not picking up much excitement from the youth bloc in this cycle, and that’s a shame only two years after that bloc propelled Lee Vogler into his win.
  • Madison Whittle’s only chance to have won would have been to “buy” the election with loads of advertising. Based on Danville’s voting tendencies, that strategy could have worked. He saved a lot of money by dropping out.
  • Although they’ll never admit it, I believe that the three incumbents (Gary Miller, Alonzo Jones and John Gilstrap) think that they are safe.
  • I’m starting to hear slight undercurrents of “Is it time for a new mayor?” but I’ve not gotten anything concrete to investigate yet.
  • There’s too many candidate forums this time. Three should be enough.

Ok, enough Random Thoughts.

Let’s go to each candidate and see how they’ve done in these last few weeks since our last update. We’ll start with the incumbents.

  • Gary Miller: He’s as strong as I thought he would be. He’s running a good re-election campaign that’s focusing on his strengths. I laughingly remark that he’s getting a bit “crotchety old man” as the campaign nears its end but he’s well on his way to another 4-year term. He’s EVEN since our last update.
  • Alonzo Jones: If Danville ever gets a late-night talk show, I want Alonzo to be the host. He can’t help but take over the room with his personality and his leadership in his first four years is leading him to another term. He’s getting stronger as the days count down, and I’m going to rate him SLIGHTLY UP since our last update since his presence continues to grow.
  • John Gilstrap: I’m astonished at how he has used his vast knowledge of how the city works to become an excellent councilman, and his performance at the local forums continue to show he’s well deserving of re-election. He’s been bold enough to correct others’ mistakes at these forums and is acting like the boss. I’ll rate him UP since our last update.

The incumbents are strong. With three strong incumbents on the way to re-election, there’s really one available seat for four challengers. Let’s see how they’re doing…

  • Dawn Witter: Witter continues to stick to her issues and has already won the subset of voters that she was going to win anyway. The problem for her is that she had already won those votes when she announced her candidacy. Witter was amazingly forceful and strong at the first forum but I haven’t seen that fire in her lately. She missed a big chance to connect at the Chamber of Commerce’s forum but she’s not out. For Witter to win, she’s got to connect with the old white people voting bloc and the business people voting bloc. She’s a fighter and there’s time left on the clock. Since our last update, I’ve got to rate Witter as SLIGHTLY DOWN.
  • James Buckner: Buckner got blindsided with a family death in the past few weeks but he jumped right back up and kept going in the campaign. His key to winning will be getting out the vote. Since our last update, James Buckner has been EVEN.
  • Joyce Glaise: I was horrified at Joyce Glaise’s performance at the first few forums and thought she was a cartoon version of the “out-of-touch politician”. Holy wow, she has pulled herself out of that tailspin and I’m highly impressed at her turnaround. I’m not sure if it’s too late because she’ll have to overcome Witter & Buckner’s momentum to win the seat. That being said, I’m quite pleased to rate Glaise as STRONGLY UP since our last update.
  • Thomas Motley: I started this election cycle really hoping that Motley would have a decent chance in this big field of candidates. He had the experience of two unsuccessful campaigns and could have used that to see what worked. He’s gone in the other direction by missing candidate forums and blaming others for his previous losses. There’s more to Danville than utility rate increases. Thomas motley is way better than the campaign he’s running. Since our last update, he’s STRONGLY DOWN.

So there you have it…  More coming up on SouthsideCentral.

8 comments to Danville City Council Election – Update #1

  • Rich

    A few points: I have seen young people excited about one of the candidates: James Buckner. He’s not the dynamic speaker or campaigner that Vogler was two years ago but he’s steadily built up a following. I’m not sure I’ve met someone yet who doesn’t like the guy. Witter seems to be fading. The 3 incumbents, for better or worse, are probably locks. From what I’ve heard, Glaise woke up in the past 2 forums but how many people were there to see it? It’s probably between Buckner and Witter and I’d give the edge to Buckner right now.

    And I’m not sure that I’d day “young people” propelled Vogler to his victory 2 years ago. He beat everyone on the ballot except for the Mayor. Those weren’t just young people. He did well across the board. He worked for it. Hats off to him.

  • Sheila B

    1. There is no “excitement” in the air. 2. It is likely that the incumbents will be re-elected-it depends on who comes out to vote. 3. James Buckner seems nice but does not appear to be a leader. Heard that speech reading needs more work (if you write it yourself it is easier to read it). Being a nice guy does not mean you belong on council. 4. The “one man (woman) band” philosophy is not conducive to working with 8 other people to get the job done. Joyce Glaise is running on the idea that she is so connected to the Governor and Senators that when she asks them to bring jobs here they are going to do it. She hasn’t asked already? That philosophy is ridiculous. Have not seen or heard anything better from her campaign. 5.Dawn Witter (from reports by those who were there) did very well at the Chamber of Commerce and the Realtors forum. She actually spoke about what she would like to do on Council. She is known for standing up for what she believes in–which is an attribute for council. She is not likely to go along simply to go along. She is burning up the doors with knocks. 6. Rev. Motley has tried and failed and is expected to fail again. Time for him to move on. One can do good in a community without serving on council. 7. Heard that some say we need a new mayor? I heard that during the last council election and we still have the same mayor. My prediction: One new person will serve on Council. Women make up 52% of the population in the City and females vote. Women do not just for a woman because she is a woman. She has to much more than than to grab those votes. Dawn Witter is smart, strong and happens to be a female voice and that may very well make her the newest member of Council.

  • H.W.

    Funny that Ms. Baynes makes an accusation about Buckner’s speeches, yet it’s quite clear someone else other than Dawn Witter is posting under the “Dawn Witter for City Council” page. The last couple of days have shown comments from that account that are speaking of Dawn in the 3rd person…about giving checks “to Dawn” etc. Who is writing Dawn’s material? Sheila Baynes anyone?

    Ms. Witter seemed lost in her speech to the Chamber of Commerce…talked about sitting on her porch and wanting police to walk the streets (they already do that by the way)….no mention of jobs, businesses or the economy. Nothing against her. A woman on City Council would be nice. But she shouldn’t win by default just because she’s a woman.

    Frankly, I couldn’t care less if Buckner’s “speech reading needs more work”…we’ve got enough speech readers on Council. I want someone with no axes to grind and simply wants to work hard at serving the people. Buckner is that guy. He’s got my vote.

    James Buckner for City Council!

  • Jerry

    It’s odd to look at the City’s politics. From the 60s through the 90s, Danville had some of the most colorful politics in the state, some real characters on Council, and some real policy disagreements. There hasn’t been a very “exciting” race since the 2000 donnybrook when you had the “business” v. “education” slates. There used to be epic battles and campaigns. I can remember in the early 90s when the restaurant owners declared war on the City Council over the meals tax. I think there were 10 or so candidates. It seemed like every yard in the City had a sign in it for someone or the other.

    Now, it’s pretty boring. Oh, once a year or so there may be a tiny zoning issue with a 5-4 vote. But for the most part, it’s “auto pilot” nowadays.

  • Sheila B

    HW…..What is your name. Come clean!…What is posted has nothing to do with what a candidate says as a forum. It is not anything close to reading a speech at a forum that you are not able to complete without problems. I understand that candidate Witter has been doing very well at the forums. Please share with me what Buckner has said that sets him apart from other candidates? Inquiring minds want to know. I told you who I am, not, do the same. If you write it, claim it.

  • Sheila B

    I agree Jerry, and I think I know who you are and I encourage posters to share their full names. Signs don’t vote, and few people vote these days in the very elections that affect them on a daily bases. Council sets the stage for our everyday lives, why aren’t many of us paying attention?

  • JG

    Yes, Sheila. You support Dawn Witter. We know.

  • Austin

    The incumbents don’t show me very much and I’m concerned about a couple of the challengers. One of which doesn’t seem to live in Danville half of the week or more….and another who has people that don’t even live here writing to the newspaper advocating for her election because of her work with Parents and Friends of Gays and Lesbians….seems to be raising money from these outside advocacy groups….not to mention running on a very liberal platform and the campaign is being run by well known local liberals (Sheila Baynes etc)…City Council is about finding middle ground and listening to the constituents of this city. I feel she’s only going to fight for a certain swath of the city.

    Rev. Motley is a genuine guy and means well. But isn’t this his 3rd try in a row? Buckner strikes me as a guy who will come in with his ears open and his mouth shut. There’s enough hot air in that room. It will be a refreshing change.

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